% LateX
% Author: FOSSEE 
% Copyright (c) 2009, FOSSEE, IIT Bombay

\usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{ae,aecompl}
\usepackage{mathpazo,courier,euler} \usepackage[scaled=.95]{helvet}
  postbreak = \space\dots



\setbeamercolor{emphbar}{bg=blue!20, fg=black}



\textcolor{blue}{\huge {\LaTeX}:Tables, Figures and Floats}
\scriptsize Developed by FOSSEE Team, IIT-Bombay. \\ 
\scriptsize Funded by National Mission on Education through ICT\\
\scriptsize  MHRD,Govt. of India\\

  At the end of this session, you will be able to:
  \item Learn how to add figures to your document
  \item Include tabular environments

  Spoken Tutorial on:
  \item {\LaTeX} - Getting Started
  \item {\LaTeX} - Introduction
  \item {\LaTeX} - Structuring the Content
  \item {\LaTeX} - Typesetting Text

  \item The \typ{graphicx} package allows us to insert graphics
  \item \lstinline+\usepackage{graphicx}+
  \item To add a graphic, use \lstinline{\includegraphics} command
  \item Use relative path to the image
  \tiny See rev17 of \typ{hg}

  It takes following optional arguments
  \item \lstinline+scale+ --- specifies the factor by which to scale
    the image 
  \item \lstinline+height+, \lstinline+width+ --- If only one of them
    is specified, aspect ratio is maintained 
  \item \lstinline+keepaspectratio+ --- boolean value to keep aspect
    ratio or not 
  \item \lstinline+angle+ --- specify by what angle the image should
    be rotated 

  \item Graphics (\& Tables) are special because they cannot be broken
    across pages 
  \item They are ``floated'' to the next page, if they don't fit in
    the current page 
  \item Enclose graphic within \lstinline+figure+ environment to make
    it float 
  \item Figure environment takes additional parameter for location of
    \caption{Permission Specifiers}
      Specifier & Permission\\\hline
      t & Top of page\\
      b & Bottom of page\\
      p & Separate page for floats\\
      h & here (the same place where command appears in source)\\
      ! & override \LaTeX's internal parameters for good position

  \frametitle{Captions and References}
  \item Figure environment allows us add a caption
  \item To place the image in the center we enclose it in the
    \lstinline+center+ environment 
  \item We can label images too
  \item label should be added after the caption command
  \item Figures are auto numbered
  \tiny See rev17 of \typ{hg}

  \item \lstinline+tabular+ is used to typeset a table
  \item It is enclosed in a \lstinline+table+ environment to make it a
  \item \lstinline+table+ environment also gives captions, auto

  \item tabular takes formatting of each column as argument

    \caption{tabular environment}
      \lstinline+l+ & left justified column content\\\hline
      \lstinline+r+ & right justified column content\\\hline
      \lstinline+c+ & centered column content\\\hline
      \lstinline+|+ & produces a vertical line\\
  \item also takes an optional parameter for specifying position of
  \item \lstinline+t+ for top, \lstinline+b+ for bottom, \lstinline+c+
    for center 
  \item each column of table is separated by \&
  \item each row is separated by newline \lstinline{\\}
  \item \lstinline+\hline+ give a horizontal line between two rows
  \tiny See rev18 of \typ{hg}

  \frametitle{List of Tables, Figures}
  \item \lstinline+\listoftables+ -- to add a list of tables
  \item \lstinline+\listoffigures+ -- to add a list of figures

	\item Add graphics to a LateX document
	\item Include tabular environments in a LateX document



  \textcolor{blue}{\Large THANK YOU!} 
    For more Information, visit our website\\
