DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION genf(dfn,dfd) C********************************************************************** C C DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION GENF( DFN, DFD ) C GENerate random deviate from the F distribution C C C Function C C C Generates a random deviate from the F (variance ratio) C distribution with DFN degrees of freedom in the numerator C and DFD degrees of freedom in the denominator. C C C Arguments C C C DFN --> Numerator degrees of freedom C (Must be positive) C DOUBLE PRECISION DFN C DFD --> Denominator degrees of freedom C (Must be positive) C DOUBLE PRECISION DFD C C C Method C C C Directly generates ratio of chisquare variates C C********************************************************************** include 'stack.h' C .. Scalar Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION dfd,dfn C .. C .. Local Scalars .. DOUBLE PRECISION xden,xnum C .. C JJV changed this code to call sgamma directly C .. External Functions .. C DOUBLE PRECISION genchi C EXTERNAL genchi DOUBLE PRECISION sgamma EXTERNAL sgamma C .. C .. Executable Statements .. 10 xnum = 2.0*sgamma(dfn/2.0)/dfn C GENF = ( GENCHI( DFN ) / DFN ) / ( GENCHI( DFD ) / DFD ) xden = 2.0*sgamma(dfd/2.0)/dfd C JJV changed constant so that it will not underflow at compile time C JJV while not slowing generator by using double precision or logs. C IF (.NOT. (xden.LE. (1.0E-38*xnum))) GO TO 20 IF (.NOT. (xden.LE. (1.0E-37*xnum))) GO TO 20 call basout(io,wte,'F: generated numbers would cause overflow') c WRITE (*,*) ' Numerator ',xnum,' Denominator ',xden C JJV next 2 lines changed to maintain truncation of large deviates. C WRITE (*,*) ' GENF returning 1.0E38' C genf = 1.0E38 call basout(io,wte,' GENF returning 1.0E37') genf = 1.0E37 GO TO 30 20 genf = xnum/xden 30 RETURN END