path: root/Latex/Latex3/latex_basics_and_structure_script.rst
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authorHarish Badrinath2012-01-17 18:46:30 +0530
committerHarish Badrinath2012-01-17 18:46:30 +0530
commitb7220fd52bc25ae490f28422ec8895a9daa1ac46 (patch)
tree993b761a035c0aae1b527c880dd6dec90401b17f /Latex/Latex3/latex_basics_and_structure_script.rst
parent8dc0ff35e6e86ddbaa49d56451b91de50d63a593 (diff)
Added LaTeX introduction: script and slides, LaTeX Basics: script
Diffstat (limited to 'Latex/Latex3/latex_basics_and_structure_script.rst')
1 files changed, 356 insertions, 0 deletions
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+.. Objectives
+.. ----------
+.. By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to
+.. 1. Understand basic structure of a LaTeX document, its various document
+.. classes and loading packages that add new features to the LaTeX system.
+.. #. Create a LaTeX document with a title and an abstract.
+.. #. Create numbered and non-numbered sections and subsections in a LaTeX
+.. document.
+.. #. Create an appendix in a LaTeX document.
+.. #. Create a table of content in a LaTeX document.
+.. Prerequisites
+.. -------------
+.. 1. latex_intro
+.. Author : Harish Badrinath < harish [at] fossee [dot] in >
+ Internal Reviewer :
+ External Reviewer :
+ Langauge Reviewer :
+ Checklist OK? : <put date stamp here, if OK>
+.. L1
+{{{ Show the first slide containing title, name of the production
+team along with the logo of MHRD }}}
+.. R1
+Hello friends and welcome to the tutorial on Basics of LaTeX and its document
+.. L2
+{{{ Show the objectives slide }}}
+.. R2
+.. By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to
+.. 1. Understand basic structure of a LaTeX document, its various document
+.. classes and loading packages that add new features to the LaTeX system.
+.. #. Create a LaTeX document with a title and an abstract.
+.. #. Create numbered and non-numbered sections and subsections in a LaTeX
+.. document.
+.. #. Create an appendix in a LaTeX document.
+.. #. Create a table of content in a LaTeX document.
+.. L3
+{{{ Switch to the pre-requisite slide }}}
+.. R3
+Before beginning this tutorial,we would suggest having a working installation of
+LaTeX and suggest you to complete the tutorial titled "Introduction to LaTeX".
+.. L4
+{{{ Basic Structure of a LaTeX document }}}
+.. R4
+the text "SAMPLE TEXT" is illustrative and can be replaced replaced by a
+single alpha-numeric character, for example. When done so, the resulting
+document could be described as the shortest possible LaTeX input document, that
+creates an output file. It consists of 3 LaTeX commands and one line/character
+of text.
+This is processed by a TeX processor that generates an output file. Now, we
+begin to look into each line in the example in more detail.
+The first line reads
+.. L5
+.. R5
+which more generally can be written as
+.. L6
+\documentclass [parameters] {DocumentClass}
+.. R6
+Where \documentclass is a LaTeX command.
+Parameters specify if you want to use a non default font size, for example.
+More specifically the parameters can be used to alter things like font size of
+the document, paper size, two sided or single sided printing, etc.
+.. L7
+.. R7
+This command instructs LaTeX to
+Create a new document of class report. The available classes are article, proc,
+report, book, slides, letter.
+12 pt: sets the font size of main font. Other are relatively adjusted. 10pt is
+the default.
+a4paper: specifies the paper size
+draft: marks hyphenation and justification problems in typesetting
+with a square in the margin
+.. L8
+.. R8
+This statement can be used optionally and is used to include packages, which are
+used to extend the LaTeX's capabilities. There are a number of packages that are
+included by default with LaTeX2 base distribution. You can use the texdoc
+command for accessing package documentation.
+.. L9
+\title{My First LaTeX Document}
+Hello world!
+.. R9
+We add the LaTeX commands, that specify the title and the author of the
+document. When we compile the document shown to an output file and view it we
+notice that output is, as seen no different from not adding the fields of title
+and author. We need to add another command to actually show the title author
+and date in the output document. We add the command in the following example.
+.. L10
+\title{My First LaTeX Document}
+Hello world!
+.. R10
+The command \maketitle adds title, authors name and date to the output file.
+Of these only the date is optional. If date command is specified, then the given
+date is used else today's date is used.
+.. L11
+\title{My First LaTeX Document}
+Hello world!
+An Example Abstract
+.. R11
+The abstract command is used to insert abstract of a document, into the output
+file.Place it in the location, where you want your abstract to present in
+the document. It is available for the document classes article and report, but
+not book
+.. L12
+\title{My First LaTeX Document}
+Hello world!
+An Example Abstract
+\section{Numbered Section 1}
+Section1 Text
+\section{Numbered Section 2}
+Section2 Text
+\section*{Unnumbered Section 1}
+Section3 Text
+\section*{Unnumbered Section 2}
+Section4 Text
+.. R12
+Titles chapters and sections are used to help the user find his or her way
+through your work. The following commands are available in the article class:
+section, subsection, subsubsection, paragraph and sub paragraph. The default
+behavior is to use numbered sections. We can use un-numbered sections appending
+* to section command. If you want to split your document without influencing the
+section or chapter numbering use the part command.
+.. L13
+\title{My first Book}
+\chapter{My First Chapter}
+Section 1 Text
+\subsubsection{My First Subsection}
+Numbered-Section 1's Subsection Text
+Numbered-Section 2 Text
+First un-numbered Section Text
+Second un-numbered Section Text
+\chapter{So We say goodbye}
+Thank you for reading dear reader
+.. R13
+Longer documents can use report or book class. We can add a new chapter using
+the chapter command, provided by the report or book class. After compiling the
+file shown in the slide we notice that subsections are not numbered.
+.. L14
+.. R14
+We can change this behavior with the command setcounter , calling it as shown
+in the slide.
+.. L15
+.. R15
+Appendix can be added to the document using \appendix command. any content after
+\appendix will be added to the appendix. In the report or book class, we have to
+use \chapter to indicate that the chapters are to be numbered as appendices.
+similarly for the article class we have to use the section command to indicate
+that sections are to be numbered as appendices.
+.. L16
+.. R16
+Lets add a Table of content to the document. The LaTeX command to add a TOC to a
+document is using \tableofcontents command. It is used at the point at which the
+table of content is to be placed. You then have to compile the input file twice
+to produce a text.
+Any numbered section/chapter appear automatically in the table of content.
+.. L17
+.. R17
+Un-numbered sections are added to TOC using \addcontentsline command.
+For example we use the command
+where intro is the text that you want to appear in the Table of contents.
+.. L18
+{{{ Show summary slide }}}
+.. R18
+This brings us to the end of this tutorial. In this tutorial, we have,
+.. 1. Gained an understanding of the basic structure of a LaTeX document, its
+.. various document classes and loading packages that add new features to
+.. the LaTeX system.
+.. #. Created a LaTeX document with a title and an abstract.
+.. #. Created both numbered and non-numbered sections and subsections in a
+.. LaTeX document.
+.. #. Created an appendix in a LaTeX document.
+.. #. Created a table of content in a LaTeX document.
+.. L19
+{{{Show self assessment questions slide}}}
+.. R19
+Here are some self assessment questions for you to solve
+ 1. Is the LaTeX code given below a valid input file (File compiles successfully
+and produces the intended result, that is to produce a book with two chapters
+and an appendix.
+\title{My first Book}
+\chapter{My First Chapter}
+\chapter{So We say goodbye}
+Thank you for reading dear reader
+\section{First Appendix}
+ 2. Does making the subsections placed at any arbitrary level, get numbered by
+default using the appropriate setcounter command with secnumdepth parameter
+make the subsections appear automatically in the table of content ??
+.. L20
+{{{Show self assessment questions slide}}}
+.. R20
+And the answers,
+1. Although the given file looks syntactically valid, the output file is not what
+we expected. This is mainly because we are trying to use the section command to
+create sections in the appendix, for a document whose type is given as a book.
+2. No The \tableofcontents command normally shows only numbered section
+headings, and only down to the level defined by the tocdepth counter.
+.. L21
+{{{ Show the thankyou slide }}}
+.. R21
+Hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and found it useful.
+Thank you!