Using Python modules ==================== We shall, in this section, see how to run Python scripts from the command line, and more details about importing modules. Let us create a simple python script to print hello world. Open your text editor and type the following, and save the script as ````. :: print "Hello world!" Until now we have been running scripts from inside IPython, using :: %run -i But, as we know, IPython is just an advanced interpreter and it is not mandatory that every one who wants to run your program has IPython installed. So, the right method to run the script, would be to run it using the Python interpreter. Open the terminal and navigate to the directory where ```` is saved. Then run the script by saying, :: python The script is executed and the string ``Hello World!`` has been printed. Now let us run a script that plots a simple sine curve in the range -2pi to 2pi, using Python, instead of running it from within IPython. Type the following lines and save it in ```` file. :: x = linspace(-2*pi, 2*pi, 100) plot(x, sin(x)) show() Now let us run as a python script. :: python Do we get the plot? No! All we get is error messages. Python complains that ``linspace`` isn't defined. What happened? Let us try to run the same script from within IPython. Start IPython, with the ``-pylab`` argument and run the script. It works! What is going on, here? IPython when started with the ``-pylab`` option, is importing a whole set of functionality for us to work with, without bothering about importing etc. Let us now try to fix the problem by importing ``linspace``. Let's add the following line as the first line in the script. :: from scipy import * Now let us run the script again, :: python Now we get an error, that says ``plot`` is not defined. Let's edit the file and import this from pylab. Let's add the following line, as the second line of our script. :: from pylab import * And run the script, :: python Yes! it worked. So what did we do? We actually imported the required functions and keywords, using ``import``. By using the *, we are asking python to import everything from the ``scipy`` and ``pylab`` modules. This isn't a good practice, as 1. it imports a lot of unnecessary things 2. the two modules may have functions with the same name, which would cause a conflict. One of the ways out is to import only the stuff that we need, explicitly. Let us modify by replacing the import statements with the following lines. :: from scipy import linspace, pi, sin from pylab import plot, show Now let us try running the code again as, :: python As expected, this works. But, once the number of functions that you need to import increases, this is slightly inconvenient. Also, you cannot use functions with the same name, from different modules. To overcome this, there's another method. We could just import the modules as it is, and use the functions or other objects as a part of those modules. Change the import lines, to the following. :: import scipy import pylab Now, replace ``pi`` with ``scipy.pi``. Similarly, for ``sin`` and ``linspace``. Replace ``plot`` and ``show`` with ``pylab.plot`` and ````, respectively. Now, run the file and see that we get the output, as expected. We have learned how to import from modules, but what exactly is a module? How is one written? A module is simply a Python script containing the definitions and statements, which can be imported. So, it is very easy to create your own modules. You just need to stick in all your definitions into your python file and put the file in your current directory. When importing, Python searches the locations present in a variable called the Python path. So, our module file should be present in one of the locations in the Python path. The first location to be searched is the current directory of the script being run. So, having our module file in the current working directory, is the simplest way to allow it to be used as a module and import things from it. Python has a very rich standard library of modules. It is very extensive, offering a wide range of facilities. Some of the standard modules are, for Math: math, random for Internet access: urllib2, smtplib for System, Command line arguments: sys for Operating system interface: os for regular expressions: re for compression: gzip, zipfile, tarfile And there are lot more. Find more information at Python Library reference, ```` There are a lot of other modules like pylab, scipy, Mayavi, etc which are not part of the standard Python library. This brings us to the end of our discussion on modules and running scripts from the command line. Writing modules =============== In this section we shall look at writing modules, in some more detail. Often we will have to reuse the code that we have previously written. We do that by writing functions. Functions can then be put into modules, and imported as and when required. Let us first write a function that computes the gcd of two numbers and save it in a script. :: def gcd(a, b): while b: a, b = b, a%b return a Now, we shall write a test function in the script that tests the gcd function, to see if it works. :: if gcd(40, 12) == 4 and gcd(12, 13) == 1: print "Everything OK" else: print "The GCD function is wrong" Let us save the file as in ``/home/fossee/`` and run it. :: $ python /home/fossee/ We can see that the script is executed and everything is fine. What if we want to use the gcd function in some of our other scripts. This is also possible since every python file can be used as a module. But first, we shall understand what happens when you import a module. Open IPython and type :: import sys sys.path This is a list of locations where python searches for a module when it encounters an import statement. Hence, when we just did ``import sys``, python searches for a file named ```` or a folder named ``sys`` in all these locations one by one, until it finds one. We can place our script in any one of these locations and import it. The first item in the list is an empty string which means the current working directory is also searched. Alternatively, we can also import the module if we are working in same directory where the script exists. Since we are in /home/fossee, we can simply do :: import gcd_script We can see that the gcd_script is imported. But the test code that we added at the end of the file is also executed. But we want the test code to be executed only when the file is run as a python script and not when it is imported. This is possible by using ``__name__`` variable. Go to the file and add :: if __name__ == "__main__": before the test code and indent the test code. Let us first run the code. :: $ python We can see that the test runs successfully. Now we shall import the file :: import gcd_script We see that now the test code is not executed. The ``__name__`` variable is local to every module and it is equal to ``__main__`` only when the file is run as a script. Hence, all the code that goes in to the if block, ``if __name__ == "__main__":`` is executed only when the file is run as a python script. .. Local Variables: mode: rst indent-tabs-mode: nil sentence-end-double-space: nil fill-column: 75 End: