'#markup' => ''
$form["QR_code"] = array(
"#type" => "textfield",
"#title" => "Enter QR Code",
"#default_value" => '',
"#required" => TRUE
$form["submit"] = array(
"#type" => "submit",
"#value" => "Verify",
'#ajax' => array(
'callback' => 'verify_m_tbc_certificates_form_submit',
'progress' => array(
'message' => ''
$form['displaytable'] = array(
'#type' => 'markup',
'#prefix' => '
'#markup' => ''
return $form;
function verify_m_tbc_certificates_form_submit($form, &$form_state)
$page_content = "";
$v = $form_state["values"];
$qr_code = $v["QR_code"];
$page_content = verify_qrcode_m_tbc_fromdb($qr_code);
$form['displaytable']['#markup'] = $page_content;
$commands[] = ajax_command_html("#displaytable", drupal_render($form['displaytable']));
return array(
'#type' => 'ajax',
'#commands' => $commands
function verify_qrcode_m_tbc_fromdb($qr_code)
$query = db_select('m_tbc_certificate_qr_code');
$query->condition('qr_code', $qr_code);
$result = $query->execute()->fetchObject();
$proposal_id = $result->proposal_id;
$certificate_id = $result->certificate_id;
if ($proposal_id)
$query2 = db_query("SELECT * FROM {m_tbc_certificate} WHERE proposal_id= :prop_id AND id=:certificate_id", array(
':prop_id' => $proposal_id,
':certificate_id' => $certificate_id
$data2 = $query2->fetchObject();
if ($data2->type == "Proposer")
$page_content = "";
$page_content .= "Participation Details
//$page_content.="Name | ";
//$page_content.="".$data2->name_title. ' '.$data2->name." |
$page_content = "";
$page_content .= "Participation Details
Name | ";
$page_content .= "" . $data2->name . " |
$page_content .= "Project | ";
$page_content .= "Scilab Textbook Companion |
$page_content .= "Books completed | ";
$page_content .= "" . $data2->book_name . " |
$page_content .= "Book Author | ";
$page_content .= "" . $data2->author . " |
$page_content .= "
$page_content .= "
} //$data2->type == "Proposer"
elseif ($data2->type == "Participant")
$page_content = "";
$page_content .= "Participation Details
Name | ";
$page_content .= "" . $data2->name . " |
$page_content .= "Project | ";
$page_content .= "Scilab Textbook Companion |
$page_content .= "Books completed | ";
$page_content .= "" . $data2->book_name . " |
$page_content .= "Book Author | ";
$page_content .= "" . $data2->author . " |
$page_content .= "
} //$data2->type == "Participant"
$page_content = "Sorry ! The serial number you entered seems to be invalid. Please try again ! ";
return $page_content;
} //$proposal_id