{% extends 'website/templates/base.html' %} {% load static%} {% block sidebar %} {% endblock %} {% block current %} Invited Speakers {% endblock %} {% block content %}
Ajith Kumar

Ajith Kumar

Dr. B. P. Ajith Kumar, a scientist working with the IUAC. His main area of work is development of instrumentation for particle accelerators and associated experiments, including radio-frequency accelerating structures, control and data acquisition systems, digital and radio frequency electronics modules. He initiated the Phoenix / expEYES project. ExpEYES is currently the cheapest educational system to teach science.

Links: Website

Romain Guillebert

Romain Guillebert

Romain Guillebert holds a Bachelor of Science in Software Development at IT Carlow (Ireland). In 2010 he worked as a software engineering intern at EDF Le Havre, he participated in the 2011 Google Summer of Code on the PyPy project. At the médialab he is responsible of the software side of the Trust project where he works on the analysis of social behaviors in open-source communities.

Links: Github Bitbucket Twitter

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