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diff --git a/TDD/using_python_framework_for_tdd/tdd2_script.rst b/TDD/using_python_framework_for_tdd/tdd2_script.rst
index 85c96d5..ccaa0ec 100755
--- a/TDD/using_python_framework_for_tdd/tdd2_script.rst
+++ b/TDD/using_python_framework_for_tdd/tdd2_script.rst
@@ -49,107 +49,126 @@ tutorial on "Test driven development-part 1".
.. R4
+To test ``fibonacci`` function we have used two test cases.
+It is inconvenient to repeatedly change the test conditions in
+the file.Each time a new test case is added it
+introduces a 'if' statement too.
+So it is good practice to write the test cases in a separate file.
+The file will contain multiple lines,each line for separate test case,
+each line consist of two comma separated values,
+first column is the integer value which has to be passed to the function
+ and the second column is the return value from the function.
.. L4
-{{{ Switch to slide4 ,Persistent test cases}}}
+{{{ Switch to slide4 ,Persistent test cases,(after 3 seconds) show the
+ fibonacci_testcases.dat file}}}
.. R5
-To illustrate TDD, lets take a simple program. Consider a
-function ``fibonacci``, that takes one argument and returns
-the nth number of ``fibonacci`` series.
+Lets open the same file which we have used in our
+previous tutorial.Change the code to use fibonacci_testcases.dat
+file for test cases.
.. L5
-{{{ Switch to slide5, First test- fibonacci }}}
+{{{ Switch to slide5, Modify , show the modified
+ file}}}
.. R6
-To test ``fibonacci`` function, we need test
-As shown in this slide,
-test cases are expected outputs for a given set of inputs.
+Save the file. Go to terminal and run
+``python``. It should pass all the tests.
.. L6
-{{{ Switch to slide6, Test cases }}}
+{{{ Switch to terminal and run}}}
+ python
.. R7
-The sample code for test cases is shown here. Observe that if
-any ``if`` statement is executed, test aborts after printing the
-error message.
+So far we have used simple repetitive tests.
+Now we will see how ``Python testing frameworks`` can do the
+same job efficiently.
+Python provides two frameworks for testing code, unittest and
.. L7
-{{{ Switch to slide7, Test cases-Code }}}
+{{{ Switch to slide6, Python testing framework }}}
.. R8
-The ``fibonacci`` function is written just enough so that
-test can run.
+Let us first see how doctest works.
+A docstring is used to document function. Along with the
+description, interactive interpretor session's input and
+output are also added.
+When executed doctest module pick up all such interactive
+examples, executes them and determines if the code runs
+as documented.
.. L8
-{{{ switch to slide8, Stubs }}}
+{{{switch to slide7 for 3 seconds and move to to slide8,
+ Doctest for}}}
.. R9
-Combine the function and test cases and put them together in
-```` file.Add the test cases after name=main idiom.
+To initiate doctest we need to import doctest module.
+Testmod automatically picks all sample sessions, executes
+them and compares with the documented output.
+Doctest doesn't give any output when all test pass,
+it complains only when any test fails.
.. L9
-{{{ Switch to slide9, }}}
+{{{ Switch to slide9, doctest for }}}
.. R10
-Lets run by typing ``python``.
-As we haven't written any meaningful code in our ``fibonacci``
-function, it fails immediately.
-Our next step is to write just minimum code to pass our tests.
+Let us run doctests by typing ``python``.
+As all tests pass, doctest doesn't give any output.
+For more detailed information we can run with -v argument.
+Run as ``python -v``.
.. L10
-{{{ Run the in terminal and show the error output.}}}
+{{{ Run the in terminal .}}}
+ python -v
.. R11
-Modify the fibonacci stub function with given code.
-Save and run it again as `` python``.
-{{{ pause }}}
-Observe that, there will be no errors, as
-the test passes successfully.
+So far we have seen doctest, which is simple to use. But when
+it comes to automate the process, unittest is better.
+Unittest initializes code and data, it aggregate
+tests into collections and improves reporting.
.. L11
-{{{ switch to slide-11, Euclidean Algorithm }}}
-Switch to terminal and modify fibonacci function in ``nano``
-editor and run.
+{{{ switch to slide-11, Unittest }}}
- python
.. R12
-The same ``fibonacci`` function is modified to make it more readable
-and easy to understand using recursion.
-Pause this video here.Replace the ``fibonacci`` function with recursive one.
-Run the modified ```` file. The test should pass again
-without any errors.
-After successfully achieving this result, you can resume the video.
+To run unittest on our fibonacci function let us create a
+new file ````. This new file will host the
+test code. To begin unittesting let us subclass
+ the TestCase class in unittest. We need
+ and files too.
.. L12
-{{{ Show slide12, Euclidean Algorithm- Recursive}}}
+{{{ Show slide13, unittesting }}}
.. R13