SUBROUTINE cdfchn(which,p,q,x,df,pnonc,status,bound) C********************************************************************** C C SUBROUTINE CDFCHN( WHICH, P, Q, X, DF, PNONC, STATUS, BOUND ) C Cumulative Distribution Function C Non-central Chi-Square C C C Function C C C Calculates any one parameter of the non-central chi-square C distribution given values for the others. C C C Arguments C C C WHICH --> Integer indicating which of the next three argument C values is to be calculated from the others. C Input range: 1..4 C iwhich = 1 : Calculate P and Q from X and DF C iwhich = 2 : Calculate X from P,DF and PNONC C iwhich = 3 : Calculate DF from P,X and PNONC C iwhich = 3 : Calculate PNONC from P,X and DF C INTEGER WHICH C C P <--> The integral from 0 to X of the non-central chi-square C distribution. C Input range: [0, 1-1E-16). C DOUBLE PRECISION P C C Q <--> 1-P. C Q is not used by this subroutine and is only included C for similarity with other cdf* routines. C DOUBLE PRECISION Q C C X <--> Upper limit of integration of the non-central C chi-square distribution. C Input range: [0, +infinity). C Search range: [0,1E300] C DOUBLE PRECISION X C C DF <--> Degrees of freedom of the non-central C chi-square distribution. C Input range: (0, +infinity). C Search range: [ 1E-300, 1E300] C DOUBLE PRECISION DF C C PNONC <--> Non-centrality parameter of the non-central C chi-square distribution. C Input range: [0, +infinity). C Search range: [0,1E4] C DOUBLE PRECISION PNONC C C STATUS <-- 0 if calculation completed correctly C -I if input parameter number I is out of range C 1 if answer appears to be lower than lowest C search bound C 2 if answer appears to be higher than greatest C search bound C INTEGER STATUS C C BOUND <-- Undefined if STATUS is 0 C C Bound exceeded by parameter number I if STATUS C is negative. C C Lower search bound if STATUS is 1. C C Upper search bound if STATUS is 2. C C C Method C C C Formula 26.4.25 of Abramowitz and Stegun, Handbook of C Mathematical Functions (1966) is used to compute the cumulative C distribution function. C C Computation of other parameters involve a search for a value that C produces the desired value of P. The search relies on the C monotonicity of P with the other parameter. C C C WARNING C C The computation time required for this routine is proportional C to the noncentrality parameter (PNONC). Very large values of C this parameter can consume immense computer resources. This is C why the search range is bounded by 10,000. C C********************************************************************** C .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION tent4 PARAMETER (tent4=1.0D4) DOUBLE PRECISION tol PARAMETER (tol=1.0D-13) DOUBLE PRECISION atol PARAMETER (atol=1.0D-50) DOUBLE PRECISION zero,one,inf PARAMETER (zero=1.0D-300,one=1.0D0-1.0D-16,inf=1.0D300) C .. C .. Scalar Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION bound,df,p,q,pnonc,x INTEGER status,which C .. C .. Local Scalars .. DOUBLE PRECISION fx,cum,ccum LOGICAL qhi,qleft C .. C .. External Functions .. INTEGER vfinite C .. C .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL dinvr,dstinv,cumchn C .. C .. Executable Statements .. C C Check arguments C IF (.NOT. ((which.LT.1).OR. (which.GT.4))) GO TO 30 IF (.NOT. (which.LT.1)) GO TO 10 bound = 1.0D0 GO TO 20 10 bound = 4.0D0 20 status = -1 RETURN 30 IF (which.EQ.1) GO TO 70 C C P C IF (ISANAN(p).EQ.1) THEN CALL RETURNANANFORTRAN(df) CALL RETURNANANFORTRAN(pnonc) CALL RETURNANANFORTRAN(x) RETURN ENDIF IF (.NOT. ((p.LT.0.0D0).OR. ( GO TO 60 IF (.NOT. (p.LT.0.0D0)) GO TO 40 bound = 0.0D0 GO TO 50 40 bound = one 50 status = -2 RETURN 60 CONTINUE 70 IF (which.EQ.2) GO TO 90 C C X C IF (ISANAN(x).EQ.1) THEN CALL RETURNANANFORTRAN(p) CALL RETURNANANFORTRAN(q) CALL RETURNANANFORTRAN(df) CALL RETURNANANFORTRAN(pnonc) RETURN ENDIF IF (vfinite(1,x).EQ.0) then IF (which.EQ.1) then IF (x.GT.0) then p = 1 q = 0 RETURN ENDIF ELSE x = SIGN(1D300,x) ENDIF ENDIF IF (.NOT. (x.LT.0.0D0)) GO TO 80 bound = 0.0D0 status = -4 RETURN 80 CONTINUE 90 IF (which.EQ.3) GO TO 110 C C DF C IF (ISANAN(df).EQ.1) THEN CALL RETURNANANFORTRAN(p) CALL RETURNANANFORTRAN(q) CALL RETURNANANFORTRAN(x) CALL RETURNANANFORTRAN(pnonc) RETURN ENDIF IF (vfinite(1,df).EQ.0) df = SIGN(inf,df) IF (.NOT. (df.LE.0.0D0)) GO TO 100 bound = 0.0D0 status = -5 RETURN 100 CONTINUE 110 IF (which.EQ.4) GO TO 130 C C PNONC C IF (ISANAN(pnonc).EQ.1) THEN CALL RETURNANANFORTRAN(p) CALL RETURNANANFORTRAN(q) CALL RETURNANANFORTRAN(x) CALL RETURNANANFORTRAN(df) RETURN ENDIF IF (vfinite(1,pnonc).EQ.0) pnonc = SIGN(inf,pnonc) IF (.NOT. (pnonc.LT.0.0D0)) GO TO 120 bound = 0.0D0 status = -6 RETURN 120 CONTINUE C C Calculate ANSWERS C 130 IF ((1).EQ. (which)) THEN C C Calculating P and Q C CALL cumchn(x,df,pnonc,p,q) status = 0 ELSE IF ((2).EQ. (which)) THEN C C Calculating X C x = 5.0D0 CALL dstinv(0.0D0,inf,0.5D0,0.5D0,5.0D0,atol,tol) status = 0 CALL dinvr(status,x,fx,qleft,qhi) 140 IF (.NOT. (status.EQ.1)) GO TO 150 CALL cumchn(x,df,pnonc,cum,ccum) fx = cum - p CALL dinvr(status,x,fx,qleft,qhi) GO TO 140 150 IF (.NOT. (status.EQ.-1)) GO TO 180 IF (.NOT. (qleft)) GO TO 160 status = 1 bound = 0.0D0 GO TO 170 160 status = 2 bound = inf 170 CONTINUE 180 CONTINUE ELSE IF ((3).EQ. (which)) THEN C C Calculating DF C df = 5.0D0 CALL dstinv(zero,inf,0.5D0,0.5D0,5.0D0,atol,tol) status = 0 CALL dinvr(status,df,fx,qleft,qhi) 190 IF (.NOT. (status.EQ.1)) GO TO 200 CALL cumchn(x,df,pnonc,cum,ccum) fx = cum - p CALL dinvr(status,df,fx,qleft,qhi) GO TO 190 200 IF (.NOT. (status.EQ.-1)) GO TO 230 IF (.NOT. (qleft)) GO TO 210 status = 1 bound = zero GO TO 220 210 status = 2 bound = inf 220 CONTINUE 230 CONTINUE ELSE IF ((4).EQ. (which)) THEN C C Calculating PNONC C pnonc = 5.0D0 CALL dstinv(0.0D0,tent4,0.5D0,0.5D0,5.0D0,atol,tol) status = 0 CALL dinvr(status,pnonc,fx,qleft,qhi) 240 IF (.NOT. (status.EQ.1)) GO TO 250 CALL cumchn(x,df,pnonc,cum,ccum) fx = cum - p CALL dinvr(status,pnonc,fx,qleft,qhi) GO TO 240 250 IF (.NOT. (status.EQ.-1)) GO TO 280 IF (.NOT. (qleft)) GO TO 260 status = 1 bound = zero GO TO 270 260 status = 2 bound = tent4 270 CONTINUE 280 END IF RETURN END