from IPython.kernel.zmq.kernelbase import Kernel from IPython.utils.path import locate_profile from IPython.core.oinspect import Inspector, cast_unicode from oct2py import Oct2PyError, octave import os import signal from subprocess import check_output import re import logging __version__ = '0.2' version_pat = re.compile(r'version (\d+(\.\d+)+)') class OctaveKernel(Kernel): implementation = 'octave_kernel' implementation_version = __version__ language = 'octave' @property def language_version(self): m = return _banner = None @property def banner(self): if self._banner is None: self._banner = check_output(['octave', '--version']).decode('utf-8') return self._banner def __init__(self, **kwargs): Kernel.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Signal handlers are inherited by forked processes, # and we can't easily reset it from the subprocess. # Since kernelapp ignores SIGINT except in message handlers, # we need to temporarily reset the SIGINT handler here # so that octave and its children are interruptible. sig = signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) try: self.octavewrapper = octave octave.restart() finally: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sig) self.inspector = Inspector() self.inspector.set_active_scheme("Linux") self.log.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) try: self.hist_file = os.path.join(locate_profile(), 'octave_kernel.hist') except IOError: self.hist_file = None self.log.warn('No default profile found, history unavailable') self.max_hist_cache = 1000 self.hist_cache = [] self.docstring_cache = {} self.help_cache = {} def do_execute(self, code, silent, store_history=True, user_expressions=None, allow_stdin=False): """Execute a line of code in Octave.""" code = code.strip() abort_msg = {'status': 'abort', 'execution_count': self.execution_count} if code and store_history: self.hist_cache.append(code) if not code or code == 'keyboard' or code.startswith('keyboard('): return {'status': 'ok', 'execution_count': self.execution_count, 'payload': [], 'user_expressions': {}} elif (code == 'exit' or code.startswith('exit(') or code == 'quit' or code.startswith('quit(')): # TODO: exit gracefully here self.do_shutdown(False) return abort_msg elif code == 'restart': self.octavewrapper.restart() return abort_msg elif code.endswith('?') or code.startswith('?'): self._get_help(code) return abort_msg interrupted = False try: output = self.octavewrapper._eval([code]) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.octavewrapper._session.proc.send_signal(signal.SIGINT) interrupted = True output = 'Octave Session Interrupted' except Oct2PyError as e: return self._handle_error(str(e)) except Exception: self.octavewrapper.restart() output = 'Uncaught Exception, Restarting Octave' else: if output is None: output = '' elif output == 'Octave Session Interrupted': interrupted = True if not silent: stream_content = {'name': 'stdout', 'data': output} self.send_response(self.iopub_socket, 'stream', stream_content) if interrupted: return abort_msg return {'status': 'ok', 'execution_count': self.execution_count, 'payload': [], 'user_expressions': {}} def do_complete(self, code, cursor_pos): """Get code completions using Octave's 'completion_matches'""" code = code[:cursor_pos] default = {'matches': [], 'cursor_start': 0, 'cursor_end': cursor_pos, 'metadata': dict(), 'status': 'ok'} if code[-1] == ' ': return default tokens = code.replace(';', ' ').split() if not tokens: return default token = tokens[-1] if os.sep in token: dname = os.path.dirname(token) rest = os.path.basename(token) if os.path.exists(dname): files = os.listdir(dname) matches = [f for f in files if f.startswith(rest)] start = cursor_pos - len(rest) else: return default else: start = cursor_pos - len(token) cmd = 'completion_matches("%s")' % token output = self.octavewrapper._eval([cmd]) matches = output.split() for item in dir(self.octavewrapper): if item.startswith(token) and not item in matches: matches.append(item) return {'matches': matches, 'cursor_start': start, 'cursor_end': cursor_pos, 'metadata': dict(), 'status': 'ok'} def do_inspect(self, code, cursor_pos, detail_level=0): """If the code ends with a (, try to return a calltip docstring""" default = {'status': 'aborted', 'data': dict(), 'metadata': dict()} if (not code or not len(code) >= cursor_pos or not code[cursor_pos - 1] == '('): return default else: token = code[:cursor_pos - 1].replace(';', '').split()[-1] if token in self.docstring_cache: docstring = self.docstring_cache[token] elif token in self.help_cache: docstring = self.help_cache[token]['docstring'] else: docstring = self._get_octave_info(token, detail_level)['docstring'] self.docstring_cache[token] = docstring if docstring: data = {'text/plain': docstring} return {'status': 'ok', 'data': data, 'metadata': dict()} return default def do_history(self, hist_access_type, output, raw, session=None, start=None, stop=None, n=None, pattern=None, unique=False): """Access history at startup. """ if not self.hist_file: return {'history': []} if not os.path.exists(self.hist_file): with open(self.hist_file, 'wb') as fid: fid.write('') with open(self.hist_file, 'rb') as fid: history = fid.readlines() self.hist_cache = history self.log.debug('**HISTORY:') self.log.debug(history) history = [(None, None, h) for h in history] return {'history': history} def do_shutdown(self, restart): """Shut down the app gracefully, saving history. """ self.log.debug("**Shutting down") if restart: self.octavewrapper.restart() else: self.octavewrapper.close() if self.hist_file: with open(self.hist_file, 'wb') as fid: fid.write('\n'.join(self.hist_cache[:self.max_hist_cache])) return {'status': 'ok', 'restart': restart} def _get_help(self, code): if code.startswith('??') or code.endswith('??'): detail_level = 1 else: detail_level = 0 code = code.replace('?', '') tokens = code.replace(';', ' ').split() if not tokens: return token = tokens[-1] if token in self.help_cache: info = self.help_cache[token] else: info = self._get_octave_info(token, detail_level) self.help_cache[token] = info if token in self.docstring_cache: del self.docstring_cache[token] output = self._get_printable_info(info, detail_level) stream_content = {'name': 'stdout', 'data': output} self.send_response(self.iopub_socket, 'stream', stream_content) def _handle_error(self, err): if 'parse error:' in err: err = 'Parse Error' elif 'Octave returned:' in err: err = err[err.index('Octave returned:'):] err = err[len('Octave returned:'):].lstrip() elif 'Syntax Error' in err: err = 'Syntax Error' stream_content = {'name': 'stdout', 'data': err.strip()} self.send_response(self.iopub_socket, 'stream', stream_content) return {'status': 'error', 'execution_count': self.execution_count, 'ename': '', 'evalue': err, 'traceback': []} def _get_printable_info(self, info, detail_level=0): inspector = self.inspector displayfields = [] def add_fields(fields): for title, key in fields: field = info[key] if field is not None: displayfields.append((title, field.rstrip())) add_fields(inspector.pinfo_fields1) add_fields(inspector.pinfo_fields2) add_fields(inspector.pinfo_fields3) # Source or docstring, depending on detail level and whether # source found. if detail_level > 0 and info['source'] is not None: source = cast_unicode(info['source']) displayfields.append(("Source", source)) elif info['docstring'] is not None: displayfields.append(("Docstring", info["docstring"])) # Info for objects: else: add_fields(inspector.pinfo_fields_obj) # Finally send to printer/pager: if displayfields: return inspector._format_fields(displayfields) def _get_octave_info(self, obj, detail_level): info = dict(argspec=None, base_class=None, call_def=None, call_docstring=None, class_docstring=None, definition=None, docstring=None, file=None, found=False, init_definition=None, init_docstring=None, isalias=0, isclass=None, ismagic=0, length=None, name='', namespace=None, source=None, string_form=None, type_name='') oc = self.octavewrapper if obj in dir(oc): obj = getattr(oc, obj) return, detail_level=detail_level) exist ='exist "%s"' % obj) if exist.endswith('0'): return info try: help_str ='help %s' % obj) except Oct2PyError: help_str = None type_str = oc.type(obj)[0].strip() cls_str ="class %s" % obj)[6:] type_first_line = type_str.splitlines()[0] type_str = '\n'.join(type_str.splitlines()[1:]) is_var = 'is a variable' in type_first_line info['found'] = True info['docstring'] = help_str or type_first_line info['type_name'] = cls_str if is_var else 'built-in function' info['source'] = help_str info['string_form'] = obj if not is_var else type_str.rstrip() if type_first_line.rstrip().endswith('.m'): info['file'] = type_first_line.split()[-1] info['type_name'] = 'function' info['source'] = type_str if not help_str: info['docstring'] = None return info if __name__ == '__main__': from IPython.kernel.zmq.kernelapp import IPKernelApp IPKernelApp.launch_instance(kernel_class=OctaveKernel)