AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-09-29Video encoder changed form 'avconv' to 'ffmpeg'HEADmastersan
2015-09-28Merge branch 'master' of
2015-09-28remove first from queryset because this will work in > django1.5Sanmugam
2015-09-24Subject:added table sorteryour_name
2015-09-23Merge branch 'master' of
2015-09-23Added Video path constantprathamesh
2015-09-23added value for "Select a Tutorial" for tutorial choiceashwini shinde
2015-09-21Subject:video tile, minute-range and second-range auto selected.your_name
2015-05-07question delete, hide, show featureSanmugasundaram K
2015-03-05minor bug fixSanmugasundaram K
2015-02-19Restrict disabled user from loginSanmugasundaram K
2015-02-13CC Licence, Questions order display change.Sanmugasundaram K
2015-01-08all tables linked with new websiteSanmugasundaram K
2015-01-07drupal auth user id change to spoken auth user id in all old recordsSanmugasundaram K
2015-01-07drupal_auth move to spoken_authSanmugasundaram K
2014-10-07changed auth dbJayaram R Pai
2014-06-19completed unanswered notificationJayaram Pai
2014-06-19added unanswered question notification - betaJayaram Pai
2014-06-17added spacing between logo and brand textJayaram Pai
2014-05-22fixed unicode escape problem.Jayaram Pai
2014-05-13changed slider direction to standardJayaram Pai
2014-05-13removed oscad workshop notificationJayaram Pai
2014-05-08changed nice-bar contentJayaram Pai
2014-05-04added pretty urls to questionsJayaram Pai
2014-05-04changed new_question email contentJayaram Pai
2014-05-03ignored question in filter added back with highlightJayaram Pai
2014-05-03added General FOSS category, fixed user-loginJayaram Pai
2014-05-03addded inkscape logosJayaram Pai
2014-05-03added Inkscape to the categories listJayaram Pai
2014-04-29excepted NoneType error on login page.Jayaram Pai
2014-04-28Oscad workshop notification added.Jayaram Pai
2014-04-28minor bug fixed: on ask a new questionJayaram Pai
2014-04-24updated slick versionJayaram Pai
2014-04-24fixed slider speed, and button displayJayaram Pai
2014-04-23changed slick in index pageJayaram Pai
2014-04-22removed comment testing emailJayaram Pai
2014-04-21added oscad logo, mv image locationsJayaram Pai
2014-04-21changed slick to autoplayJayaram Pai
2014-04-20made basic responsiveness, minor css, glyph changesJayaram Pai
2014-04-20uncommented activate in forums/wsgi.pyJayaram Pai
2014-04-20added questions page, other minor fixes, nicedit configsJayaram Pai
2014-04-19added meta to answers, fixed video_pathJayaram Pai
2014-04-19changed compressor root for serving using apacheJayaram Pai
2014-04-19fixed clear all notification bugJayaram Pai
2014-04-19compress root addedJayaram Pai
2014-04-19enabled compess modeJayaram Pai
2014-04-19enabled wsgi: activateJayaram Pai
2014-04-19updated pip: requirements.txtJayaram Pai
2014-04-19fixed merge conflictJayaram Pai
2014-04-19basic email and notification added, new frontpage interfaceJayaram Pai