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SciPy.in is a 6-day programme from December 12th to 17th, 2009, comprising of two days each of conference, tutorials and sprints. The tutorial will further be constituted of two parallel tracks - one for the general public and one targeting teachers in collegiate education.

Saturday, Dec. 12 2009Conference
Sunday, Dec. 13 2009Conference
Monday, Dec. 14 2009Tutorials
Tuesday, Dec. 15 2009Tutorials
Wednesday, Dec. 16 2009Sprint
Thursday, Dec. 17 2009Sprint

The tentative schedule and structure (focus areas) for all the days being proposed is :

  1. Theme for Conference talks - "Scientific Python in Action" with respect to Application and Teaching
  2. The Teacher track of the tutorial (2 days)
    • Why Python for Scientific Computing?
    • Basic and Intermediate Python
    • Scientific Computing with Python
    • Basic Sage and Sympy
  3. General tutorial
    • Basic python (1/2 day)
    • Intermediate Python (1/2 day)
    • Python for Scientific Computing (Scipy, Numpy, Matplotlib, Mayavi) (1 day)
  4. Sprints (2 days)
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