// Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab // Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA - Pierre MARECHAL // // This file is released under the 3-clause BSD license. See COPYING-BSD. // Parameters // ========================================================================= page_w = 970; // Page width page_h = 600; // Page height margin_x = 15; // Horizontal margin between each elements margin_y = 15; // Vertical margin between each elements defaultfont = "arial"; // Default Font axes_w = page_w + margin_x; // Axes width axes_h = page_h + margin_y; // Axes height // Figure creation // ========================================================================= my_test_fig = figure(99999); my_test_fig.background = -2; my_test_fig.figure_position = [0 0]; my_test_fig.axes_size = [axes_w axes_h]; my_test_fig.figure_name = "SciView"; // Label // ========================================================================= str = ""; str = str + "<html>"; str = str + "<img src=""file:///"+SCI+"/modules/gui/demos/test.png"" />"; str = str + "</html>"; my_text = uicontrol( ... "parent" , my_test_fig,... "style" , "text",... "string" , str,... "units" , "pixels",... "position" , [ margin_x margin_y page_w page_h ],... "background" , [1 1 1], ... "tag" , "my_text" ... );