8.3 Using Python Modules ======================== 1. Execute python scripts from command line * An example to show how a script can be executed from the command line (0.31 - 2.17) * Syntax to perform the execution (2.18 - 2.25) #. Import modules * Example to import scipy and pylab module (2.26 - 5.28) * Better way of importing (5.29 - 7.54) * Exercise 1: plot a sine wave from minus two pi to two pi(7.59 - 9.02) #. Use python standard modules and 3rd party modules * what is a module (9.04 - 9.22) * Python standard library(9.23 - 10.30) #. Summary(10.34 - 10.51) #. Evaluation Questions(10.53 - 12.15)