The following speakers are invited.
Travis Oliphant (Keynote)
- He is the architect of NumPy and author of the definitive guide to - NumPy. He was formerly a member of faculty at BYU and is currently - the President of Enthought Inc. (USA).
Fernando Perez
+ Fernando Perez received his PhD in Physics from the University of + Colorado, Boulder, in 2002 working on questions regarding the + toplogical structure of the QCD vacuum using Lattice Gauge Theory + techniques. He then worked at the Applied Mathematics Dept. at the + same university, focusing on the development of a new family of + algorithms for the efficient application of linear operators in + multiple dimensions, with a focus on the uses of such techniques on + the (bound state) multiparticle Schrodinger Equation. Since early 2008, + he has worked as a research scientist at the Helen Wills Neuroscience + Institute at the University of California, Berkeley, on the development + of new algorithms and tools for neuroimaging. He is actively involved + in the development of tools for scientific computing using high-level + languages, in particular Python. He is the original author and leader + of the IPython project for interactive computing + ( and an active contributor to other + scientific Python projects as well as a frequent lecturer on these + topics.
Satrajit Ghosh
+ Satrajit Ghosh is a research scientist at Research Laboratory of + Electronics at MIT and a faculty member of the Speech and Hearing + Biosciences and Technology program within the Harvard-MIT division + of Health Sciences and Technology. He has extensive experience with + neuroimaging, signal processing and software development. He has + developed state-of-the-art tools for analysis of neuroimaging data + and is managing the development of a Python-based, opensource, + multi-institution software project aimed at improving interoperability + among existing imaging analysis software packages + ( His current research focus is on + utilizing pattern classification approaches for diagnosis and + prediction of neurological disorders. His prior work involves + real-time synthesis of computer music and sound effects, controlling + chaotic oscillators, computational modeling of speech acquisition + and production, and realtime DSP-based speech signal processing. He + holds a BS(Honors) degree in Computer Science from the National + University of Singapore and a PhD in Cognitive and Neural Systems + from Boston University.+

David Cournapeau
- He is one of the lead NumPy and SciPy developers - and is just received his PhD in Signal Processing at Kyoto University, - Japan. -- -

Christopher Burns
- He is one of the lead developers on the - Neuroimaging in Python project (NiPy). He is a software engineer in - the Computational Infrastructure for Research Laboratories group at UC - Berkeley's Neuroscience Institute and a regular contributor to the - NumPy/SciPy projects. --

+ +
John Hunter
+ John Hunter received his Ph.D. in neurobiology at the University of + Chicago for experimental and numerical modeling work on synchronization + of neurons to aperiodic stimuli and the non-linear response of synapses + to aperiodic inputs. His postdoctoral research was in coherence and + characterization of transient synchronizations in pediatric epilepsy. + He left academia in 2005 for quantitative finance, and is Senior + Quantitative Analyst at TradeLink Securities. An avid python programmer + and lecturer in scientific computing in python, he is original author + and lead developer of the scientific visualization package matplotlib. ++ +
Perry Greenfield
+ Perry Greenfield received a Ph.D. in Physics from M.I.T. His thesis + was based on Very Large Array radio observations of the first discovered + gravitational lens. After a short stint in communications engineering + at Bell Labs, he ended up at the Space Telescope Science Institute, + where he has worked for the last 25 years. He initially was responsible + for calibrating the Faint Object Camera for the Hubble Space Telescope, + but for the last 15 years he has been leading the Science Software + Branch. He has pioneered the use of Python in astronomy, and his group + been heavily involved in Python for the last 12 years. They have + developed PyRAF, numarray (the precursor to current numpy capabilities), + PyFITS, and been heavily involved in the development and support of + matplotlib. His group is now heavily involved in developing the science + software to support the next large space telescope under construction, + the James Webb Space Telescope. ++ +