7.2 Manipulating strings ======================== 1. Slice strings and get sub-strings out of them * Check whether a particular string is valid for the given list(0.45 - 3.00) * Exercise 1: Obtain a sub-string excluding the first and last characters from the string s(3.08 - 4.10) #. Reverse strings. * Finding out, if a given string is palindromic or not(4.11 - 5.24) #.Convert strings to upper or lower case. * Converting a string to lower/upper case(5.25 - 6.49) * Exercise 2: Combined exercise of sub-string and converting strings to upper/lower case(6.56 - 8.01) #. Replace characters in strings. * Example of replacing special characters in strings(8.02 - 9.18) * Exercise 3: Replace the ``[dot]`` with ``.``(9.27 - 10.06) #. Join a list of strings * Example showing how to obtain one long string of e-mail addresses separated by commas or semi-colons from a list of e-mail addresses(10.07 - 11.32) * Exercise 4: Change the seperator from a given string(11.39 - 12.29) #. Summary(12.33 - 12.54) #. Evaluation Questions(12.56 - 14.10)