
  \frametitle{What are Strings?}
  \item Anything quoted is a string
  \item Single quotes, double quotes or triple single/double quotes
  \item Any length --- single character, null string, \ldots
   In[]: 'This is a string'
   In[]: "This is a string too'
   In[]: '''This is a string as well'''
   In[]: """This is also a string"""
   In[]: ''  # empty string

  \frametitle{Why so many?}
  \item Reduce the need for escaping 
   In[]: "Python's strings are powerful!"
   In[]: 'He said, "I love Python!"'
  \item Triple quoted strings can be multi-line
  \item Used for doc-strings

  \frametitle{Assignment \& Operations}
   In[]: a = 'Hello'
   In[]: b = 'World'
   In[]: c = a + ', ' + b + '!'
  \item Strings can be multiplied with numbers
   In[]: a = 'Hello'
   In[]: a * 5

  \frametitle{Accessing Elements}
   In[]: print a[0], a[4], a[-1], a[-4]
  \item Can we change the elements?
   In[]: a[0] = 'H'
  \item Strings are immutable!

  \frametitle{Problem - Day of the Week?}
  \item Strings have methods to manipulate them
    Given a list, \texttt{week}, containing names of the days of the
    week and a string \texttt{s}, check if the string is a day of the
    week. We should be able to check for any of the forms like,
    \emph{sat, saturday, Sat, Saturday, SAT, SATURDAY}
  \item Get the first 3 characters of the string
  \item Convert it all to lower case
  \item Check for existence in the list, \texttt{week}

   In[]:  q = "Hello World"
   In[]: q[0:3]
   In[]: q[:3]
   In[]: q[3:]
   In[]: q[:]
   In[]: q[-1:1]
   In[]: q[1:-1]
  \item One or both of the limits, is optional

   In[]: q[0:5:1]
   In[]: q[0:5:2]
   In[]: q[0:5:3]
   In[]: q[0::2]
   In[]: q[2::2]
   In[]: q[::2]
   In[]: q[5:0:-1]
   In[]: q[::-1]

  \frametitle{String Methods} 
   In[]: s.lower()
   In[]: s.upper()
  \item \alert{Strings are immutable!}
  \item A new string is being returned

  \frametitle{Solution - Day of the Week?}
   In[]: s.lower()[:3] in week
   In[]: s[:3].lower() in week

  \frametitle{\texttt{join} a list of strings}
  \item Given a list of strings
  \item We wish to join them into a single string
  \item Possibly, each string separated by a common token
  In[]:  email_list = ["info@fossee.in", 
  In[]:  '; '.join(email_list)
  In[]:  ', '.join(email_list)


  \frametitle{\texttt{if-else} block}
  In[]:  a = 5
  In[]:  if a % 2 == 0:
  ....:     print "Even"
  ....:  else:
  ....:     print "Odd"
  \item A code block -- \texttt{:} and indentation
  \item Exactly one block gets executed in the \texttt{if-else}

   In[]: if a > 0:           
   ....:     print "positive"
   ....: elif a < 0:         
   ....:     print "negative"
   ....: else:               
   ....:     print "zero"    
  \item Only one block gets executed, depending on \texttt{a}

  \frametitle{\texttt{else} is optional}
  In[]:  if user == 'admin':         
  ....:      admin_Operations()
  ....:  elif user == 'moderator':   
  ....:      moderator_operations()
  ....:  elif user == 'client':      
  ....:      customer_operations()
  \item Note that there is no \texttt{else} block

  \frametitle{Ternary operator}
  \item \texttt{score\_str} is either \texttt{'AA'} or a string of one
    of the numbers in the range 0 to 100. 
  \item We wish to convert the string to a number using \texttt{int}
  \item Convert it to 0, when it is \texttt{'AA'}
  \item \texttt{if-else} construct or the ternary operator
   In[]: if score_str != 'AA':
   ....:     score = int(score_str)
   ....: else:
   ....:     score = 0
   In[]: ss = score_str
   In[]: score = int(ss) if ss != 'AA' else 0

  \item \texttt{pass} is a syntactic filler
  \item When a certain block has no statements, a \texttt{pass} is
    thrown in
  \item Mostly, when you want to get back to that part, later.


  \item Print squares of all odd numbers less than 10 using
  In[]:  i = 1

  In[]:  while i<10:
  ....:      print i*i
  ....:      i += 2
  \item The loops runs as long as the condition is \texttt{True}

  \item Print squares of all odd numbers less than 10 using
  In[]:  for n in [1, 2, 3]:
  ....:      print n
  \item \texttt{for} iterates over each element of a sequence
  In[]:  for n in [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]: 
  ....:      print n*n

  In[]:  for n in range(1, 10, 2):
  ....:      print n*n
  \item \alert{range([start,] stop[, step])}
  \item Returns a list; Stop value is not included. 

  \item breaks out of the innermost loop.
  \item Squares of odd numbers below 10 using \texttt{while} \&
  In[]:  i = 1

  In[]:  while True:
  ....:      print i*i
  ....:      i += 2
  ....:      if i>10:
  ....:          break

  \item Skips execution of rest of the loop on current iteration
  \item Jumps to the end of this iteration
  \item Squares of all odd numbers below 10, not multiples of 3
  In[]:  for n in range(1, 10, 2):
  ....:      if n%3 == 0:
  ....:          continue      
  ....:      print n*n


  \frametitle{Creating Lists}
   In[]: empty = [] 

   In[]: p = ['spam', 'eggs', 100, 1.234]
   In[]: q = [[4, 2, 3, 4], 'and', 1, 2, 3, 4]
  \item Lists can be empty, with no elements in them
  \item Lists can be heterogeneous -- every element of different kind

  \frametitle{Accessing Elements}
  In[]:  print p[0], p[1], p[3]

  In[]:  print p[-1], p[-2], p[-4]
  In[]:  print p[10]
  \item Indexing starts from 0
  \item Indexes can be negative
  \item Indexes should be in the valid range

  \frametitle{Accessing Elements \& length}
  In[]:  print p[0], p[1], p[3]

  In[]: print p[-1], p[-2], p[-4]
  In[]: print len(p)
  In[]:  print p[10]
  \item Indexing starts from 0
  \item Indexes can be negative
  \item Indexes should be within the \texttt{range(0, len(p))}

  \frametitle{Adding \& Removing Elements}
  \item The append method adds elements to the end of the list
  In[]:  p.append('onemore')
  In[]:  p
  In[]:  p.append([1, 6])
  In[]: p
  \item Elements can be removed based on their index OR
  \item based on the value of the element
   In[]: del p[1]
   In[]: p.remove(100)
  \item \alert{When removing by value, first element is removed}

  \frametitle{Concatenating lists}
  In[]:  a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
  In[]:  b = [4, 5, 6, 7]
  In[]:  a + b
  In[]:  print a+b, a, b
  \item A new list is returned; None of the original lists change
   In[]: c = a + b
   In[]: c

  \frametitle{Slicing \& Striding}
  In[]:  primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29]
  In[]:  primes[4:8]
  In[]:  primes[:4]

  In[]:  num = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
  In[]:  num[1:10:2]
  In[]:  num[:10]
  In[]: num[10:]
  In[]: num[::2]
  In[]: num[::-1]

  In[]:  a = [5, 1, 6, 7, 7, 10]
  In[]:  a.sort()
  In[]:  a
  \item \texttt{sort} method sorts the list in-place
  \item Use \texttt{sorted} if you require a new list
  In[]:  a = [5, 1, 6, 7, 7, 10]
  In[]:  sorted(a)
  In[]:  a

  In[]:  a = [5, 1, 6, 7, 7, 10]
  In[]:  a.reverse()
  In[]:  a
  \item \texttt{reverse} method reverses the list in-place
  \item Use \texttt{[::-1]} if you require a new list
  In[]:  a = [5, 1, 6, 7, 7, 10]
  In[]:  a[::-1]
  In[]:  a