 * Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab
 * Copyright (C) ????-2008 - INRIA
 * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
 * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
 * you should have received as part of this distribution.  The terms
 * are also available at
 * http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2.1-en.txt

#include "stack-c.h"

 * simple example with sparse matrix
 * Display of a

int F2C(ext14ca)(it, m, n, nel, mnel, icol, ar, ai)
int *n, *m, *it, *nel, *mnel, *icol;
double *ar, *ai;
    int i, iof = 0, j;
    for ( i = 0; i < *m ; i++)
        sciprint("Row %d, %d non zero elements\n", i + 1, mnel[i]);
        for ( j = 0; j < mnel[i]; j++)
            if (*it == 1)
                sciprint("(%d,%d) -> %f +i%f\n", i + 1, icol[iof + j],
                         ar[iof + j], ai[iof + j]);
                sciprint("(%d,%d) -> %f\n", i + 1, icol[iof + j],
                         ar[iof + j]);
        iof += mnel[i];

 * simple example with sparse matrix
 * 2*a copied into b

int F2C(ext14cb)(it1, m1, n1, nel1, mnel1, icol1, ar1, ai1,
                 it2, m2, n2, nel2, mnel2, icol2, ar2, ai2)
int *n1, *m1, *it1, *nel1, *mnel1, *icol1;
double *ar1, *ai1;
int *it2, *m2, *n2, *nel2, *mnel2, *icol2;
double *ar2, *ai2;
    int i, iof = 0, j;
    for ( i = 0; i < *m1 ; i++)
        for ( j = 0; j < mnel1[i]; j++)
            if (*it1 == 1)
                ai2[iof + j] = 2 * ai1[iof + j];
            ar2[iof + j] = 2 * ar1[iof + j];
        iof += mnel1[i];
    for ( i = 0 ; i < *m1 ; i++ )
        mnel2[i] = mnel1[i];
    for ( i = 0 ; i < *nel1 ; i++)
        icol2[i] = icol1[i] ;

 * same as ext14ca but ar and ai are integers

int F2C(ext14cc)(it, m, n, nel, mnel, icol, ar, ai)
int *n, *m, *it, *nel, *mnel, *icol;
int *ar, *ai;
    int i, iof = 0, j;
    for ( i = 0; i < *m ; i++)
        sciprint("Row %d, %d non zero elements\n", i + 1, mnel[i]);
        for ( j = 0; j < mnel[i]; j++)
            if (*it == 1)
                sciprint("(%d,%d) -> %d +i%d\n", i + 1, icol[iof + j],
                         ar[iof + j], ai[iof + j]);
                sciprint("(%d,%d) -> %d\n", i + 1, icol[iof + j],
                         ar[iof + j]);
        iof += mnel[i];

 * same as ext14cb but ar2 and ai2 are integers

int F2C(ext14cd)(it1, m1, n1, nel1, mnel1, icol1, ar1, ai1,
                 it2, m2, n2, nel2, mnel2, icol2, ar2, ai2)
int *n1, *m1, *it1, *nel1, *mnel1, *icol1;
double *ar1, *ai1;
int *it2, *m2, *n2, *nel2, *mnel2, *icol2;
int *ar2, *ai2;
    int i, iof = 0, j;
    for ( i = 0; i < *m1 ; i++)
        for ( j = 0; j < mnel1[i]; j++)
            if (*it1 == 1)
                ai2[iof + j] = 2 * ai1[iof + j];
            ar2[iof + j] = 2 * ar1[iof + j];
        iof += mnel1[i];
    for ( i = 0 ; i < *m1 ; i++ )
        mnel2[i] = mnel1[i];
    for ( i = 0 ; i < *nel1 ; i++)
        icol2[i] = icol1[i] ;

 * Test for intersci with external sparse (spt10 in ex14fi.desc)
 * a Sparse structure is defined in stack-c.h which can be used
 * for storing external Sparse matrices which can be
 * copied back to scilab sparse matrices ( by csparsef )
 * if x is a Sparse object
 *     x.m : number of rows of x
 *     x,n : number of columns of x
 *     x.nel : number of non zero elements in x
 *     x.it : 0 or 1 i.e. real or complex matrix
 *     x.mnel[i],i=0,m-1 number of non zero elements in line i+1
 *     x.icol[j],j=0,nel-1 : column of (j+1)th non zero element of the matrix
 *                           ( stored by rows )
 *     x.xr[j],  .....     : real value of the (j+1)th non zero element
 *     x.xi[j],  .....     : if x.it ==1 imaginary value of the (j+1)th
 *                                       non zero element
 * NewSparse can be used to allocate a new Sparse object
 * The Scilab internal coding is very similar
 * and the following function copies a Scilab Sparse (it,m,n,nel,mnel,icol,ar,ai)
 * into an allocated Sparse object
 * and return the allocated Sparse and its dimensions
 * the routine C2F(csparsef) (file routines/intersci/sparse.c)
 * is used for back converstion from Sparse to Scilab sparse and
 * and the Sparse object is freed in csparsef

#include "../../routines/intersci/libinter.h"

int F2C(ext14ce)(it, m, n, nel, mnel, icol, ar, ai, x, mx, nx, nelx, itx, err)
int *n, *m, *it, *nel, *mnel, *icol;
double *ar, *ai;
SciSparse **x;
int *mx, *nx, *nelx, *itx;
int *err;
    int i, iof = 0, j;
    *x = NewSparse(it, m, n, nel);
    if ( *x == (SciSparse *) 0)
        sciprint("No more space\n");
        *err = 1;
    *mx = *m ;
    *nx = *n ;
    *nelx = *nel;
    *itx = *it;
    *err = 0;
    for ( i = 0; i < *m ; i++)
        for ( j = 0; j < mnel[i]; j++)
            if (*it == 1)
                (*x)->I[iof + j] = 2 * ai[iof + j];
            (*x)->R[iof + j] = 2 * ar[iof + j];
        iof += mnel[i];
    for ( i = 0 ; i < *m ; i++ )
        (*x)->mnel[i] = mnel[i];
    for ( i = 0 ; i < *nel ; i++)
        (*x)->icol[i] = icol[i] ;