uigetfile dialog window to get a file(s) name(s), path and filter index Calling Sequence [FileName[,PathName[,FilterIndex]]]=uigetfile([file_mask[,dir[,boxTitle[,multipleSelection]]]]) PathFileName=uigetfile([file_mask[,dir[,boxTitle[,multiple]]]]) Input parameters file_mask a string matrix which gives the file masks to use for file selection. file_mask is written with Unix convention. The default value is '*'. we can also add descriptions for masks, for example ["*.x*","X files";"*.bin","BIN files"]. dir a character string which gives the initial directory used for file search. By default uigetfile uses the previously selected directory. boxTitle a character string which gives the title of the uigetfile window. By default uigetfile's title is 'uigetfile'. multipleSelection a boolean which allows to load only one file if it is at '%f' (false) or multiple files if it is at '%t" (true). By default uigetfile's multiple file selection is not enable. Output parameters FileName matrix of string which give the user selected file(s) (path + file(s) name(s)) if user answers "Ok" or the " " string if user answers "Cancel". PathName is the user selected file(s) path if user answers "Ok" or the " " string if user answers "Cancel". FilterIndex is the user selected filter index on the list box if user answers "Ok" or '0' string if user answers "Cancel" Description Creates a dialog window for file(s) selection. Comments On Windows, java component used by uigetfile browse also .zip archive then it is very slow with big .zip files. To disable, this feature: if getos() == 'Windows' then unix("REGSVR32 /u %WINDIR%\System32\zipfldr.dll") ;end To re-enable, if getos() == 'Windows' then unix("REGSVR32 %WINDIR%\System32\zipfldr.dll") ;end Examples uigetfile(["*.bin";"*.sce";"*.cos*"]) uigetfile(["*.sci";"*.bin"],"SCI/modules/gui/macros/") uigetfile(["*.sc*";"*.bin"],"SCI/modules/gui/macros/") uigetfile(["*.x*","X files";"*.bin","BIN files"],"SCI/modules/gui/macros/") uigetfile(["*.sce";"*.bin"],"SCI/modules/gui/macros/", "Choose a file name", %t); uigetfile(["*.sce";"*.bin"],"SCI/modules/gui/macros/", "Choose a file name", %f); See Also uiputfile uigetdir x_dialog file read write exec