{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}Registration Statistics - {% endblock %} {% block content %}

Registration Statistics

{% for acco in acco_days %} {% endfor %} {% for acco_m in acco_male %} {% endfor %} {% for acco_f in acco_female %} {% endfor %}
Event Number of people registered
Conference {{ conf_num }}
Tutorials {{ tut_num }}
Sprint {{ sprint_num }}
Male participants requesting accommodation {{ male }}
Female participants requesting accommodation {{ female }}
Accommodation on {{ forloop.counter|add:"11" }} {{ acco }}
Accommodation on {{ forloop.counter|add:"11" }}(Male) {{ acco_m }}
Accommodation on {{ forloop.counter|add:"11" }}(Female) {{ acco_f }}

To download CSV here {% endblock content %}