/* ========================================================================== */ /* === BTF package ========================================================== */ /* ========================================================================== */ /* BTF_MAXTRANS: find a column permutation Q to give A*Q a zero-free diagonal * BTF_STRONGCOMP: find a symmetric permutation P to put P*A*P' into block * upper triangular form. * BTF_ORDER: do both of the above (btf_maxtrans then btf_strongcomp). * * By Tim Davis. Copyright (c) 2004-2007, University of Florida. * with support from Sandia National Laboratories. All Rights Reserved. */ /* ========================================================================== */ /* === BTF_MAXTRANS ========================================================= */ /* ========================================================================== */ /* BTF_MAXTRANS: finds a permutation of the columns of a matrix so that it has a * zero-free diagonal. The input is an m-by-n sparse matrix in compressed * column form. The array Ap of size n+1 gives the starting and ending * positions of the columns in the array Ai. Ap[0] must be zero. The array Ai * contains the row indices of the nonzeros of the matrix A, and is of size * Ap[n]. The row indices of column j are located in Ai[Ap[j] ... Ap[j+1]-1]. * Row indices must be in the range 0 to m-1. Duplicate entries may be present * in any given column. The input matrix is not checked for validity (row * indices out of the range 0 to m-1 will lead to an undeterminate result - * possibly a core dump, for example). Row indices in any given column need * not be in sorted order. However, if they are sorted and the matrix already * has a zero-free diagonal, then the identity permutation is returned. * * The output of btf_maxtrans is an array Match of size n. If row i is matched * with column j, then A(i,j) is nonzero, and then Match[i] = j. If the matrix * is structurally nonsingular, all entries in the Match array are unique, and * Match can be viewed as a column permutation if A is square. That is, column * k of the original matrix becomes column Match[k] of the permuted matrix. In * MATLAB, this can be expressed as (for non-structurally singular matrices): * * Match = maxtrans (A) ; * B = A (:, Match) ; * * except of course here the A matrix and Match vector are all 0-based (rows * and columns in the range 0 to n-1), not 1-based (rows/cols in range 1 to n). * The MATLAB dmperm routine returns a row permutation. See the maxtrans * mexFunction for more details. * * If row i is not matched to any column, then Match[i] is == -1. The * btf_maxtrans routine returns the number of nonzeros on diagonal of the * permuted matrix. * * In the MATLAB mexFunction interface to btf_maxtrans, 1 is added to the Match * array to obtain a 1-based permutation. Thus, in MATLAB where A is m-by-n: * * q = maxtrans (A) ; % has entries in the range 0:n * q % a column permutation (only if sprank(A)==n) * B = A (:, q) ; % permuted matrix (only if sprank(A)==n) * sum (q > 0) ; % same as "sprank (A)" * * This behaviour differs from p = dmperm (A) in MATLAB, which returns the * matching as p(j)=i if row i and column j are matched, and p(j)=0 if column j * is unmatched. * * p = dmperm (A) ; % has entries in the range 0:m * p % a row permutation (only if sprank(A)==m) * B = A (p, :) ; % permuted matrix (only if sprank(A)==m) * sum (p > 0) ; % definition of sprank (A) * * This algorithm is based on the paper "On Algorithms for obtaining a maximum * transversal" by Iain Duff, ACM Trans. Mathematical Software, vol 7, no. 1, * pp. 315-330, and "Algorithm 575: Permutations for a zero-free diagonal", * same issue, pp. 387-390. Algorithm 575 is MC21A in the Harwell Subroutine * Library. This code is not merely a translation of the Fortran code into C. * It is a completely new implementation of the basic underlying method (depth * first search over a subgraph with nodes corresponding to columns matched so * far, and cheap matching). This code was written with minimal observation of * the MC21A/B code itself. See comments below for a comparison between the * maxtrans and MC21A/B codes. * * This routine operates on a column-form matrix and produces a column * permutation. MC21A uses a row-form matrix and produces a row permutation. * The difference is merely one of convention in the comments and interpretation * of the inputs and outputs. If you want a row permutation, simply pass a * compressed-row sparse matrix to this routine and you will get a row * permutation (just like MC21A). Similarly, you can pass a column-oriented * matrix to MC21A and it will happily return a column permutation. */ #ifndef _BTF_H #define _BTF_H /* make it easy for C++ programs to include BTF */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "SuiteSparse_config.h" int btf_maxtrans /* returns # of columns matched */ ( /* --- input, not modified: --- */ int nrow, /* A is nrow-by-ncol in compressed column form */ int ncol, int Ap [ ], /* size ncol+1 */ int Ai [ ], /* size nz = Ap [ncol] */ double maxwork, /* maximum amount of work to do is maxwork*nnz(A); no limit * if <= 0 */ /* --- output, not defined on input --- */ double *work, /* work = -1 if maxwork > 0 and the total work performed * reached the maximum of maxwork*nnz(A). * Otherwise, work = the total work performed. */ int Match [ ], /* size nrow. Match [i] = j if column j matched to row i * (see above for the singular-matrix case) */ /* --- workspace, not defined on input or output --- */ int Work [ ] /* size 5*ncol */ ) ; /* long integer version (all "int" parameters become "SuiteSparse_long") */ SuiteSparse_long btf_l_maxtrans (SuiteSparse_long, SuiteSparse_long, SuiteSparse_long *, SuiteSparse_long *, double, double *, SuiteSparse_long *, SuiteSparse_long *) ; /* ========================================================================== */ /* === BTF_STRONGCOMP ======================================================= */ /* ========================================================================== */ /* BTF_STRONGCOMP finds the strongly connected components of a graph, returning * a symmetric permutation. The matrix A must be square, and is provided on * input in compressed-column form (see BTF_MAXTRANS, above). The diagonal of * the input matrix A (or A*Q if Q is provided on input) is ignored. * * If Q is not NULL on input, then the strongly connected components of A*Q are * found. Q may be flagged on input, where Q[k] < 0 denotes a flagged column k. * The permutation is j = BTF_UNFLIP (Q [k]). On output, Q is modified (the * flags are preserved) so that P*A*Q is in block upper triangular form. * * If Q is NULL, then the permutation P is returned so that P*A*P' is in upper * block triangular form. * * The vector R gives the block boundaries, where block b is in rows/columns * R[b] to R[b+1]-1 of the permuted matrix, and where b ranges from 1 to the * number of strongly connected components found. */ int btf_strongcomp /* return # of strongly connected components */ ( /* input, not modified: */ int n, /* A is n-by-n in compressed column form */ int Ap [ ], /* size n+1 */ int Ai [ ], /* size nz = Ap [n] */ /* optional input, modified (if present) on output: */ int Q [ ], /* size n, input column permutation */ /* output, not defined on input */ int P [ ], /* size n. P [k] = j if row and column j are kth row/col * in permuted matrix. */ int R [ ], /* size n+1. block b is in rows/cols R[b] ... R[b+1]-1 */ /* workspace, not defined on input or output */ int Work [ ] /* size 4n */ ) ; SuiteSparse_long btf_l_strongcomp (SuiteSparse_long, SuiteSparse_long *, SuiteSparse_long *, SuiteSparse_long *, SuiteSparse_long *, SuiteSparse_long *, SuiteSparse_long *) ; /* ========================================================================== */ /* === BTF_ORDER ============================================================ */ /* ========================================================================== */ /* BTF_ORDER permutes a square matrix into upper block triangular form. It * does this by first finding a maximum matching (or perhaps a limited matching * if the work is limited), via the btf_maxtrans function. If a complete * matching is not found, BTF_ORDER completes the permutation, but flags the * columns of P*A*Q to denote which columns are not matched. If the matrix is * structurally rank deficient, some of the entries on the diagonal of the * permuted matrix will be zero. BTF_ORDER then calls btf_strongcomp to find * the strongly-connected components. * * On output, P and Q are the row and column permutations, where i = P[k] if * row i of A is the kth row of P*A*Q, and j = BTF_UNFLIP(Q[k]) if column j of * A is the kth column of P*A*Q. If Q[k] < 0, then the (k,k)th entry in P*A*Q * is structurally zero. * * The vector R gives the block boundaries, where block b is in rows/columns * R[b] to R[b+1]-1 of the permuted matrix, and where b ranges from 1 to the * number of strongly connected components found. */ int btf_order /* returns number of blocks found */ ( /* --- input, not modified: --- */ int n, /* A is n-by-n in compressed column form */ int Ap [ ], /* size n+1 */ int Ai [ ], /* size nz = Ap [n] */ double maxwork, /* do at most maxwork*nnz(A) work in the maximum * transversal; no limit if <= 0 */ /* --- output, not defined on input --- */ double *work, /* return value from btf_maxtrans */ int P [ ], /* size n, row permutation */ int Q [ ], /* size n, column permutation */ int R [ ], /* size n+1. block b is in rows/cols R[b] ... R[b+1]-1 */ int *nmatch, /* # nonzeros on diagonal of P*A*Q */ /* --- workspace, not defined on input or output --- */ int Work [ ] /* size 5n */ ) ; SuiteSparse_long btf_l_order (SuiteSparse_long, SuiteSparse_long *, SuiteSparse_long *, double , double *, SuiteSparse_long *, SuiteSparse_long *, SuiteSparse_long *, SuiteSparse_long *, SuiteSparse_long *) ; /* ========================================================================== */ /* === BTF marking of singular columns ====================================== */ /* ========================================================================== */ /* BTF_FLIP is a "negation about -1", and is used to mark an integer j * that is normally non-negative. BTF_FLIP (-1) is -1. BTF_FLIP of * a number > -1 is negative, and BTF_FLIP of a number < -1 is positive. * BTF_FLIP (BTF_FLIP (j)) = j for all integers j. UNFLIP (j) acts * like an "absolute value" operation, and is always >= -1. You can test * whether or not an integer j is "flipped" with the BTF_ISFLIPPED (j) * macro. */ #define BTF_FLIP(j) (-(j)-2) #define BTF_ISFLIPPED(j) ((j) < -1) #define BTF_UNFLIP(j) ((BTF_ISFLIPPED (j)) ? BTF_FLIP (j) : (j)) /* ========================================================================== */ /* === BTF version ========================================================== */ /* ========================================================================== */ /* All versions of BTF include these definitions. * As an example, to test if the version you are using is 1.2 or later: * * if (BTF_VERSION >= BTF_VERSION_CODE (1,2)) ... * * This also works during compile-time: * * #if (BTF >= BTF_VERSION_CODE (1,2)) * printf ("This is version 1.2 or later\n") ; * #else * printf ("This is an early version\n") ; * #endif */ #define BTF_DATE "Jun 1, 2012" #define BTF_VERSION_CODE(main,sub) ((main) * 1000 + (sub)) #define BTF_MAIN_VERSION 1 #define BTF_SUB_VERSION 2 #define BTF_SUBSUB_VERSION 0 #define BTF_VERSION BTF_VERSION_CODE(BTF_MAIN_VERSION,BTF_SUB_VERSION) #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif