waitbar Draw a waitbar Calling Sequence winH=waitbar(x) winH=waitbar(x,mes) winH=waitbar(mes) waitbar(x,winH) waitbar(mes,winH) waitbar(x,mes,winH) Arguments x real, fraction to display. mes string, message to display. winH Handle of the waitbar. Description waitbar(x) create a new waitbar displaying a fraction x, return handle of the waitbar. waitbar(x,mes) create a new waitbar displaying a fraction x and message mes, return handle of the waitbar. waitbar(mes) create a new waitbar displaying a fraction 0 and message mes, return handle of the waitbar. waitbar(x,mes) create a new waitbar displaying a fraction 0 and message mes, return handle of the waitbar. waitbar(x,winH), waitbar(mes,winH) and waitbar(x,mes,winH) update waitbar with handle winH. Examples See also progressionbar