8.2 Advanced features of functions ================================== 1. Assign default values to arguments * use of function as an example to understand what a default value of an argument means(0.42 - 2.40) #. Calling function with their default arguments * An example to explain how a function is called by it's arguments(2.41 - 4.01) * Exercise 1: Redifine a function by interchaning it's default arguments(4.06 - 4.51) * Exercise 2: make a note of all the arguments with default values for 'linspace'(4.57 - 5.28) * Exercise 3: Call a function without any arguments(5.34 - 6.18) #. Define and call functions with keyword arguments * Explanation with examples of keyword arguments(6.19 - 8.28) #. Built-in functions available in Python standard library and the scientific computing libraries * What are built-in functions(8.36 - 9.07) * Classes of functions in pylab, scipy(9.08 - 9.44) #. Summary(9.45 - 10.02) #. Evaluation Questions(10.03 - 11.34)