Linking a .mexglx, say foo.mexglx, file with Scilab. (Assuming foo.mexglx has been created by the Matlab's mex script). 0/ Here I create the file foo.mexglx using Scilab, just to have a proper foo.mexglx for testing (note that I copy to foo.mexglx but internally the name is contained in foo.mexglx and the dynamic loader will search (see below)). -->ilib_for_link("foo",['foo.o'],[],"c"); -->host('cp foo.mexglx'); If I have matlab -->host('mex -V4 foo.c'); 1/ If necessary, create empty and which could be required by the .mexglx file. (If "ldd foo.mexglx" shows a dependency). This is done by the following commands: -->ilib_for_link("mx",[],[],"c"); -->ilib_for_link("mex",[],[],"c"); -->ilib_for_link("mat",[],[],"c"); 2/link the (almost empty) .so files with Scilab // Note that this is not really usefull //-->link ./; //-->link ./; //-->link ./; 3/link foo.mexglx with Scilab -->link ./foo.mexglx; 4/ Make a dynamic library with the provided C routine (libtst.c file). Note that you can use libtst.c file as is and that the entrypoint MUST BE mexFunction. If you have more than one mexglx files you will need to copy libtst.c and change only the function name (this is described below) -->ilib_for_link("tst",['libtst.o'],[],"c"); 5/At Scilab prompt enter: -->addinter('./','libtst','foo'); OR addinter ./ libtst foo to link with Scilab. Note that foo is the name of the Scilab function. 6/call the mexfunction: -->foo(5,'foo') Note that the mexfunction is called through the libtst function using the entrypoint 'libtst' (not mexFunction!). If several mexFunction are used, one should build several libtst.c file, one for each mexfunction, using a different name e.g. libtst1.c libtst2.c ... Each mexFunction must be called through a different entrypoint. Here Makelib and libtst.c are generic files while Makextimesy and libxtimesy.c are adapted to xtimesy.mexglx. ********************************************* OR ... ld -shared -o foo.mexglx -rpath `pwd` addinter('./','libtst','foo'); EXAMPLE: mexname='xtimesy'; mputl(strsubst(mgetl('libtst.c'),'libtst',mexname),'lib'+mexname+'.c'); mputl(strsubst(mgetl('Makelib'),'libtst','lib'+mexname),'Make'+mexname); //make -f Makextimesy // ld -shared -o libxtimesy.o xtimesy.mexglx -rpath `pwd` //OR : link ./; link ./; link ./; link ./xtimesy.mexglx; addinter('./','xtimesy','xtimesy') xtimesy(2,3)