path: root/website/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'website/')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/website/ b/website/
index 32a21a8..8d2242a 100644
--- a/website/
+++ b/website/
@@ -6,39 +6,63 @@ from django.db.models import Q
tutorials = (
("", "Select a Tutorial"),
-minutes = (
- ("", "min"),
-seconds= (
- ("", "sec"),
+minutes = ( )
+seconds = ( )
class NewQuestionForm(forms.Form):
category = forms.ChoiceField(choices = [('', 'Select a Category'),] + list(TutorialResources.objects.filter(Q(status = 1) | Q(status = 2), language__name = 'English').values('tutorial_detail__foss__foss').order_by('tutorial_detail__foss__foss').values_list('tutorial_detail__foss__foss', 'tutorial_detail__foss__foss').distinct()), widget=forms.Select(attrs = {}), required = True, error_messages = {'required':'State field is required.'})
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- category = kwargs.pop('category', None)
- selecttutorial = kwargs.pop('tutorial', None)
- super(NewQuestionForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- tutorial_choices = (
- ("", "Select a Tutorial"),
- )
- if not category and args and 'category' in args[0] and args[0]['category']:
- category = args[0]['category']
- if FossCategory.objects.filter(foss=category).exists():
- self.fields['category'].initial = category
- tutorials = TutorialDetails.objects.using('spoken').filter(foss__foss=category)
- for tutorial in tutorials:
- tutorial_choices += ((tutorial.tutorial, tutorial.tutorial),)
- self.fields['tutorial'] = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Select(choices=tutorial_choices))
- if TutorialDetails.objects.using('spoken').filter(tutorial=selecttutorial).exists():
- self.fields['tutorial'].initial = selecttutorial
- else:
- self.fields['tutorial'] = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Select(choices=tutorial_choices))
- minute_range = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Select(choices=minutes))
- second_range = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Select(choices=seconds))
title = forms.CharField(max_length=200)
body = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea())
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ category = kwargs.pop('category', None)
+ selecttutorial = kwargs.pop('tutorial', None)
+ select_min = kwargs.pop('minute_range', None)
+ select_sec = kwargs.pop('second_range', None)
+ super(NewQuestionForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ tutorial_choices = (
+ ("", "Select a Tutorial"),
+ )
+ # check minute_range, secpnd_range coming from spoken website
+ # user clicks on post question link through website
+ if (select_min != None and select_sec != None):
+ minutes = (
+ (select_min,select_min),
+ )
+ seconds= (
+ (select_sec, select_sec),
+ )
+ else:
+ minutes = (
+ ("","min"),
+ )
+ seconds= (
+ ("","sec"),
+ )
+ if not category and args and 'category' in args[0] and args[0]['category']:
+ category = args[0]['category']
+ if FossCategory.objects.filter(foss=category).exists():
+ self.fields['category'].initial = category
+ tutorials = TutorialDetails.objects.using('spoken').filter(foss__foss=category)
+ for tutorial in tutorials:
+ tutorial_choices += ((tutorial.tutorial, tutorial.tutorial),)
+ self.fields['tutorial'] = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Select(choices=tutorial_choices))
+ if TutorialDetails.objects.using('spoken').filter(tutorial=selecttutorial).exists():
+ self.fields['tutorial'].initial = selecttutorial
+ self.fields['minute_range'] = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Select(choices=minutes))
+ self.fields['second_range'] = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Select(choices=seconds))
+ else:
+ self.fields['minute_range'] = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Select(choices=minutes))
+ self.fields['second_range'] = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Select(choices=seconds))
+ else:
+ self.fields['tutorial'] = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Select(choices=tutorial_choices))
+ self.fields['minute_range'] = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Select(choices=minutes))
+ self.fields['second_range'] = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Select(choices=seconds))
class AnswerQuesitionForm(forms.Form):
question = forms.IntegerField(widget=forms.HiddenInput())