SUBROUTINE dzror(status,x,fx,xlo,xhi,qleft,qhi) C********************************************************************** C C SUBROUTINE DZROR(STATUS, X, FX, XLO, XHI, QLEFT, QHI) C Double precision ZeRo of a function -- Reverse Communication C C C Function C C C Performs the zero finding. STZROR must have been called before C this routine in order to set its parameters. C C C Arguments C C C STATUS <--> At the beginning of a zero finding problem, STATUS C should be set to 0 and ZROR invoked. (The value C of other parameters will be ignored on this call.) C C When ZROR needs the function evaluated, it will set C STATUS to 1 and return. The value of the function C should be set in FX and ZROR again called without C changing any of its other parameters. C C When ZROR has finished without error, it will return C with STATUS 0. In that case (XLO,XHI) bound the answe C C If ZROR finds an error (which implies that F(XLO)-Y an C F(XHI)-Y have the same sign, it returns STATUS -1. In C this case, XLO and XHI are undefined. C INTEGER STATUS C C X <-- The value of X at which F(X) is to be evaluated. C DOUBLE PRECISION X C C FX --> The value of F(X) calculated when ZROR returns with C STATUS = 1. C DOUBLE PRECISION FX C C XLO <-- When ZROR returns with STATUS = 0, XLO bounds the C inverval in X containing the solution below. C DOUBLE PRECISION XLO C C XHI <-- When ZROR returns with STATUS = 0, XHI bounds the C inverval in X containing the solution above. C DOUBLE PRECISION XHI C C QLEFT <-- .TRUE. if the stepping search terminated unsucessfully C at XLO. If it is .FALSE. the search terminated C unsucessfully at XHI. C QLEFT is LOGICAL C C QHI <-- .TRUE. if F(X) .GT. Y at the termination of the C search and .FALSE. if F(X) .LT. Y at the C termination of the search. C QHI is LOGICAL C C********************************************************************** C********************************************************************** C Modified by S. Steer INRIA 1998,to replace ASSIGN instruction by c Computed GOTO C********************************************************************** C .. Scalar Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION fx,x,xhi,xlo,zabstl,zreltl,zxhi,zxlo INTEGER status LOGICAL qhi,qleft C .. C .. Save statement .. SAVE C .. C .. Local Scalars .. DOUBLE PRECISION a,abstol,b,c,d,fa,fb,fc,fd,fda,fdb,m,mb,p,q, + reltol,tol,w,xxhi,xxlo,zx INTEGER ext,i99999 LOGICAL first,qrzero C .. C .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC abs,max,sign C .. C .. Statement Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION ftol,dlamch C .. C .. Statement Function definitions .. ftol(zx) = 0.5D0*max(abstol,reltol*abs(zx)) eps = dlamch('e') C .. C .. Executable Statements .. IF (status.GT.0) GO TO 280 xlo = xxlo xhi = xxhi b = xlo x = xlo C GET-FUNCTION-VALUE c ASSIGN 10 TO i99999 i99999=1 GO TO 270 10 fb = fx xlo = xhi a = xlo x = xlo C GET-FUNCTION-VALUE c ASSIGN 20 TO i99999 i99999=2 GO TO 270 C C Check that F(ZXLO) < 0 < F(ZXHI) or C F(ZXLO) > 0 > F(ZXHI) C 20 IF (.NOT. (fb.LT.0.0D0)) GO TO 40 IF (.NOT. (fx.LT.0.0D0)) GO TO 30 status = -1 qleft = fx .LT. fb qhi = .FALSE. RETURN 30 CONTINUE 40 IF (.NOT. (fb.GT.0.0D0)) GO TO 60 IF (.NOT. (fx.GT.0.0D0)) GO TO 50 status = -1 qleft = fx .GT. fb qhi = .TRUE. RETURN 50 CONTINUE 60 fa = fx C first = .TRUE. 70 c = a fc = fa ext = 0 80 IF (.NOT. (abs(fc).LT.abs(fb))) GO TO 100 IF (.NOT. (c.NE.a)) GO TO 90 d = a fd = fa 90 a = b fa = fb xlo = c b = xlo fb = fc c = a fc = fa 100 tol = ftol(xlo) m = (c+b)*.5D0 mb = m - b IF (.NOT. (abs(mb).GT.tol)) GO TO 240 IF (.NOT. (ext.GT.3)) GO TO 110 w = mb GO TO 190 110 tol = sign(tol,mb) p = (b-a)*fb IF (.NOT. (first)) GO TO 120 q = fa - fb first = .FALSE. GO TO 130 120 fdb = (fd-fb)/ (d-b) fda = (fd-fa)/ (d-a) p = fda*p q = fdb*fa - fda*fb 130 IF (.NOT. (p.LT.0.0D0)) GO TO 140 p = -p q = -q 140 IF (ext.EQ.3) p = p*2.0D0 IF (.NOT. ((p*1.0D0).EQ.0.0D0.OR.p.LE. (q*tol))) GO TO 150 w = tol GO TO 180 150 IF (.NOT. (p.LT. (mb*q))) GO TO 160 w = p/q GO TO 170 160 w = mb 170 CONTINUE 180 CONTINUE 190 d = a fd = fa a = b fa = fb b = b + w xlo = b x = xlo if ( then x=0 status = 0 return endif C GET-FUNCTION-VALUE c ASSIGN 200 TO i99999 i99999=3 GO TO 270 200 fb = fx IF (.NOT. ((fc*fb).GE.0.0D0)) GO TO 210 GO TO 70 210 IF (.NOT. (w.EQ.mb)) GO TO 220 ext = 0 GO TO 230 220 ext = ext + 1 230 GO TO 80 240 xhi = c qrzero = (fc.GE.0.0D0 .AND. fb.LE.0.0D0) .OR. + (fc.LT.0.0D0 .AND. fb.GE.0.0D0) IF (.NOT. (qrzero)) GO TO 250 status = 0 GO TO 260 250 status = -1 260 RETURN ENTRY dstzr(zxlo,zxhi,zabstl,zreltl) C********************************************************************** C C SUBROUTINE DSTZR( XLO, XHI, ABSTOL, RELTOL ) C Double precision SeT ZeRo finder - Reverse communication version C C C Function C C C C Sets quantities needed by ZROR. The function of ZROR C and the quantities set is given here. C C Concise Description - Given a function F C find XLO such that F(XLO) = 0. C C More Precise Description - C C Input condition. F is a double precision function of a single C double precision argument and XLO and XHI are such that C F(XLO)*F(XHI) .LE. 0.0 C C If the input condition is met, QRZERO returns .TRUE. C and output values of XLO and XHI satisfy the following C F(XLO)*F(XHI) .LE. 0. C ABS(F(XLO) .LE. ABS(F(XHI) C ABS(XLO-XHI) .LE. TOL(X) C where C TOL(X) = MAX(ABSTOL,RELTOL*ABS(X)) C C If this algorithm does not find XLO and XHI satisfying C these conditions then QRZERO returns .FALSE. This C implies that the input condition was not met. C C C Arguments C C C XLO --> The left endpoint of the interval to be C searched for a solution. C XLO is DOUBLE PRECISION C C XHI --> The right endpoint of the interval to be C for a solution. C XHI is DOUBLE PRECISION C C ABSTOL, RELTOL --> Two numbers that determine the accuracy C of the solution. See function for a C precise definition. C ABSTOL is DOUBLE PRECISION C RELTOL is DOUBLE PRECISION C C C Method C C C Algorithm R of the paper 'Two Efficient Algorithms with C Guaranteed Convergence for Finding a Zero of a Function' C by J. C. P. Bus and T. J. Dekker in ACM Transactions on C Mathematical Software, Volume 1, no. 4 page 330 C (Dec. '75) is employed to find the zero of F(X)-Y. C C********************************************************************** xxlo = zxlo xxhi = zxhi abstol = zabstl reltol = zreltl RETURN C(jpc) STOP '*** EXECUTION FLOWING INTO FLECS PROCEDURES ***' C TO GET-FUNCTION-VALUE 270 status = 1 RETURN 280 CONTINUE GO TO (10,20,200) i99999 END