/* ========================================================================== */ /* === RBio/Include/RBio.h: include file for RBio =========================== */ /* ========================================================================== */ /* Copyright 2009, Timothy A. Davis, All Rights Reserved. Refer to RBio/Doc/license.txt for the RBio license. */ #ifndef _RBIO_H /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* large file I/O support */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Definitions required for large file I/O, which must come before any other * #includes. These are not used if -DNLARGEFILE is defined at compile time. * Large file support may not be portable across all platforms and compilers; * if you encounter an error here, compile your code with -DNLARGEFILE. In * particular, you must use -DNLARGEFILE for MATLAB 6.5 or earlier (which does * not have the io64.h include file). See also CHOLMOD/Include/cholmod_io64.h. */ /* skip all of this if NLARGEFILE is defined at the compiler command line */ #ifndef NLARGEFILE #if defined(MATLAB_MEX_FILE) || defined(MATHWORKS) /* RBio is being compiled as a MATLAB mexFunction, or for use in MATLAB */ #include "io64.h" #else /* RBio is being compiled in a stand-alone library */ #undef _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE #define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE #undef _FILE_OFFSET_BITS #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 #endif #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* include files */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "SuiteSparse_config.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE #include "mex.h" #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* error codes */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define RBIO_OK (0) /* matrix is OK */ /* data structure errors */ #define RBIO_CP_INVALID (-1) /* column pointers are invalid */ #define RBIO_ROW_INVALID (-2) /* row indices are out of range */ #define RBIO_DUPLICATE (-3) /* duplicate entry */ #define RBIO_EXTRANEOUS (-4) /* entries in upper tri part of sym matrix */ #define RBIO_TYPE_INVALID (-5) /* matrix type (RUA, etc) invalid */ #define RBIO_DIM_INVALID (-6) /* matrix dimensions invalid */ #define RBIO_JUMBLED (-7) /* matrix contains unsorted columns */ #define RBIO_ARG_ERROR (-8) /* input arguments invalid */ #define RBIO_OUT_OF_MEMORY (-9) /* out of memory */ #define RBIO_MKIND_INVALID (-10) /* mkind is invalid */ #define RBIO_UNSUPPORTED (-11) /* finite-element form unsupported */ /* I/O errors */ #define RBIO_HEADER_IOERROR (-91) /* I/O error: header */ #define RBIO_CP_IOERROR (-92) /* I/O error: column pointers */ #define RBIO_ROW_IOERROR (-93) /* I/O error: row indices */ #define RBIO_VALUE_IOERROR (-94) /* I/O error: numerical values */ #define RBIO_FILE_IOERROR (-95) /* I/O error: cannot read/write the file */ #define RBIO_DATE "Jun 20, 2012" #define RBIO_VER_CODE(main,sub) ((main) * 1000 + (sub)) #define RBIO_MAIN_VERSION 2 #define RBIO_SUB_VERSION 1 #define RBIO_SUBSUB_VERSION 1 #define RBIO_VERSION RBIO_VER_CODE(RBIO_MAIN_VERSION,RBIO_SUB_VERSION) /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* user-callable functions */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* RBread: read a Rutherford/Boeing matrix from a file RBwrite: write a matrix to a file in R/B format RBkind: determine the matrix type (RUA, RSA, etc) RBreadraw: read the raw contents of a R/B file RBget_entry: get a single numerical value from a matrix RBput_entry: put a single numerical value into a matrix RBmalloc: malloc-wrapper for RBio RBfree: free-wrapper for RBio RBok: test the validity of a sparse matrix Each function comes in two versions: one with "int" integers, the other with "SuiteSparse_long" integers. SuiteSparse_long is "long", except for Windows (for which it is __int64). The default type is SuiteSparse_long. Functions for "int" integers have the _i suffix appended to their names. */ int RBkind_i /* 0: OK, < 0: error, > 0: warning */ ( /* input */ int nrow, /* A is nrow-by-ncol */ int ncol, int *Ap, /* Ap [0...ncol]: column pointers */ int *Ai, /* Ai [0...nnz-1]: row indices */ double *Ax, /* Ax [0...nnz-1]: real values. Az holds imaginary part */ double *Az, /* if real, Az is NULL. if complex, Az is non-NULL */ int mkind_in, /* 0:R, 1:P: 2:Csplit, 3:I, 4:Cmerged */ /* output */ int *mkind, /* 0:R, 1:P: 2:Csplit, 3:I, 4:Cmerged */ int *skind, /* r: -1 (rectangular), u: 0 (unsymmetric), s: 1 symmetric, h: 2 (Hermitian), z: 3 (skew symmetric) */ char mtype [4], /* rua, psa, rra, cha, etc */ double *xmin, /* smallest value */ double *xmax, /* largest value */ /* workspace: allocated internally if NULL */ int *cp, /* workspace of size ncol+1, undefined on input and output*/ SuiteSparse_config *config /* SuiteSparse configuration parameters */ ) ; SuiteSparse_long RBkind (SuiteSparse_long nrow, SuiteSparse_long ncol, SuiteSparse_long *Ap, SuiteSparse_long *Ai, double *Ax, double *Az, SuiteSparse_long mkind_in, SuiteSparse_long *mkind, SuiteSparse_long *skind, char mtype [4], double *xmin, double *xmax, SuiteSparse_long *cp, SuiteSparse_config *config) ; int RBread_i /* 0: OK, < 0: error, > 0: warning */ ( /* input */ char *filename, /* file to read from */ int build_upper, /* if true, construct upper part for sym. matrices */ int zero_handling, /* 0: do nothing, 1: prune zeros, 2: extract zeros */ /* output */ char title [73], char key [9], char mtype [4], /* RUA, RSA, PUA, PSA, RRA, etc */ int *nrow, /* A is nrow-by-ncol */ int *ncol, int *mkind, /* R: 0, P: 1, C: 2, I: 3 */ int *skind, /* R: -1, U: 0, S: 1, H: 2, Z: 3 */ int *asize, /* Ai array has size asize*sizeof(double) */ int *znz, /* number of explicit zeros removed from A */ /* output: these are malloc'ed below and must be freed by the caller */ int **Ap, /* column pointers of A */ int **Ai, /* row indices of A */ double **Ax, /* real values (ignored if NULL) of A */ double **Az, /* imaginary values (ignored if NULL) of A */ int **Zp, /* column pointers of Z */ int **Zi, /* row indices of Z */ SuiteSparse_config *config /* SuiteSparse configuration parameters */ ) ; SuiteSparse_long RBread (char *filename, SuiteSparse_long build_upper, SuiteSparse_long zero_handling, char title [73], char key [9], char mtype [4], SuiteSparse_long *nrow, SuiteSparse_long *ncol, SuiteSparse_long *mkind, SuiteSparse_long *skind, SuiteSparse_long *asize, SuiteSparse_long *znz, SuiteSparse_long **Ap, SuiteSparse_long **Ai, double **Ax, double **Az, SuiteSparse_long **Zp, SuiteSparse_long **Zi, SuiteSparse_config *config) ; int RBreadraw_i /* 0: OK, < 0: error, > 0: warning */ ( /* input */ char *filename, /* file to read from */ /* output */ char title [73], char key [9], char mtype [4], /* RUA, RSA, PUA, PSA, RRA, etc */ int *nrow, /* A is nrow-by-ncol */ int *ncol, int *nnz, /* size of Ai */ int *nelnz, int *mkind, /* 0:R, 1:P: 2:Csplit, 3:I, 4:Cmerged */ int *skind, /* R: -1, U: 0, S: 1, H: 2, Z: 3 */ int *fem, /* 0:__A, 1:__E */ int *xsize, /* size of Ax */ /* output: these are malloc'ed below and must be freed by the caller */ int **p_Ap, /* size ncol+1, column pointers of A */ int **p_Ai, /* size nnz, row indices of A */ double **p_Ax, /* size xsize, numerical values of A */ SuiteSparse_config *config /* SuiteSparse configuration parameters */ ) ; SuiteSparse_long RBreadraw (char *filename, char title [73], char key [9], char mtype[4], SuiteSparse_long *nrow, SuiteSparse_long *ncol, SuiteSparse_long *nnz, SuiteSparse_long *nelnz, SuiteSparse_long *mkind, SuiteSparse_long *skind, SuiteSparse_long *fem, SuiteSparse_long *xsize, SuiteSparse_long **p_Ap, SuiteSparse_long **p_Ai, double **p_Ax, SuiteSparse_config *config) ; int RBwrite_i /* 0:OK, < 0: error, > 0: warning */ ( /* input */ char *filename, /* filename to write to (stdout if NULL) */ char *title, /* title (72 char max), may be NULL */ char *key, /* key (8 char max), may be NULL */ int nrow, /* A is nrow-by-ncol */ int ncol, int *Ap, /* size ncol+1, column pointers */ int *Ai, /* size anz=Ap[ncol], row indices (sorted) */ double *Ax, /* size anz or 2*anz, numerical values (binary if NULL) */ double *Az, /* size anz, imaginary part (real if NULL) */ int *Zp, /* size ncol+1, column pointers for Z (or NULL) */ int *Zi, /* size znz=Zp[ncol], row indices for Z (or NULL) */ int mkind_in, /* 0:R, 1:P: 2:Csplit, 3:I, 4:Cmerged */ /* output */ char mtype [4], /* matrix type (RUA, RSA, etc), may be NULL */ SuiteSparse_config *config /* SuiteSparse configuration parameters */ ) ; SuiteSparse_long RBwrite (char *filename, char *title, char *key, SuiteSparse_long nrow, SuiteSparse_long ncol, SuiteSparse_long *Ap, SuiteSparse_long *Ai, double *Ax, double *Az, SuiteSparse_long *Zp, SuiteSparse_long *Zi, SuiteSparse_long mkind_in, char mtype [4], SuiteSparse_config *config) ; void RBget_entry_i ( int mkind, /* R: 0, P: 1, C: 2, I: 3 */ double *Ax, /* real part, or both if merged-complex */ double *Az, /* imaginary part if split-complex */ int p, /* index of the entry */ double *xr, /* real part */ double *xz /* imaginary part */ ) ; void RBget_entry (SuiteSparse_long mkind, double *Ax, double *Az, SuiteSparse_long p, double *xr, double *xz) ; void RBput_entry_i ( int mkind, /* R: 0, P: 1, C: 2, I: 3 */ double *Ax, /* real part, or both if merged-complex */ double *Az, /* imaginary part if split-complex */ int p, /* index of the entry */ double xr, /* real part */ double xz /* imaginary part */ ) ; void RBput_entry (SuiteSparse_long mkind, double *Ax, double *Az, SuiteSparse_long p, double xr, double xz) ; int RBok_i /* 0:OK, < 0: error, > 0: warning */ ( /* inputs, not modified */ int nrow, /* number of rows */ int ncol, /* number of columns */ int nzmax, /* max # of entries */ int *Ap, /* size ncol+1, column pointers */ int *Ai, /* size nz = Ap [ncol], row indices */ double *Ax, /* real part, or both if merged-complex */ double *Az, /* imaginary part for split-complex */ char *As, /* logical matrices (useful for MATLAB caller only) */ int mkind, /* 0:real, 1:logical/pattern, 2:split-complex, 3:integer, 4:merged-complex */ /* outputs, not defined on input */ int *p_njumbled, /* # of jumbled row indices (-1 if not computed) */ int *p_nzeros /* number of explicit zeros (-1 if not computed) */ ) ; SuiteSparse_long RBok (SuiteSparse_long nrow, SuiteSparse_long ncol, SuiteSparse_long nzmax, SuiteSparse_long *Ap, SuiteSparse_long *Ai, double *Ax, double *Az, char *As, SuiteSparse_long mkind, SuiteSparse_long *p_njumbled, SuiteSparse_long *p_nzeros) ; #ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE void RBerror (int status) ; /* only for MATLAB mexFunctions */ #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif