path: root/TDD/getting_started_with_tdd/tdd1_script.rst
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1 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/TDD/getting_started_with_tdd/tdd1_script.rst b/TDD/getting_started_with_tdd/tdd1_script.rst
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+++ b/TDD/getting_started_with_tdd/tdd1_script.rst
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+.. Objectives
+.. ----------
+ .. At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to:
+ .. 1. Know what is TDD.
+ .. 2. Understand the use of test cases.
+ .. 3. Write simple tests for a function.
+.. Prerequisites
+.. -------------
+.. 1. Getting started with functions
+.. L1
+{{{ Show the first slide containing title, name of the production
+team along with the logo of MHRD }}}
+.. R1
+Hello friends and Welcome to the tutorial on
+'Test driven development - Part 1'.
+.. L2
+{{{ Show slide with objectives }}}
+.. R2
+At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to,
+ 1. understand basics of Test Driven Development.
+ #. understand the use test cases.
+ #. write simple tests for a function.
+.. L3
+{{{ Switch to the slide3, pre-requisite slide }}}
+.. R3
+Before beginning this tutorial,we would suggest you to complete the
+tutorial on "Getting started with functions".
+.. R4
+Test-driven development is a software development
+process that relies on the repetition of a very short
+development cycle.
+In TDD,one writes a failing automated test case that
+defines a desired improvement or new function, then produces
+code to pass that test and finally refactors the new code to
+acceptable standards.
+.. L4
+{{{ Switch to slide4 ,What is TDD?}}}
+.. R5
+To illustrate TDD, lets take a simple program. Consider a
+function ``fibonacci``, that takes one argument and returns
+the nth number of ``fibonacci`` series.
+.. L5
+{{{ Switch to slide5, First test- fibonacci }}}
+.. R6
+To test ``fibonacci`` function, we need test
+As shown in this slide,
+test cases are expected outputs for a given set of inputs.
+.. L6
+{{{ Switch to slide6, Test cases }}}
+.. R7
+The sample code for test cases is shown here. Observe that if
+any ``if`` statement is executed, test aborts after printing the
+error message.
+.. L7
+{{{ Switch to slide7, Test cases-Code }}}
+.. R8
+The ``fibonacci`` function is written just enough so that
+test can run.
+.. L8
+{{{ switch to slide8, Stubs }}}
+.. R9
+Combine the function and test cases and put them together in
+```` file.Add the test cases after name=main idiom.
+.. L9
+{{{ Switch to slide9, }}}
+.. R10
+Lets run by typing ``python``.
+As we haven't written any meaningful code in our ``fibonacci``
+function, it fails immediately.
+Our next step is to write just minimum code to pass our tests.
+.. L10
+{{{ Run the in terminal and show the error output.}}}
+ python
+.. R11
+Modify the fibonacci stub function with given code.
+Save and run it again as `` python``.
+{{{ pause }}}
+Observe that, there will be no errors, as
+the test passes successfully.
+.. L11
+{{{ switch to slide-11, Euclidean Algorithm }}}
+Switch to terminal and modify fibonacci function in ``nano``
+editor and run.
+ python
+.. R12
+The same ``fibonacci`` function is modified to make it more readable
+and easy to understand using recursion.
+Pause this video here.Replace the ``fibonacci`` function with recursive one.
+Run the modified ```` file. The test should pass again
+without any errors.
+After successfully achieving this result, you can resume the video.
+.. L12
+{{{ Show slide12, Euclidean Algorithm- Recursive}}}
+.. R13
+This brings us to the end of the tutorial.In this tutorial,
+ we have learnt to,
+ 1. Undestand the basic steps involved in Test driven development.
+ #. Design a Test driven approach for a given ``fibonacci`` function.
+.. L13
+{{{ switch to slide-13,Summary }}}
+.. R14
+Here are some self assessment questions for you to solve
+ 1.
+ 2.
+.. L14
+{{{ switch to slide-14, Evaluation }}}
+.. R15
+And the answers are,
+ 1.
+ 2.
+.. L15
+{{{ switch to slide-15 ,Solutions}}}
+.. R16
+Hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and found it useful.
+Thank you!
+.. L16
+{{{ Switch to slide-16, Thankyou}}}