8.1 getting started with functions

1. Define a function(0.40 - 1.08)
   * Definition of a function(0.23 - 0.42)
   * Defining and calling a mathematical function(0.48 - 2.18)
   * Exercise 1: to write a function which calculates the cube of a number(2.19 - 3.04)
   * Example of a function without arguments(3.05 - 3.56)
#. Define functions with arguments
   * Exercise 2: to write a function which calculates the average of 2 numbers(3.57 - 5.05)

#. Docstrings
   * Know what are docstrings(5.06 - 7.01)
   * examples of docstrings like avg and f(7.02 - 7.47)
   * Exercise 3:To add docstring to a function(7.48 - 8.31)

#. Exercise 3:Combined exercise of a function with docstring(8.32 - 10.02)

#. Function return value
   * How can function return any number of values(10.03 - 10.38)

#. Read Codes
   * Few code reading exercises(10.39 - 14.12)

#. Summary(14.13 - 14.38)

#. Evaluation Questions(14.39 - 15.48)