// Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab
// Copyright (C) DIGITEO - 2010 - Clément DAVID
// Copyright (C) - 2011 - Scilab Enterprises - Clément DAVID
// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
// are also available at
// http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2.1-en.txt
function pal = xcosPalAddBlock(pal, block, pal_block_img, style)
// Add a block to a Scilab/Xcos palette instance. Some optional properties can be added to customize the palette icon and the style of the block.
// Calling Sequence
// pal = xcosPalAddBlock(pal, block);
// pal = xcosPalAddBlock(pal, block, pal_block_img);
// pal = xcosPalAddBlock(pal, block, [], style);
// pal = xcosPalAddBlock(pal, block, pal_block_img, style);
// Parameters
// pal: the palette to update
// block: the block to add to the palette
// pal_block_img: the block icon to use on the palette manager.
// style: the style to apply to the block
// Description
// This macros add a block instance to a palette. This block parameter can be an instantiated block or a name (interface-function) or a path to a saved instance. Some operations are performed to load this block and check it's availability so it's interface-function must be loaded on Scilab. Some temporary files are also generated without full path arguments.
// The optional pal_block_img argument is generated on the TMPDIR using Scilab graphics if not specified.Be careful that if you use our palette to be persistent you then need to specify it. Otherwise the generated image will be deleted at the end of the Scilab session.
// The optional style argument allow the user to determine the kind of style to be used by this block. This argument can be typed as a path string or a struct. If it is a string then a default style value is generated and formatted as a style else a struct is wrapped to a key-value jgraphx settings. The following style correspond to jgraphx version These style keys can change with new version of jgraphx without any warranty.
// Examples
// loadXcosLibs();
// pal = xcosPal();
// sumPath = TMPDIR + "/sum.sod";
// bigSomPath = TMPDIR + "/sum.sod";
// scs_m = SUM_f("define");
// export_to_hdf5(sumPath, "scs_m");
// scs_m = BIGSOM_f("define");
// export_to_hdf5(bigSomPath, "scs_m");
// pal = xcosPalAddBlock(pal, sumPath);
// pal = xcosPalAddBlock(pal, bigSomPath);
// xcosPalAdd(pal);
// See also
// xcosPal
// xcosPalAdd
// Authors
// Clément DAVID
// Checking arguments
[lhs,rhs] = argn(0)
if rhs < 2 | rhs > 5 then
error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d to %d expected.\n"), "xcosPalAddBlock", 2, 5));
if lhs > 1 then
error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of output arguments: %d expected.\n"), "xcosPalAddBlock", 1));
if typeof(pal) <> "palette" then
error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument ""%s"": palette type expected.\n"), "xcosPalAddBlock", "pal"));
// check and tranform block argument
if typeof(block) == "Block" then
scs_m = block;
elseif typeof(block) == "string" & isfile(block) then
fd = mopen(block, "rb");
[err, msg] = merror(fd);
if err <> 0 then
block = fullpath(block);
// store the block instance
status = import_from_hdf5(block);
if ~status then
error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Unable to load block from ""%s"": hdf5 file expected.\n"), "xcosPalAddBlock", block));
if exists("scs_m", "l") == 0 then
error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Unable to load block from ""%s"": no `scs_m'' variable found.\n"), "xcosPalAddBlock", block));
elseif typeof(block) == "string" & exists(block) <> 0 & typeof(evstr(block)) == "function" then
execstr("scs_m = " + block + "(""define"");");
error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument ""%s"": function as string or Block type or full path string expected.\n"), "xcosPalAddBlock", "block"));
// at this point we can assert that `scs_m' is a full path string to a
// block reference instance.
// now handle pal_block_img argument
if ~exists("pal_block_img", "l") | isempty(pal_block_img) then
// block icon by default
pal_block_img = TMPDIR + "/" + scs_m.gui + ".gif";
if isfile(pal_block_img) then
error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Unable to generate the palette icon : ""%s"" already exists.\n"), "xcosPalAddBlock", pal_block_img));
// specified block icon
if typeof(pal_block_img) <> "string" then
error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument ""%s"": path string expected.\n"), "xcosPalAddBlock", "pal_block_img"));
if ~isfile(pal_block_img) then
error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument ""%s"": An existing file expected.\n"), "xcosPalAddBlock", "pal_block_img"));
valid_ext = ["png" "jpg" "gif" "PNG" "JPG" "JPEG" "GIF"];
ext = strrchr(pal_block_img, ".");
if isempty(strstr(emptystr(valid_ext) + ext, valid_ext)) then
error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument ""%s"": A valid file format (png, jpg, gif) expected.\n"), "xcosPalAddBlock", "pal_block_img"));
clear valid_ext ext;
pal_block_img = fullpath(pathconvert(pal_block_img, %f));
// now handle style argument
if ~exists("style", "l") | isempty(style) then
// style by default
block_img = TMPDIR + "/" + scs_m.gui + ".svg";
// protect drive letter
if getos() == "Windows" then
block_img = "/" + block_img;
style = "noLabel=1;image=file://" + block_img + ";";
status = generateBlockImage(scs_m, TMPDIR, imageType="svg", withPort=%f);
if ~status then
error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Unable to generate the image ""%s"".\n"), "xcosPalAddBlock", block_img));
// apply the specified style to the block
if and(typeof(style) <> ["st" "string"]) then
error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument ""%s"": string or struct expected.\n"), "xcosPalAddBlock", "style"));
elseif typeof(style) == "st" then
formattedStyle = "";
fields = fieldnames(style);
fieldsSize = size(fields, "*");
for i=1:fieldsSize
formattedStyle = formattedStyle + fields(i);
fieldValue = getfield(fields(i), style);
if ~isempty(fieldValue) then
formattedStyle = formattedStyle+ "=" + string(fieldValue);
formattedStyle = formattedStyle + ";";
style = formattedStyle;
elseif typeof(style) == "string" then
if isfile(style) then
// protect drive letter
if getos() == "Windows" then
style = "/" + style;
style = "shape=label;image=file://" + style + ";";
// else
// assume a well formatted string, do nothing
// Store the data into the palette structure
pal.blockNames($+1) = scs_m.gui // block named class
pal.icons($+1) = pal_block_img; // palette icon full path string
pal.style($+1) = style; // block style (linked to style definition)