5.2 Getting started with symbolics ================================== 1. Define symbolic expressions in sage(0.29 - 2.52) * Exercise 1: Define given expressions as symbolic expressions(3.03 - 3.44) #. Use built-in constants and functions * built-in constants(3.46 - 4.59) * built-in functions(5.00 - 6.02) * Exercise 2: Combined problem of built-in constants and functions(6.06 - 7.00) #. Define Symbolic functions * Define arbitary functions(7.03 - 8.09) * Define functions piecewise(8.10 - 9.19) * Define functions convergent series & other series(9.20 - 11.37) * Exercise 3:Define a piecewise function(11.43 - 12.57) #. Perform calculus using sage * Differentiation(12.58 - 14.36) * Integration(14.37 - 15.16) * Find factors(15.17 - 15.45) * Simplify(15.46 - 16.31) * Find roots and substitute(16.32 - 18.02) * Exercise 4: Perform calculus on given expressions(18.07 - 19.51) #. Matrices in Sage(19.52 - 20.56) * Exercise 5: Find the determinant and inverse of the given expression(20.57 - 21.43) #. Summary(21.46 - 22.27) #. Evaluation Questions(22.28 - 23.2s1)