# Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab # Copyright (C) 2007 - INRIA - Sylvestre LEDRU # # This file is distributed under the same license as the Scilab package. # List of the c files WINDOWS_TOOLS_C_SOURCES = src/nowindows_tools/nowindows_tools.c # Includes need for the compilation libsciwindows_tools_la_CPPFLAGS= -I$(srcdir)/includes/ \ -I$(srcdir)/src/c/ \ -I$(top_srcdir)/modules/api_scilab/includes/ \ -I$(top_srcdir)/modules/output_stream/includes/ \ $(AM_CPPFLAGS) # Name of the future library (.la will be replace by .so, .a, etc regarding # the system) if MAINTAINER_MODE pkglib_LTLIBRARIES = libsciwindows_tools.la else noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libsciwindows_tools.la endif # All the sources needed by libsciwindows_tools.la libsciwindows_tools_la_SOURCES = $(WINDOWS_TOOLS_C_SOURCES) #### Name of the module and the path ###### modulename=windows_tools #### windows_tools : Conf files #### libsciwindows_tools_la_rootdir = $(mydatadir) libsciwindows_tools_la_root_DATA = license.txt #### windows_tools : init scripts #### libsciwindows_tools_la_etcdir = $(mydatadir)/etc libsciwindows_tools_la_etc_DATA = etc/windows_tools.quit etc/windows_tools.start #### windows_tools : gateway declaration #### libsciwindows_tools_la_sci_gatewaydir = $(mydatadir)/sci_gateway libsciwindows_tools_la_sci_gateway_DATA = sci_gateway/windows_tools_gateway.xml # Provides macros compilation, Java compilation, cleaning # If you want Makefile to call ant, added USEANT=1 include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.incl.am