# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # font.tcl # This file is part of Unifix BWidget Toolkit # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Index of commands: # - SelectFont::create # - SelectFont::configure # - SelectFont::cget # - SelectFont::_draw # - SelectFont::_destroy # - SelectFont::_modstyle # - SelectFont::_update # - SelectFont::_getfont # - SelectFont::_init # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace eval SelectFont { Widget::define SelectFont font Dialog LabelFrame ScrolledWindow Widget::declare SelectFont { {-title String "Font selection" 0} {-parent String "" 0} {-background TkResource "" 0 frame} {-type Enum dialog 0 {dialog toolbar}} {-font TkResource "" 0 label} {-initialcolor String "" 0} {-families String "all" 1} {-querysystem Boolean 1 0} {-nosizes Boolean 0 1} {-styles String "bold italic underline overstrike" 1} {-command String "" 0} {-sampletext String "Sample Text" 0} {-bg Synonym -background} } variable _families variable _styleOff array set _styleOff [list bold normal italic roman] variable _sizes {4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 \ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24} # Set up preset lists of fonts, so the user can avoid the painfully slow # loadfont process if desired. if { [string equal $::tcl_platform(platform) "windows"] } { set presetVariable [list \ 7x14 \ Arial \ {Arial Narrow} \ {Lucida Sans} \ {MS Sans Serif} \ {MS Serif} \ {Times New Roman} \ ] set presetFixed [list \ 6x13 \ {Courier New} \ FixedSys \ Terminal \ ] set presetAll [list \ 6x13 \ 7x14 \ Arial \ {Arial Narrow} \ {Courier New} \ FixedSys \ {Lucida Sans} \ {MS Sans Serif} \ {MS Serif} \ Terminal \ {Times New Roman} \ ] } else { set presetVariable [list \ helvetica \ lucida \ lucidabright \ {times new roman} \ ] set presetFixed [list \ courier \ fixed \ {lucida typewriter} \ screen \ serif \ terminal \ ] set presetAll [list \ courier \ fixed \ helvetica \ lucida \ lucidabright \ {lucida typewriter} \ screen \ serif \ terminal \ {times new roman} \ ] } array set _families [list \ presetvariable $presetVariable \ presetfixed $presetFixed \ presetall $presetAll \ ] variable _widget } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command SelectFont::create # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc SelectFont::create { path args } { variable _families variable _sizes variable $path upvar 0 $path data # Initialize the internal rep of the widget options Widget::init SelectFont "$path#SelectFont" $args if { [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -querysystem] } { loadfont [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -families] } set bg [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -background] set _styles [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -styles] if { [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -type] == "dialog" } { Dialog::create $path -modal local -anchor e -default 0 -cancel 1 \ -background $bg \ -title [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -title] \ -parent [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -parent] set frame [Dialog::getframe $path] set topf [frame $frame.topf -relief flat -borderwidth 0 -background $bg] set labf1 [LabelFrame::create $topf.labf1 -text "Font" -name font \ -side top -anchor w -relief flat -background $bg] set sw [ScrolledWindow::create [LabelFrame::getframe $labf1].sw \ -background $bg] set lbf [listbox $sw.lb \ -height 5 -width 25 -exportselection false -selectmode browse] ScrolledWindow::setwidget $sw $lbf LabelFrame::configure $labf1 -focus $lbf if { [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -querysystem] } { set fam [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -families] } else { set fam "preset" append fam [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -families] } eval [list $lbf insert end] $_families($fam) set script "set [list SelectFont::${path}(family)] \[%W curselection\];\ SelectFont::_update [list $path]" bind $lbf $script bind $lbf $script bind $lbf <1> [list focus %W] bind $lbf $script bind $lbf $script pack $sw -fill both -expand yes set labf2 [LabelFrame::create $topf.labf2 -text "Size" -name size \ -side top -anchor w -relief flat -background $bg] set sw [ScrolledWindow::create [LabelFrame::getframe $labf2].sw \ -scrollbar vertical -background $bg] set lbs [listbox $sw.lb \ -height 5 -width 6 -exportselection false -selectmode browse] ScrolledWindow::setwidget $sw $lbs LabelFrame::configure $labf2 -focus $lbs eval [list $lbs insert end] $_sizes set script "set [list SelectFont::${path}(size)] \[%W curselection\];\ SelectFont::_update [list $path]" bind $lbs $script bind $lbs $script bind $lbs <1> [list focus %W] bind $lbs $script bind $lbs $script pack $sw -fill both -expand yes set labf3 [LabelFrame::create $topf.labf3 -text "Style" -name style \ -side top -anchor w -relief sunken -bd 1 -background $bg] set subf [LabelFrame::getframe $labf3] foreach st $_styles { set name [lindex [BWidget::getname $st] 0] if { $name == "" } { set name [string toupper $name 0] } checkbutton $subf.$st -text $name \ -variable SelectFont::$path\($st\) \ -background $bg \ -command [list SelectFont::_update $path] bind $subf.$st break pack $subf.$st -anchor w } LabelFrame::configure $labf3 -focus $subf.[lindex $_styles 0] pack $labf1 -side left -anchor n -fill both -expand yes if { ![Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -nosizes] } { pack $labf2 -side left -anchor n -fill both -expand yes -padx 8 } pack $labf3 -side left -anchor n -fill both -expand yes set botf [frame $frame.botf -width 100 -height 50 \ -bg white -bd 0 -relief flat \ -highlightthickness 1 -takefocus 0 \ -highlightbackground black \ -highlightcolor black] set lab [label $botf.label \ -background white -foreground black \ -borderwidth 0 -takefocus 0 -highlightthickness 0 \ -text [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -sampletext]] place $lab -relx 0.5 -rely 0.5 -anchor c pack $topf -pady 4 -fill both -expand yes if { [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -initialcolor] != ""} { set thecolor [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -initialcolor] set colf [frame $frame.colf] set frc [frame $colf.frame -width 50 -height 20 -bg $thecolor -bd 0 -relief flat\ -highlightthickness 1 -takefocus 0 \ -highlightbackground black \ -highlightcolor black] set script "set [list SelectFont::${path}(fontcolor)] \[tk_chooseColor -parent $colf.button -initialcolor \[set [list SelectFont::${path}(fontcolor)]\]\];\ SelectFont::_update [list $path]" set but [button $colf.button -command $script \ -text "Color..."] $lab configure -foreground $thecolor $frc configure -bg $thecolor pack $but -side left pack $frc -side left -padx 5 set data(frc) $frc set data(fontcolor) $thecolor pack $colf -pady 4 -fill x -expand true } else { set data(fontcolor) -1 } pack $botf -pady 4 -fill x Dialog::add $path -name ok Dialog::add $path -name cancel set data(label) $lab set data(lbf) $lbf set data(lbs) $lbs _getfont $path Widget::create SelectFont $path 0 return [_draw $path] } else { if { [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -querysystem] } { set fams [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -families] } else { set fams "preset" append fams [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -families] } if {[Widget::theme]} { ttk::frame $path set lbf [ttk::combobox $path.font \ -takefocus 0 -exportselection 0 \ -values $_families($fams) \ -textvariable SelectFont::${path}(family) \ -state readonly] set lbs [ttk::combobox $path.size \ -takefocus 0 -exportselection 0 \ -width 4 \ -values $_sizes \ -textvariable SelectFont::${path}(size) \ -state readonly] bind $lbf <> [list SelectFont::_update $path] bind $lbs <> [list SelectFont::_update $path] } else { frame $path -background $bg set lbf [ComboBox::create $path.font \ -highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 0 -background $bg \ -values $_families($fams) \ -textvariable SelectFont::$path\(family\) \ -editable 0 \ -modifycmd [list SelectFont::_update $path]] set lbs [ComboBox::create $path.size \ -highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 0 -background $bg \ -width 4 \ -values $_sizes \ -textvariable SelectFont::$path\(size\) \ -editable 0 \ -modifycmd [list SelectFont::_update $path]] } bind $path [list SelectFont::_destroy $path] pack $lbf -side left -anchor w pack $lbs -side left -anchor w -padx 4 foreach st $_styles { if {$::Widget::_theme} { ttk::checkbutton $path.$st -takefocus 0 \ -style BWSlim.Toolbutton \ -image [Bitmap::get $st] \ -variable SelectFont::${path}($st) \ -command [list SelectFont::_update $path] } else { button $path.$st \ -highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 0 -padx 0 -pady 0 \ -background $bg \ -image [Bitmap::get $st] \ -command [list SelectFont::_modstyle $path $st] } pack $path.$st -side left -anchor w } set data(label) "" set data(lbf) $lbf set data(lbs) $lbs _getfont $path return [Widget::create SelectFont $path] } return $path } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command SelectFont::configure # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc SelectFont::configure { path args } { set _styles [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -styles] set res [Widget::configure "$path#SelectFont" $args] if { [Widget::hasChanged "$path#SelectFont" -font font] } { _getfont $path } if { [Widget::hasChanged "$path#SelectFont" -background bg] } { switch -- [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -type] { dialog { Dialog::configure $path -background $bg set topf [Dialog::getframe $path].topf $topf configure -background $bg foreach labf {labf1 labf2} { LabelFrame::configure $topf.$labf -background $bg set subf [LabelFrame::getframe $topf.$labf] ScrolledWindow::configure $subf.sw -background $bg $subf.sw.lb configure -background $bg } LabelFrame::configure $topf.labf3 -background $bg set subf [LabelFrame::getframe $topf.labf3] foreach w [winfo children $subf] { $w configure -background $bg } } toolbar { $path configure -background $bg ComboBox::configure $path.font -background $bg ComboBox::configure $path.size -background $bg foreach st $_styles { $path.$st configure -background $bg } } } } return $res } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command SelectFont::cget # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc SelectFont::cget { path option } { return [Widget::cget "$path#SelectFont" $option] } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command SelectFont::loadfont # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc SelectFont::loadfont {{which all}} { variable _families # initialize families if {![info exists _families(all)]} { set _families(all) [lsort -dictionary [font families]] } if {[regexp {fixed|variable} $which] \ && ![info exists _families($which)]} { # initialize families set _families(fixed) {} set _families(variable) {} foreach family $_families(all) { if { [font metrics [list $family] -fixed] } { lappend _families(fixed) $family } else { lappend _families(variable) $family } } } return } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command SelectFont::_draw # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc SelectFont::_draw { path } { variable $path upvar 0 $path data $data(lbf) selection clear 0 end $data(lbf) selection set $data(family) $data(lbf) activate $data(family) $data(lbf) see $data(family) $data(lbs) selection clear 0 end $data(lbs) selection set $data(size) $data(lbs) activate $data(size) $data(lbs) see $data(size) _update $path if { [Dialog::draw $path] == 0 } { set result [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -font] set color $data(fontcolor) if { $color == "" } { set color #000000 } } else { set result "" if {$data(fontcolor) == -1} { set color -1 } else { set color "" } } unset data Widget::destroy "$path#SelectFont" destroy $path if { $color != -1 } { return [list $result $color] } else { return $result } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command SelectFont::_modstyle # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc SelectFont::_modstyle { path style } { variable $path upvar 0 $path data $path.$style configure -relief [expr {$data($style) ? "raised" : "sunken"}] set data($style) [expr {!$data($style)}] _update $path } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command SelectFont::_update # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc SelectFont::_update { path } { variable _families variable _sizes variable _styleOff variable $path upvar 0 $path data set type [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -type] set _styles [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -styles] if { [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -querysystem] } { set fams [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -families] } else { set fams "preset" append fams [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -families] } if { $type == "dialog" } { set curs [$path:cmd cget -cursor] $path:cmd configure -cursor watch } if { [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -type] == "dialog" } { set font [list [lindex $_families($fams) $data(family)] \ [lindex $_sizes $data(size)]] } else { set font [list $data(family) $data(size)] } foreach st $_styles { if { $data($st) } { lappend font $st } elseif {[info exists _styleOff($st)]} { # This adds the default bold/italic value to a font #lappend font $_styleOff($st) } } Widget::setoption "$path#SelectFont" -font $font if { $type == "dialog" } { $data(label) configure -font $font $path:cmd configure -cursor $curs if { ($data(fontcolor) != "") && ($data(fontcolor) != -1) } { $data(label) configure -foreground $data(fontcolor) $data(frc) configure -bg $data(fontcolor) } elseif { $data(fontcolor) == "" } { #If no color is selected, restore previous one set data(fontcolor) [$data(label) cget -foreground] } } elseif { [set cmd [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -command]] != "" } { uplevel \#0 $cmd } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command SelectFont::_getfont # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc SelectFont::_getfont { path } { variable _families variable _sizes variable $path upvar 0 $path data array set font [font actual [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -font]] set data(bold) [expr {![string equal $font(-weight) "normal"]}] set data(italic) [expr {![string equal $font(-slant) "roman"]}] set data(underline) $font(-underline) set data(overstrike) $font(-overstrike) set _styles [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -styles] if { [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -querysystem] } { set fams [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -families] } else { set fams "preset" append fams [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -families] } if { [Widget::getoption "$path#SelectFont" -type] == "dialog" } { set idxf [lsearch $_families($fams) $font(-family)] set idxs [lsearch $_sizes $font(-size)] set data(family) [expr {$idxf >= 0 ? $idxf : 0}] set data(size) [expr {$idxs >= 0 ? $idxs : 0}] } else { set data(family) $font(-family) set data(size) $font(-size) if {![Widget::theme]} { foreach st $_styles { $path.$st configure \ -relief [expr {$data($st) ? "sunken":"raised"}] } } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command SelectFont::_destroy # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc SelectFont::_destroy { path } { variable $path upvar 0 $path data unset data Widget::destroy "$path#SelectFont" }