path: root/Latex/Latex2
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2 files changed, 146 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/Latex/Latex2/latex_intro.tex b/Latex/Latex2/latex_intro.tex
index 722281e..2bb0314 100644
--- a/Latex/Latex2/latex_intro.tex
+++ b/Latex/Latex2/latex_intro.tex
@@ -119,60 +119,67 @@ At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to,
\frametitle{Advantages of using \LaTeX }
- \item Easy availablity of professional templates.
- \item Typesetting complex formulae in a convenient environment.
- \item Can start typesetting with very little effort.
- \item Presence of a lot of add-on packages.
- \item Encourages creation of well structured texts.
+ \item Easy availablity of professional templates.
+ \item Typesetting complex formulae in a convenient environment.
+ \item Can start typesetting with very little effort.
+ \item Presence of a lot of add-on packages.
+ \item Encourages creation of well structured texts.
\frametitle{Disadvantages of using \LaTeX }
- \item Designing whole new layout is difficult.
+ \item Designing whole new layout is difficult.
+ \item LaTeX is not a word processor.
\frametitle{\LaTeX \ input file format}
- \item \LaTeX takes ASCII text file as input.
- \item We can compile \LaTeX files into DVI,Postscript or PDF files.
- \item \alert{Note:} \typ{latex} vs. \typ{pdflatex}
+ \item \LaTeX takes ASCII text file as input.
+ \item We can compile \LaTeX files into DVI,Postscript or PDF files.
+ \item \alert{Note:} \typ{latex} vs. \typ{pdflatex}
- \frametitle{Commands, Comments and Special Characters }
+ \frametitle{Commands,Comments\&Special Characters }
- \item {\LaTeX} is case sensetive.
- \item Commands begin with a \typ{\\}
- \item Environments have a \typ{\\begin} and \typ{\\end}
- \item Any content after the \typ{\\end\{document\}} is ignored
+ \item {\LaTeX} is case sensetive.
+ \item Commands begin with a \typ{\\}
+ \item Environments have a \typ{\\begin} and \typ{\\end}
+ \item Any content after the \typ{\\end\{document\}} is ignored
+ \frametitle{Commands,Comments\&Special Characters \ldots}
- \item Anything that follows a \typ{\%} symbol till end of the line
- is a comment
- \item Special characters (\typ{\~ \# \$ \^ \& \_ \{ \}}) are escaped by a
- \typ{\\}
- \item \typ{\\} symbol is inserted using \typ{\\textbackslash}
- command
+ \item Anything that follows a \typ{\%} symbol till end of the line
+ is a comment
+ \item Special characters (\typ{\~ \# \$ \^ \& \_ \{ \}}) are escaped by a
+ \typ{\\}
+ \item \typ{\\} symbol is inserted using \typ{\\textbackslash}
+ command
+ %\item \textbackslash newline or \textbackslash \textbackslash\ is used to insert newlines.
+ \item \typ{\\newline} or \typ{\\\\} is used to insert newlines.
\frametitle{Typesetting a minimal document}
Write the sample code into the file \typ{temp.tex}
- \begin{verbatim}
- \documentclass{article}
- \title{My First LaTeX Document}
- \begin{document}
- Hello world!
- \end{document}
- \end{verbatim}
+ \vspace{8pt}
+ {\tiny
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ \documentclass{article}
+ \begin{document}
+ SciPy is open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering.
+ \end{document}
+ \end{verbatim}
+ }
@@ -185,7 +192,10 @@ At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to,
\frametitle{Compiling to PDF }
- \alert{pdflatex temp.tex}
+ \alert{pdflatex temp.tex}
+ \end{center}
+ \begin{center}
+ \em Note: Throughout this course, we shall use pdflatex to compile our documents.
@@ -195,57 +205,60 @@ At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to,
In this tutorial, we have learnt,
-\item About LaTeX.
-\item why we prefer LaTeX.
-\item about the advantages and disadvantages of typesetting documents using the LaTeX approach.
-\item A description, of a typical work flow; which uses LaTeX to typeset documents.
-\item The ability to recognize and differentiate between LaTeX commands, LaTeXcomments and special characters, spacing and actual document content.
-\item Created and compiled a very simple LaTeX document.
+ \item About LaTeX.
+ \item why we prefer LaTeX.
+ \item about the advantages and disadvantages of typesetting documents using the LaTeX approach.
+ \item A description, of a typical work flow; which uses LaTeX to typeset documents.
+ \item The ability to recognize and differentiate between LaTeX commands, LaTeXcomments and special characters, spacing and actual document content.
+ \item Created and compiled a very simple LaTeX document.
-\item Convert the temp.dvi created during the course of this tutorial to temp\ using the dvips command. Verify that the two files indeed look the same.
-\item Convert the temp.dvi created during the course of this tutorial to temp\_1.pdf using the dvipdfm command. Verify that the two files indeed look the
+ \item Convert the temp.dvi created during the course of this tutorial to temp\ using the dvips command. Verify that the two files indeed look the same.
+ \vspace{8pt}
+ \item Convert the temp.dvi created during the course of this tutorial to temp\_1.pdf using the dvipdfm command. Verify that the two files indeed look the same.
-\item We can use the following command to convert temp.dvi to temp\\\
-dvips -o temp\ temp.dvi
-\item We can use the following command to convert temp.dvi to temp\_1.pdf\\
-dvipdfm \-o temp\_1.pdf temp.dvi
+ \item We can use the following command to convert temp.dvi to temp\\\
+ \begin{block}{}
+ \begin{center}
+ dvips -o temp\ temp.dvi
+ \end{center}
+ \end{block}
+ \vspace{15pt}
+ \item We can use the following command to convert temp.dvi to temp\_1.pdf\\
+ \begin{block}{}
+ \begin{center}
+ dvipdfm -o temp\_1.pdf temp.dvi
+ \end{center}
+ \end{block}
- \textcolor{blue}{\Large THANK YOU!}
+ \textcolor{blue}{\Large THANK YOU!}
- For more Information, visit our website\\
- \url{}
+ For more Information, visit our website\\
+ \url{}
diff --git a/Latex/Latex2/latex_intro_script.rst b/Latex/Latex2/latex_intro_script.rst
index 398907d..115f26b 100644
--- a/Latex/Latex2/latex_intro_script.rst
+++ b/Latex/Latex2/latex_intro_script.rst
@@ -75,15 +75,16 @@ LaTeX began as TeX, a computer program originally created by
Donald E. Knuth. Its was designed mainly to aid typesetting
of text and mathematical formulae.
-LaTeX is a document preparation system for high quality type
-setting. It is based on the TeX typesetting language or certain
+LaTeX is a typesetting program that produces excellently typeset documents.
+Typesetting is placing text onto a page with all the style formatting defined,
+so that content looks as intended. It is extensively used for producing high
+quality scientific and mathematical documents. It may also be used for
+producing other kinds of documents, ranging from simple one page articles to
+complete books.
LaTeX is pronounced Lah-tech or Lay-tec.
TeX is pronounced Tech. TeX is also the first syllable in the Greek word for
-LaTeX allows authors to typeset and print their content at the highest
-typographical quality, using predefined, professional layouts.
.. L5
@@ -128,6 +129,8 @@ of the document.
Some of the disadvantages of using LaTeX approach to typesetting is
(1) Designing a whole new layout is difficult.
+(2) LaTeX is not a word processor, that is the document author is not expected
+to worry about presentation details like the size of font, for example.
.. L8
@@ -154,66 +157,95 @@ The resultant PDF files can be viewed using standard tools on most platforms
.. R9
-LaTeX, like most utilities in Linux is case sensitive. Commands begin with a
-backslash.LaTeX environments have a begin and end marker. Any content after
-\end{document} is ignored.
+LaTeX, like most utilities in Linux, LaTeX is case sensitive. Commands begin
+with a backslash.LaTeX environments have a begin and end marker. The begin and
+end document commands, mark the beginning and the end of the content of the
+LaTeX document. The text in between the begin and end commands is typeset in
+the output document.Any content after \end{document} is ignored. The type of
+document that is being currently typeset in LaTex, is identified with the
+documentclass command. LaTeX then, typesets the document accordingly.
-Anything that follows a percentage sign (%) till the end of that line is a
-comment. Special characters like tilde or hash,etc have to be escaped by a
-backslash. If you have to insert a backslash into a LaTeX output file, you have
-to use the LaTeX command \textbackslash.
+All the commands in LaTeX begin with a \. An environment begins with a begin
+command and ends with an end command.
-Normally LaTeX automatically spaces the given input optimally. But, sometimes we
-have to insert manual line breaks. This is achieved using the \\ command.
+So, as expected LaTeX ignores anything that is written after the \end{document}
+command. Essentially, anything written after the \end{document} command turns
+out to be a comment. But, how do we write comments with in the document. % is
+the character to indicate comments. Anything written after a % symbol in a
+line, is ignored.
-We can also start a new paragraph using an empty line.
+.. L10
-It must be noted that multiple spaces/empty lines are automatically compressed
-to a single space/line.
-.. L10
+.. R10
+But what if we wanted to insert the % symbol in the document? We can do so by
+escaping it with a \ (backslash). % is one of the many special characters in
+LaTeX. The others are, ~ # $ ^ & _ { } \. All of them, except the \ itself, can
+be inserted by escaping it with a \. To insert a \ in our document, we use the
+command \textbackslash.
+What would happen if we escape a \ with a \?
+A double backslash is actually another command. It inserts a new line in the
+typeset document. Normally LaTeX automatically spaces the given input optimally.
+But, sometimes we have to insert manual line breaks. The \\ command or \newline
+command is used to insert a newline in the output document. Line breaks in the
+input document, do not translate into line breaks in the output document. A
+single line break in the input document, doesn't cause any change in the output.
+A single empty line causes a change in paragraphs in the output. (Multiple
+empty lines are equivalent to a single empty line.) Similarly, multiple spaces
+are treated as a single space.
+.. L11
{{{ Show slide with exercise 1 }}}
-.. R10
+.. R11
Now, we try to create a simple LaTeX document. Pause the tutorial and type the
content shown on the screen in a text editor. Save the file as temp.tex
-.. L10
+.. L12
{{{continue from paused state}}}
-.. R10
+.. R12
Now we compile the commands in the LaTeX input file that is, temp.tex into a
-typeset file.
-The first alternative is to compile LaTeX input file into a DVI file. We use
-the latex command for this purpose.
-For compiling the LaTeX input file temp.tex into a DVI file, we use the
-following command
+typeset file.
+The first alternative is to compile LaTeX input file into a DVI
+file. We use the latex command for this purpose. For compiling the LaTeX input
+file temp.tex into a DVI file, we use the following command
latex temp.tex.
-The output file would be temp.dvi.
-On Gnu/Linux use a program like xdvi to view the output file.
-.. L11
+The output file would be temp.dvi.On Gnu/Linux use a program like xdvi to view
+the output file.
+.. L13
-.. R11
+.. R13
The other alternative is to create PDF files from LaTeX input files.
-We use the pdflatex command for this purpose.
-For compiling the LaTeX input file temp.tex into a PDF file, we use the
-following command
+We use the pdflatex command for this purpose. For compiling the LaTeX input
+file temp.tex into a PDF file, we use the following command
pdflatex temp.tex
-The output file would be temp.pdf
-On Gnu/Linux use a program like evince to view the output file.
-.. L12
+The output file would be temp.pdf.On Gnu/Linux use a program like evince to
+view the output file.
+Please note that, throughout this course we shall be using pdflatex to compile
+our documents.
+.. L14
{{{ Show summary slide }}}
-.. R12
+.. R14
This brings us to the end of this tutorial. In this tutorial, we have learnt
@@ -227,11 +259,11 @@ This brings us to the end of this tutorial. In this tutorial, we have learnt
.. comments and special characters, spacing and actual document content.
.. #. Created and compiled a very simple LaTeX document.
-.. L13
+.. L15
{{{Show self assessment questions slide}}}
-.. R13
+.. R15
Here are some self assessment questions for you to solve
@@ -242,11 +274,11 @@ using the dvips command. Verify that the two files indeed look the same.
temp_1.pdf using the dvipdfm command. Verify that the two files indeed look the
-.. L14
+.. L16
{{{Show self assessment questions slide}}}
-.. R14
+.. R16
And the answers,
@@ -256,11 +288,11 @@ dvips -o temp.dvi
2. We can use the following command to convert temp.dvi to temp_1.pdf
dvipdfm -o temp_1.pdf temp.dvi
-.. L15
+.. L17
{{{ Show the thank you slide }}}
-.. R15
+.. R17
Hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and found it useful.
Thank you!