/* * Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab * Copyright (C) 2012 - Scilab Enterprises - Calixte DENIZET * * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL. * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms * are also available at * http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2.1-en.txt * */ #ifndef __H5BASICDATA_HXX__ #define __H5BASICDATA_HXX__ #include "H5Data.hxx" #include "H5Object.hxx" #include "H5DataConverter.hxx" #define __SCILAB_STACK_CREATOR__(U,NAME) static void create(void * pvApiCtx, const int position, const int rows, const int cols, U * ptr, int * list, const int listPosition) \ { \ SciErr err; \ if (list) \ { \ if (rows == 0 || cols == 0) \ { \ createMatrixOfDoubleInList(pvApiCtx, position, list, listPosition, 0, 0, 0); \ return; \ } \ err = createMatrixOf##NAME##InList(pvApiCtx, position, list, listPosition, rows, cols, ptr); \ } \ else \ { \ if (rows == 0 || cols == 0) \ { \ createEmptyMatrix(pvApiCtx, position); \ return; \ } \ err = createMatrixOf##NAME(pvApiCtx, position, rows, cols, ptr); \ } \ if (err.iErr) \ { \ throw H5Exception(__LINE__, __FILE__, "Cannot allocate memory"); \ } \ } #define __SCILAB_STACK_ALLOCATOR__(U,NAME) static void alloc(void * pvApiCtx, const int position, const int rows, const int cols, int * list, const int listPosition, U ** ptr) \ { \ SciErr err; \ if (list) \ { \ err = allocMatrixOf##NAME##InList(pvApiCtx, position, list, listPosition, rows, cols, ptr); \ } \ else \ { \ err = allocMatrixOf##NAME(pvApiCtx, position, rows, cols, ptr); \ } \ if (err.iErr) \ { \ throw H5Exception(__LINE__, __FILE__, "Cannot allocate memory"); \ } \ } #define __SCILAB_ALLOCATORS_CREATORS__(U,NAME) __SCILAB_STACK_CREATOR__(U,NAME) \ __SCILAB_STACK_ALLOCATOR__(U,NAME) namespace org_modules_hdf5 { template class H5BasicData : public H5Data { protected: T * transformedData; public: H5BasicData(H5Object & _parent, const hsize_t _totalSize, const hsize_t _dataSize, const hsize_t _ndims, const hsize_t * _dims, T * _data, const hsize_t _stride, const size_t _offset, const bool _dataOwner) : H5Data(_parent, _totalSize, _dataSize, _ndims, _dims, static_cast(_data), _stride, _offset, _dataOwner), transformedData(0) { //std::cout << totalSize << ", " << stride << ", " << offset << std::endl; } virtual ~H5BasicData() { if (transformedData) { delete[] transformedData; } } virtual void printData(std::ostream & os, const unsigned int pos, const unsigned int indentLevel) const { os << static_cast(getData())[pos]; } virtual void copyData(T * dest) const { if (dest) { if (stride == 0) { memcpy(static_cast(dest), data, totalSize * dataSize); } else if (transformedData) { memcpy(static_cast(dest), static_cast(transformedData), totalSize * dataSize); } else { char * cdata = static_cast(data) + offset; if (sizeof(T) == dataSize) { for (int i = 0; i < totalSize; i++) { dest[i] = *((T *)cdata); cdata += stride; } } else { char * _dest = reinterpret_cast(dest); for (int i = 0; i < totalSize; i++) { memcpy(_dest, cdata, dataSize); cdata += stride; _dest += dataSize; } } } } else { throw H5Exception(__LINE__, __FILE__, _("Cannot copy data to an empty pointer")); } } inline virtual void * getData() const { if (stride == 0) { return data; } else { if (!transformedData) { char * dest = new char[totalSize * dataSize]; copyData(reinterpret_cast(dest)); const_cast(this)->transformedData = reinterpret_cast(dest); } return static_cast(transformedData); } } virtual void toScilab(void * pvApiCtx, const int lhsPosition, int * parentList = 0, const int listPosition = 0, const bool flip = true) const { T * newData = 0; hsize_t _ndims = ndims; hsize_t _totalSize = totalSize; hsize_t * _dims = const_cast(dims); if (_ndims == 0) { create(pvApiCtx, lhsPosition, 1, 1, static_cast(getData()), parentList, listPosition); } else if (_ndims == 1) { alloc(pvApiCtx, lhsPosition, 1, (int)*_dims, parentList, listPosition, &newData); copyData(newData); } else { if (_ndims == 2) { if (flip) { alloc(pvApiCtx, lhsPosition, (int)_dims[1], (int)_dims[0], parentList, listPosition, &newData); } else { alloc(pvApiCtx, lhsPosition, (int)_dims[0], (int)_dims[1], parentList, listPosition, &newData); } H5DataConverter::C2FHypermatrix(2, _dims, 0, static_cast(getData()), newData, flip); } else { int * list = getHypermatrix(pvApiCtx, lhsPosition, parentList, listPosition, flip); alloc(pvApiCtx, lhsPosition, (int)_totalSize, 1, list, 3, &newData); H5DataConverter::C2FHypermatrix((int)_ndims, _dims, _totalSize, static_cast(getData()), newData, flip); } } } virtual std::string dump(std::map & alreadyVisited, const unsigned int indentLevel) const { return H5DataConverter::dump(alreadyVisited, indentLevel, (int)ndims, dims, *this); } static void putStringVectorOnStack(std::vector & strs, const int rows, const int cols, const int pos, void * pvApiCtx) { if (rows * cols != strs.size()) { throw H5Exception(__LINE__, __FILE__, _("Wrong dimensions.")); } if (strs.size() == 0) { create(pvApiCtx, pos, 0, 0, "", 0, 0); } else { std::vector _strs; _strs.reserve(strs.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strs.size(); i++) { _strs.push_back(strs[i].c_str()); } create(pvApiCtx, pos, rows, cols, const_cast(&(_strs[0])), 0, 0); } } __SCILAB_ALLOCATORS_CREATORS__(double, Double) __SCILAB_ALLOCATORS_CREATORS__(char, Integer8) __SCILAB_ALLOCATORS_CREATORS__(unsigned char, UnsignedInteger8) __SCILAB_ALLOCATORS_CREATORS__(short, Integer16) __SCILAB_ALLOCATORS_CREATORS__(unsigned short, UnsignedInteger16) __SCILAB_ALLOCATORS_CREATORS__(int, Integer32) __SCILAB_ALLOCATORS_CREATORS__(unsigned int, UnsignedInteger32) #ifdef _SCILAB_INT64__ __SCILAB_ALLOCATORS_CREATORS__(long long, Integer64) __SCILAB_ALLOCATORS_CREATORS__(unsigned long long, UnsignedInteger64) #endif __SCILAB_STACK_CREATOR__(char *, String) static void alloc(void * pvApiCtx, const int position, const int rows, const int cols, int * list, const int listPosition, char*** ptr) {} }; } #undef __SCILAB_STACK_CREATOR__ #undef __SCILAB_STACK_ALLOCATOR__ #undef __SCILAB_LIST_CREATOR__ #undef __SCILAB_LIST_ALLOCATOR__ #undef __SCILAB_ALLOCATORS_CREATORS__ #endif // __H5BASICDATA_HXX__