7.5 Sets ======== 1. Create sets from lists * Definition of sets(0.35 - 0.51) * Create a set(0.54 - 1.32) #. Perform union, intersection and symmetric difference operations * Perform union on sets(1.33 - 2.49) * Perform intersection on sets(2.50 - 3.03) * Perform difference on sets(3.03 - 3.20) * Obtain symmetric difference(3.21 - 3.44) #. Check if a set is a subset of other(3.46 - 4.36) #. Understand various similarities with lists like length and containership * Iteration on sets(4.37 - 5.02) * Length and containership(5.03 - 5.43) * Exercise 1: List all the duplicates from a given list(5.49 - 7.29) #. Summary(7.33 - 8.03) #. Evaluation Questions(8.05 - 9.49)