$problem_data = db_fetch_object($problem_q);
$file_links .= '
' . l('Problem Statement', $dl_root_path . $problem_data->filepath);
$sup_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {lab_migration_files} WHERE link_id = %d AND filetype = 'S'", $labs_data->id);
$sup_data = db_fetch_object($sup_q);
if ($sup_data)
$file_links .= '
' . l('Suplementary Files', $dl_root_path . $sup_data->filepath);
$migration_status = '';
if ($labs_data->solution_status == 0) {
$migration_status = 'In Progress';
} else if ($labs_data->solution_status == 1) {
$migration_status = 'Migrated';
if (($user->uid == $labs_data->uid) || user_access('manage proposal')) {
$sol_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {lab_migration_files} WHERE link_id = %d AND filetype = 'A'", $labs_data->id);
$sol_data = db_fetch_object($sol_q);
$file_links .= '
' . l('Solution File', $dl_root_path . $sol_data->filepath);
$labs_rows[] = array($labs_data->university, $labs_data->lab_title, $labs_data->problem_topic . $file_links, l($labs_data->name_title . ' ' . $labs_data->name, 'user/' . $labs_data->uid) . '
' . $labs_data->department, $migration_status);
/* check if there are any pending proposals */
//if (!$labs_rows) {
// drupal_set_message(t('There are no lab migrations.'), 'status');
// return '';
$output = "
Labs Migration Project: Do you want to shift your labs from MATLAB to Scilab?
Please get in touch with us at and we will help you.
Here are some previous labs that we have shifted from MATLAB to Scilab:
If you are a teacher and want access to the codes, please get in touch with us at from your official email ID.
"; $labs_header = array('University/Institute', 'Title of the Lab', 'Title of the Problem', 'Name of the Proposer and Department', 'Status'); $output .= theme_table($labs_header, $labs_rows); return $output; }