{% extends 'website/templates/base.html' %} {% load static %} {% block current %} Schedule {% endblock %} {% block content %}
Speaker | Title | Time |
Organizers | Installation/Setup | 9:30 |
Prashant Agrawal | Introduction to IPython | 10:15 |
BREAK | 11:15 | |
Prabhu Ramachandran & Jaidev Deshpande | Basic NumPy + Matplotlib | 11:30 |
LUNCH | 13:00 | |
Jaidev Deshpande | More NumPy & SciPy | 14:00 |
TEA BREAK | 16:00 | |
Dhruv Baldawa | Python language basics for Scientists | 16:15 |
Deepak Surti | Mayavi | 17:15 |
END OF THE DAY | 18:00 |
Speaker | Title | Time |
Chinmay Kanchi | Data analysis with SciPy stack (Keynote) | 9:30 |
BREAK | 11:00 | |
Chinmay Kanchi | Data analysis with SciPy stack | 11:10 |
LUNCH | 12:40 | |
Abhinash Panda | Shogun Machine Learning | 13:40 |
TEA BREAK | 15:40 | |
Ramakrishna Reddy | Build / Deploy Python Applications | 16:00 |
END OF THE DAY | 18:00 |
Speaker | Title | Time |
Prabhu Ramachandran | Inauguration | 9:30 |
Romain Guillebert | PyPy and the scientific stack | 9:40 |
Ankur Ankan | Probabilistic Graphical Models using pgmpy | 10:40 |
Rakesh Hirur | Efficiency Model Based On Response Surface Methodology for A 3 Phase Induction Motor Using Python | 11:10 |
Break | 11:30 | |
Prof. Kannan Moudgalya | Invited Talk | 11:40 |
Prof. D. B. Phatak | Invited Talk | 12:10 |
Sreeja Sankaran Nampoothri | Real Time Scene Analytics Using Python | 12:40 |
LUNCH | 12:55 | |
Neethu N J | High Speed Real Time Biscuit Inspection System | 14:00 |
Dr. Ajith Kumar | Keynote | 14:15 |
Melvin Chelli | Closed loop Control of A DC Motor using expEYES with Python | 15:00 |
Jithin Bhagavathi | Python Powered Scientific Instrumentation Tool | 15:20 |
TEA BREAK | 15:50 | |
Prof. Jayendran Venkateswaran | PuLP / OR | 16:10 |
Hashmi Suhel / Deepa Chaudhari | Open Steel Design And Graphics: A Python-Based FOSS | 16:40 |
Prof. Prabhu Ramachandran | The FOSSEE project | 17:00 |
Various | Lightning Talks | 17:10 |
Closing | 17:40 | |
END OF THE DAY | 17:45 |