Forty rooms have been reserved for male students
+and faculty on a triple sharing basis in the hostels at IIIT. In total,
+we can accommodate 120 male participants. We also have reserved 10
+rooms for female participants on twin sharing basis. Thus, we can
+provide accommodation for 20 female participants. People who pay the
+accommodation fee through our fee payment process will be allotted
+accommodation on first-come-first-serve basis. Accommodation cannot
+be assured if the fee is not paid by December 10th, 2010. For further
+details visit:
Other possible venues for accommodation
If you are unable to secure the accommodation with us,
+because of the limited number of rooms we have, there are many hotels and
+guest houses at Gachibowli, Hyderabad. We have mentioned a few of them
+below for your reference. You can directly contact them if you need
+accommodation at those places.
+List of Hotels and Guest Houses close to IIIT, Hyderabad:
+A Certificate of Appreciation will be issued for
+participants and presenters who contribute considerably during
+the sprints.
+To be considered for the Certificate of Appreciation, the
+sprint lead has to approve the participant, based on the proof
+of contribution in sprints.
Conference Presenters
+A separate Certificate of Appreciation will be given to all
+conference presenters (including those giving Lightning
+Talks). Conference presenters will be selected based on the
+abstracts submitted on the website.
Certificate of Participation
+Participants simply attending the conference talks, tutorials, and sprints, will not be given
+any certificates. They will, however, be given receipts for the payment made, which can be
+submitted to their respective institutions/organizations.
Other goodies
Participants & Presenters
+Rewards/swag will be given to participants who perform exceptionally
+well in the sprints.
+The sprint lead has to recommend contributors for these rewards.
+Some rewards may be sent by post/courier to participants after
+the event.
+Please do not contact organizers for a Certificate of Participation as mere participation/sitting through the event
+does not entitle a participant/registrant for a certificate of
+participation or appreciation.
+Participants will be eligible only for a Receipt for the amount
+paid towards registration and accommodation.
+The decision of the sprint leads and the FOSSEE team would be final and binding.
Hyderabad is the capital of the state of Andhra Pradesh, and is the fifth largest city in India. Secunderabad is a twin city of Hyderabad and is separated by the Hussain Sagar (locally well known as Tank Bund), an artificial lake constructed in 1562 A.D. The city is nearly 400 years old and is noted for its natural beauty, mosques and minarets, bazaars and bridges, hills and lakes. It is perched on the top of the Deccan Plateau, 1776 ft. above sea level, and sprawls over an area of 100 Sq. miles. Hyderabad is famous for its architecture, cuisine, pickles, and pearls. It is considered to be at cross-roads between the North and the South,the historical and the modern. The Islamic influences of the Nawabs are visible even today in the cuisine and architecture, especially in the older sections of the city, while expanding suburbs are very cosmopolitan.
A multitude of influences have shaped the character of the city and it has a distinct culture. Its palaces and buildings, houses and tenements, gardens and streets have a history and an architectural individuality of their own, which make Hyderabad a city steeped in culture. Hyderabad is also known as Cyberabad, owing to the presence of large number of IT companies. All major IT companies from across the globe have marked their presence in Hyderabad by having their offices, development centers, or research centers located there.
When in Hyderabad, shopping for pearls is a must - City of Pearls is one of the many sobriquets of Hyderabad . Another must try in Hyderabad is the biriyani, a flavorful and fragrant rice dish. Pulla Reddy and Rami Reddy are famous sweet vendors which are worth checking out. A visit to the Charminar and the surrounding maze of markets is an experience of a lifetime. Be sure to bargain for clothes, ethnic accessories, jewellery (especially pearls and bangles), and artefacts from the myriad vendors abounding these bazaars. Some advice to keep in mind while bargaining would be to start at a fourth (or less) of the price quoted, although this may not always apply.
While Telugu is the state language, a knowledge of Urdu, Hindi, or English, is sufficient to get by, in many places within the city. For more information, including transportation details, do check the WikiTravel entry on Hyderabad.
A Google Map of Hyderabad with prominent places marked can be found here
The Golconda fort was founded originally by the Kakatiyas in the 13th century, and was expanded by the Qutb Shahi kings into a massive fort of granite with walls. The fortress city within the walls was famous for the diamond trade and the Koh-i-noor diamond is said to have come from here. One of the most remarkable features of the Golconda fort is its system of
+acoustics. The sounds of hands clapped in the grand portico can be heard in the Durbar Hall, at the very top of the hill.
The Charminar (literally, "Four Minarets")is a major landmark in Hyderabad, the massive arch built by Mohammed Quli Qutab Shah, in 1591 looming at a height of 56 m, is an impressive square gateway with four minarets, to commemorate the end of the plague. The arch is illuminated daily in the evening, and is an unforgettable sight.
The Mecca Masjid, near the Charminar, is one of the largest in the state if not in
+India. It is said to accomodate upto 10,000 worshippers. Muhammed Quli Qutub Shah began building it in 1617 and was completed during the reign of Mughal emperor Aurangzeb in 1694.
A little away from the Golconda fort is a cluster of tombs. Most of them have intricately carved stonework and are the most authentic evidence of the Qutub Shahi architectural traditions. The tombs were erected in the memory of the departed kings of Golconda. They stand a kilometer north of Golconda fort's Banjara Darwaza.
The Hussain Sagar is a lake in Hyderabad, built by Hazrat Hussain Shah Wali in 1562, during the rule of Ibrahim Quli Qutb Shah. It is a 24 km long lake built on a tributary of the River Musi to meet the water and irrigation needs of the city. There is a large monolithic statue of the Gautam Buddha in the middle of the lake which was erected in 1992. It is also called Tank Bund in local parlance.
Birla Mandir is a magnificient temple built entirely in marble, with great architectural significance. It was built by the Birla Foundation. The temple is dedicated to Lord Venkateshwara. The granite image of the presiding deity is about 11 ft. tall and a carved lotus forms an umbrella on the roof. The consorts of Lord Venkateswara, 'Padmavati' and 'Andal' are housed in separate shrines. There is a brass flagstaff in the temple premises which rises to a
+height of 42 ft. The temple manifests a blend of South Indian, Rajasthani and Utkal temple architectures. In its entirety, it is made of 2000 tons of pure Rajasthani white marble. It is built on a 280-feet high hillock called the Naovath Pahad in a 13 acres plot. The construction of the temple took 10 years and it was consecrated in 1976. The temple complex overlooking the southern side of Hussain Sagar, offers a magnificient panoramic view of the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. It presents a colorful spectacular sight when illuminated at night.
The following websites can help find more information about Hyderabad.
+Welcome to SciPy India 2011. If you are in IIT Bombay and would like to listen to the talks at the conference without paying a penny, please feel free to drop by the venue. You would be missing the awesome food and tshirt though.
+The day started with Prof. Prabhu Ramachandran gave an introduction on the conference and a briefing on how it all started in the year 2009. It was followed by keynote by Eric Jones on What matters in Scientific Software Projects? 10 years of Success and Failure Distilled. Below are few of the main points of his keynote were about the requirements for a successful project.
Smart People
Trust and Communication
Choosing where we have to pioneer
+Next Ankur Gupta talked about the Multiprocessing module and Gearman and showed live code review of multiprocessing in Python can improve the performance of the program in multiprocessor machines. He also pointed out the logger and debugging modules.
+Kunal Puri introduced the PySPH module in his talk on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics with Python. He progressed onto explaining the architecture of PySPH and it's underlying modules. The demos on the collision of two elastic balls and a breaking dam showcased the power of this package.
+Afterwards Mateusz Paprocki talked on Understanding importance of automated software testing. He started with explaining the need of software testing and went onto show various methods of verification of computer programs like manual, automated and formal with each of them having it's share of pros and cons. The clarification that automated testing requires human assistance removed the aura of being autonomous from it.
The approaches to software testing are White box testing, Black box testing, Bottom up testing and top down testing. Program testing guidelines are to start with Defining the expected result, A programmer or an organization should test his/their own programs etc. Most of them can found in Software Engineering textbooksf. Software testing frameworks in Python are
+For testing interactive web application, Selenium could be used. He pointed out that 100% coverage doesn't imply program is perfect. It doesn't test for correctness of code or conformance to specification.
+The next talk by Invited Speaker Ajith Kumar on his project expEYES was novel to many in audience. He started with explaining how the idea stemmed from lack of equipment for students to experiment. expEyes would be useful for students, teachers, engineers and hobbyists. The statistics showed that around 800 units has been sold and it has been included in syllabus of some universities. His efforts in making experimentation in education popular has to be really appreciated. He demoed an array of Physics(electrical/sound) experiments doable with expEYES and it's amazing to see that what can be done with this inexpensive board. You can get the brochure of expEYES from the technical desk near the stage.
+Sentiment Analysis by Bala Subramaniam was next in the queue. He introduced Sentiment Analysis and went on to his demo of using it to analyze the telugu movie reviews from a website. The usage of a Naive Bayes Classifier to identify the positive, neutral and negative opinions was explained. The model used to analyze the movie review was well explained and pointed out the techniques of Natural Language Processing and Machine learning running behind it.
+What's a scientific python conference without a talk on image processing? Jayleil Dalal filled that void with his detailed talk on Building Embedded Systems for Image Processing using Python. He explained about OpenCV, an Open Source python library for image processing and the various hardware systems he used for the same. You can check out his youtube channel for more tutorials on the same.
+Afterwards, Prof. Prabhu Ramachandran talked about FOSSEE: Python and Education. He gave a breifing over the achievment of FOSSEE like workshops, conferences and later talked about the experience building a django app for the purpose of evaluation of answers of 650 users for 1000 Teacher's training program.
+William Natharaj talked about his physics project Automated Measurement of Magnetic properties of Ferro-Magnetic materials using Python which used Python extensively for data processing. expEYES was used for data colllection from the circuit.
+Nivedita Datta presented the session about the Python module PyCrypto in her talk titled Encryptedly yours : Python & Cryptography. She talked in detail about the following encrpytion techniques.
AES encrpytion
ARC 4 - Private key stream cipher
+The day concluded with a lightning talk on Virtual Labs. Looking forward to seeing you at the second day of the conference.
+Hope you enjoyed the first day of the conference. The first talk of the second day was by Gaël Varoquaux on Machine learning as a tool for Neuroscience which was one of the highlights of the conference. He started with briefly explaining parts of his talk namely Functional Brain imaging, Models of Function and Cognitive Tasks.
+He pointed the problem of the curse of dimensionality when trying to analyze the behavior of brain as the function of 50,000 voxels. This requires the expert knowledge of knowing to pick the right ones or you could use maching learning. Brain reading was the technique used for this purpose by predicting brain images from the object viewed. By this way of compressive sensing, we can reduce the amount of the brain data to be analyzed. This is an instance of supervised learning. Prediction is a selecton model metric.
+The challenging part of this analysis was that 95% of the brain activity is unrelated to the task. By using a combination of Sparsity, Spatial Continuity and Spatial Variability we can get individual maps(slightly different from each other) and combine them to form the functional region atlas. Now when trying to analyze the graphical by looking at the interaction between the regions, there are typically more than 1000's of connections. This kind of problems are being tried to be solved by Machine Learning.
+Next, he stepped onto the realm of Python for solving this problem by explaining about scikit-learn which is easy to pick up and technically efficient. The api of scikit-learn uses numpy arrays as inputs. It learns a model from the data and then predict the result from the model and further test for goodness of the result. The popular notion of python being slow was knocked out after he showed the stats depicting that scikits-learn was faster than C implementations in some cases of algorithmic implementation. The community of 57 contributors behind the module shows this project is popular. The successful ingredients are repo with developers and users and for other obvious reasons like short release cycles and test cases written.
+He then went onto talking about his other project joblib which provided Python functions on steroids. He briefed about the philosophy of the project and showed code on how it avoided recomputation to avoid dependency issues. He concluded the talk by pointing out, how to find the way in the software stack by being active on the mailing list and experimenting. If you are interested in attending his tutorial tomorrow, you should download his material which can be found here.
+If you have previously organized an event or a conference, you would know that the busiest day is just the day before the event. After having worked for almost 4 months for this event, we(FOSSEE team) had a few last minute tasks to be done before the day ends. Writing this post was one of them and sitting down to write it at the end of day, in a way shows that every important task has been completed.
+The first priority of the day was to finalize the schedule of the event. This took a bit longer than previously thought but we finally completed it by evening. If you haven't seen it already, have a look at the talks happening tomorrow and the day after. If you love either Science or Python or Both, you would be committing a sin by being not at SciPy India 2011 for the next 4 days. By afternoon, participants started pouring into IIT Bombay for the event. The registration desk at main gate, managed by Anand, Kiran, Harish, Yogesh, Manas and others, guided people to their accomodation facilities. We had already prepared this and this which would really come in handy if you are new at IITB.
+While the other set of the team was busy in the lab, preparing the packages for the participants which contains various information pamphlets, notepad, a pen and food coupons for all of the days. It took hours to complete the job and the efforts of Srikant, Sushma and Priya deserves a special mention here.
+Getting back to the event, it kicks off with the Keynote by Eric Jones, CEO of Enthought, talking on "What Matters in Scientific Software Projects? 10 Years of Success and Failure Distilled". All the talks in the schedule are promising and if you are low on time, talks by Invited Speakers - Mateusz Paprocki, Ajith Kumar and Prof. Prabhu Ramachandran are something you definitely wouldn't want to miss.
Follow this space for more live updates from the conference.
Registration fees for outstation students and teachers.
+ Tutorials
(all 6 days)
Rs. 500
Rs. 400
Rs. 500
Rs. 400
Registration fees for in-station students and teachers.
+ Tutorials
Rs. 500
Rs. 500
Registration fees for corporates and others.
Conference + Tutorials
Rs. 750
Rs. 750
Spot registration / late payment(on-spot)
Tutorials + sprints
Rs. 750
Included in conference fee
Rs. 750
Included in conference fee
Rs. 1000
Included in conference fee
+Accommodation will be provided at a subsidized rate of Rs.100 per day for outstation teachers and students alone.
+If you are sending us a DD, it should reach us on or before 20th of November, 2011.
+Accommodation will be confirmed at the venue only for participants with valid identity cards from their respective institutions.
Registration Fees
Online Transfer
The prefered way of paying is through DoAttend. If you face any problems with online transfer please contact DoAttend Support
Demand Draft
+An email should be sent to with the name of the
+participant, institution, and the
+transaction details(reference no. and account no.)
+Registered participants whose talks have been accepted will be
+exempt from the registration fees.
+The demand draft may be obtained in favour of FOSSEE payable at
+An email should be sent to with the name of the
+participant, institution, and the
+transaction details(reference no. and account no., account holder
+name from which the transfer was made.)
+Registered participants whose talks have been accepted will be
+exempt from the registration fees.
+The total amount for fees and accommodation (if applicable) may be
+transfered to,
+Account Number - 2724101100988
+Account Name - FOSSEE
+IFSC code - CNRB0002724
+Bank - Canara Bank
+Branch - IIT Powai, Mumbai - 400076
+While transferring the amount, ensure that the remark of transaction
+contain the Full name with email
+address registered with us.
Lunch will be provided on all days. Tea/coffee and biscuits will be provided
+twice a day on all days. Participants will have to make their own arrangements
+for breakfast and dinner. They can inform the organizers at the registration
+desk on Day 1 of the conference if opting to eat any meals at the IIITH
+messes/canteens. Informing us in prior will ensure availability of food
+at these places. IIITH offers highly subsidized meals at the rate of Rs.20 for
+breakfast and Rs.30 for dinner.
+In addition, please find below a list of some eateries in the vicinity of
+India has well established airline infrastructure. Airlines of more
+than 50 countries are operating services to/from India. Links to
+international and domestic airlines operating to/in India can be
+found here.
+Mumbai is well connected to all major internation cities. Also Mumbai is well connected to major cities and
+states in India by air, rail and road. Travel tips, help desk,
+hotel guide etc for travelers are available at Ministry of Tourism
+Air India, Indian Airlines, Jet Airways, Emirates
+Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Kingfisher Airlines, etc are operating
+flights in and out of Mumbai. Detailed Flights Information can
+be found here:
+Transportation at Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport Mumbai
+Radio Taxis, Car Rentals, and Shuttle Service; see details at
+The Indian railway, the world's largest railway under a single
+management, today is divided into nine zones. Mumbai is covered by Central, Western and Konkan Zone.
+All major trains stops or departs from here. The schedule,
+availability of tickets etc can be found here.
Road Travel
+The Maharashtara State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC)
+( connects
+Mumbai to every city, town and all except very small villages in
+the state. Express and luxury coaches are available for inter-city
+and interstate services.
Local Travel in Mumbai
+What are the modes of transport for travel in Mumbai?
+Local Travel Car Rental Services: Typically, you can rent a car for
+4hrs/40KMs (Rs.400/- or 8hrs (Rs.600/-) with additional charges for
+extra hours and distances.
+Metered Taxi Services: Typically they charge @ Rs.15/- per
+kilometer with a minimum of Rs.60/4kms.
+Mega Cabs: +91-22-42424242
+Easy Cabs: +91-42-4343 4343
+Meru: +91-22-4422 4422
+Metered Autos: 3 wheelers or Autos Rikshaws are fairly popular in
+Mumbai. The smaller "3-seaters" are metered and charge Rs.8/- per
+km. (min. Rs.11/-)
+Buses: Mumbai has very excellent local bus transport system. One
+needs very specific information. Do not take bus unless you are
+going with a local person. For more local information, you can
Reaching IIT-Bombay
From International Airport
+When coming from International airport, the auto fare would be roughly Rs. 150. One can also
+take a prepaid taxi. The distance is around 10km.
From Domestic Airport
+If coming from the National Airport, the distance of which is around 14km. One can take the auto with fare roughly around Rs. 200. Alternatively
+one can take the bus from Centur Hotel(bus no. 181 towards SEEPZ bus stop) to Orke Mill and than take the bus(bus no. 307 towards Vaishali Nagar, Mulund)
+and reach to IIT Bombay main gate.
From Railway Station
+Three Railway zones connect Mumbai with the rest of India. The central zone and konkan zone trains terminate at either Lokmanya Tilak Terminus, Dadar or Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, while the western zone trains
+terminate at Borivali, Andheri, Bandra, Dadar or Mumbai Central.
From LTT Railway Station
+Take the harbour line local(suburban train) from tilaknagar to Kurla. From Kurla change the train to central line towards kanjurmarg. Get down at kanjurmarg and take an autorikshaw towards IIT-Bombay with fare around 25 INR.
From Dadar Railway Station
+Take the main line local(suburban train) from Dadar(central) to Kanjurmarg. Get down at kanjurmarg and take an autorikshaw towards IIT-Bombay with fare around 25 INR.
From CST Railway Station
+Take the main line local(suburban train) from CST to Kanjurmarg. Get down at kanjurmarg and take an autorikshaw towards IIT-Bombay with fare around 25 INR.
From Borivali Railway Station
+Take the western line local(suburban train) from Borivali to Andheri. Get down at Andheri(east) and take an autorikshaw towards IIT-Bombay with fare around 125 INR.
+Take Bus number 525 or 461 or 123 towards IIT-Main Gate(Fare 35 INR).
From Andheri Railway Station
+Get down at Andheri(east) and take an autorikshaw towards IIT-Bombay with fare around 125 INR.
+Take Bus number 496 or 396 or 422 towards IIT-Main Gate(Fare 35 INR).
From Bandra Railway Station
+Take the western line local(suburban train) from Bandra(local) to Andheri. Get down at Andheri(east) and take an autorikshaw towards IIT-Bombay with fare around 125 INR.
+Take the western line local(suburban train) from Bandra(local) to Andheri. Get down at Andheri(east) and take Bus number 496 or 396 or 422 towards IIT-Main Gate(Fare 35 INR).
From Mumbai Central Railway Station
+Take the western line local(suburban train) from Mumbai Central to Andheri. Get down at Andheri(east) and take an autorikshaw towards IIT-Bombay with fare around 125 INR.
+Take the western line local(suburban train) from Mumbai Central to Andheri. Get down at Andheri(east) and take Bus number 496 or 396 or 422 towards IIT-Main Gate(Fare 35 INR).
+If you are a speaker at SciPy India 2011, here are a few tips that might be handy.
+Session Setup
+Please arrive at the venue(VMCC Hall) at least 30 minutes in advance to prepare for the talk. This may also help you to get a feel of the venue and the audience.
+Plan B
+All participants will be provided Wi-Fi access. But you are requested to have a Plan B for Internet, in case things go wrong; which usually happens at every conferences. We don't want this to disrupt your talk.
+Timing is Everything
+Please have a final look at the schedule and make sure of the length of your talk. We would suggest you to keep a buffer of at least 3 mins for Q & A from the audience. Make sure that you don't run out of the allotted time. If you need reminders, Volunteers can aid you.
+Help Abounds
+Need help? Look out for the friendly organizers or folks(who would be wearing a blue tag) for any assistance. Just contact Kiran Kishore(07702455566) or Parth Buch(9619606610) if you don't find anyone immediately.
+Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse!
+We know this goes without saying, reiterating this step would help in more ways than imagineable.
+Looking forward to seeing to you at the conference.
+ FOSSEE is the main sponsor and organizer
+ of 2011. They initiated an Indian edition of the popular
+ SciPy conference in 2009, in order to encourage the use of Python
+ for Scientific Computing in Asia. The goal of the FOSSEE project is to
+ enable the students and faculty of Science and Engineering
+ colleges/institutes/universities across India to use open source software
+ tools for all their computational needs, thereby improving the quality of
+ instruction and learning.
+ Enthought, Inc. is the supplementary sponsor for 2011.
+ They provide scientific computing solutions through software
+ development, consulting, and training. They use Python significantly
+ for most of their projects, and work closely with many of the leading
+ Python developers involved with scientific computing.
This conference is targeted at anyone who uses Python for work in science/engineering/technology/education. This includes college and university teachers/professors/lecturers from any Engineering or Science domain, students of engineering/science/education who would like to use Python for their basic computing and plotting needs, researchers who use or would like to use Python for their research, and corporate users of Python for scientific computing.
+Participants should be comfortable computer users and be familiar with programming constructs such as loops, conditionals.
+Familiarity with programming editors– scite, notepad++, vi, emacs- will be a plus.
+Familiarity with using the commandline will be another plus.
+These tutorials are all fairly advanced and require that you be familiar with Python.
+For a good introduction it is recommended that you read the Python Tutorial completely.
+Spoken tutorials teaching you Python are also available here please go through those.
NumPy and SciPy basics along with the most important Matplotlib commands.
+ This could be thought of as a quick refresher on the basic tools used in Python for scientific computing.
Emmanuelle Gouillart, Image processing using NumPy, SciPy and scikits-image (2 hrs)
This tutorial will show a bag of basic recipes in order to efficiently
+manipulate and process images in the form of NumPy arrays.
Target audience: scientists and engineers working with images
+ Prerequisites : being able to code Python scripts and use an
+interactive Python shell + some knowledge of NumPy
I/O: how to open different image formats, how to open raw images, how to deal with very large raw files.
Basic visualization of images, and interaction with image data
Transforming images: changing the size, resolution, orientation of an image; image filtering; image segmentation.
Extracting information from images: measuring properties of segmented objects; image classification
+ This tutorial will by no means be a course on digital image processing.It is rather a bag of tricks on how to
+ tinker with images, and how to use the goodies of Python/NumPy/SciPy to make this task easier. A large part
+ of the talk will be devoted to hands-on exercises using the NumPy, SciPy
+ and Matplotlib modules. Some other modules will be mentioned during the
+ tutorial for more advanced uses.
Gael Varoquaux, Machine learning with scikit-learn (3 hrs)
+ Introduction to machine learning and statistical data processing with the
+ features in scikit-learn, and how to use it to solve real-world problems:
+ from handwritten digits classification to stock market prediction.
+ Target audience : Engineers and scientists using Python for scientific
+ and numerical computing. No knowledge needed in statistical learning.
+ Prerequisites: Being able to code scripts and function in Python. Basic
+ knowledge of numpy and matplotlib.
The settings: datasets, estimators, and the prediction problem.
Regression and classification: Support Vector Machines, sparse regressions... Example: recognising hand-written digits
Model selection: choosing the right estimator, and the right parameters
Clustering: KMeans, Affinity Propagation. Example: finding structure in the stock market.
Mateusz Paprocki, SymPy (2 hrs)
+ SymPy is a pure Python library for symbolic mathematics. It aims to become a
+ full-featured computer algebra system (CAS) while keeping the code as simple
+ as possible in order to be comprehensible and easily extensible. SymPy is
+ written entirely in Python and does not require any external libraries.
+ In this tutorial we will introduce attendees to SymPy. We will start by
+ showing how to install and run SymPy. Then we will proceed with the basics
+ of constructing and manipulating mathematical expressions in SymPy. We will
+ also discuss the most common issues and differences from other computer
+ algebra systems, and how to deal with them. We will also show how to solve
+ simple, yet illustrative mathematical problems using SymPy.
+ Outline
Installing, configuring and running SymPy.
Basics of mathematical expressions:
symbols, dummy symbols
constructing expressions
expression traversal
pattern matching
Common issues, pitfalls and differences with other CAS:
1/3 is not a rational number
why you shouldn't write 10**(-1000)
issues with caching of computation results
Using built-in and implementing customized printers.
Arbitrary precision numerical computing.
Interaction with numerical libraries (NumPy, SciPy).
Ole Nielsen: Mapping and Geoprocessing with Python (1 hr)
+ Putting information on a map and analyzing spatial data are fundamental to a
+ wide range of areas such as navigation, working with climate or geological
+ data, disaster management, presentation of modelling results, demographics,
+ social networking etc. However, making and viewing maps is just the tip of
+ the iceberg: to communicate spatial information much work is needed under
+ the hood to read, write, manipulate and process the data underpinning the
+ maps.
+ T This tutorial will give a practical introduction to tools and techniques
+ available for processing spatial information and, through hands-on
+ exercises, give the participants a sense of how to manipulate spatial data
+ using Python. Depending on time, topics covered include reading and writing
+ of important data formats for both raster and vector data, looking at the
+ layers with qgis, awareness of issues with datums and projections,
+ calculating area and centroids of polygons, performance enhancement using
+ vector operations, numerical stability issues, calculation of distance
+ between points on the surface of Earth, interpolation from raster grids to
+ points etc. The tutorial has been developed for Ubuntu Linux 11.04/11.10 and
+ will provide source code, tests and data for this platform. However, the
+ content and messages should be general and apply to any self-respecting
+ platform.
+ I assume that participants know how to write and run Python scripts and are
+ OK having a crack at implementing simple numerical operations such as
+ summations in Python. I don't assume any previous knowledge of mapping or
+ Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The tutorial depends on the
+ packages qgis and gdal-bin as well as the python dependencies python-numpy
+ and python-gdal which are preloaded on the distributed live-DVD. The
+ tutorial material itself will be available in the Subversion repository
+ and also on a USB
+ stick that I will bring along.
+ If you have some spatial data you want to manipulate in Python feel free to
+ bring it along and grab me during a lunch break.
Eric Jones: Traits + Traits UI (2 hrs)
+ Enthought’s traits package provides for a powerful object model which
+ provides a host of useful functionality with a clean and expressive syntax.
+ It is an open source library and forms the basis of the Enthought Tool Suite and many of
+ Enthought’s internal commercial projects. In this tutorial we will cover the basics of using
+ Traits along with the UI library TraitsUI which makes it very easy to build powerful and
+ interactive, user interfaces using Traits.
Prabhu Ramachandran and Gael Varoquaux, Mayavi for 3D visualization (2 hrs)
+ At the end of this tutorial attendees will learn how to visualize numpy
+ arrays using Mayavi's mlab interface. They will also learn enough about
+ mayavi to be able to create their own simple datasets and visualize
+ them. If this tutorial follows one on traits, then attendees will learn
+ how easy it is to embed 3D visualization in their own application UIs
+ (provided they are written in wxPython or PyQt).
+ In this tutorial, we first provide a rapid overview of Mayavi_ and its
+ features. We then move on to using Mayavi via IPython_ and mlab. This
+ is done in a hands-on fashion and introduces the audience to visualizing
+ numpy arrays and the basic mayavi visualization pipeline. We then
+ introduce the audience to the basic objects and data sources used in
+ Mayavi. We end with an example of creating custom dialogs using Traits
+ and embedding 3D visualization in these dialogs with Mayavi.
This tutorial will feature a demonstration and a brief review of some of the capabilities of the Sage notebook.
A rough schedule of the talk would be as follows:
Starting the server
The UI
Getting Help
Overview of what's available in Sage
Basic Algebra
Basic Calculus
Basic Plotting
Pankaj Pandey and Prabhu Ramachandran, An introduction to Cython (1 hrs)
+ At some level, Cython ( can be thought of a Python to C compiler.
+ It allows someone to write extension modules in a language very similar to Python and
+ therefore makes it rather easy to write C-extensions. In this tutorial we will cover
+ the basics of building extension modules with Cython.
+ Package requirements: You will require to have Cython, the
+ Python development headers and a working C-compiler to run the hands-on exercises.
+ The 2011 conference is being held at the
+ victor Menezes Convention Centre of the
+ Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IITB).
+ IITB is one of India's top engineering schools and is a
+ world-renowned (and globally top-ranked) engineering school.