6.4 Loops ========= 1. Use the ``while`` loop(0.30 - 1.40) * Exercise 1: Write a while loop for the given problem(1.45 - 2.25) #. Use the ``for`` loop(2.26 - 3.11) * Exercise 2: Write a for loop for the given problem(3.17 - 3.45) #. Use ``break``, ``continue`` and ``pass`` statements to play around with loops(3.46 -) * pass(3.51 - 4.20) * break(4.20 - 5.41) * continue(5.42 - 6.35) * Exercise 3: Write a for loop using ``continue'' keyword(6.40 - 7.29) #. Summary(7.31 - 7.45) #. Evaluation Questions(7.48 - 8.35)