// Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab // Copyright (C) INRIA // This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL. // This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which // you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms // are also available at // http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2.1-en.txt function paramfplot2d(f,x,theta,flag,rect) //animated plot of x-->f(x,t) for t=theta(1),theta(2),etc //x=N-vector of x-values //f(x,t)=N-vector of y-values. //f: mapping x,t -> f(x,t) = R^N valued function for x= vector of R^N and t=real number. //f can be a either Scilab function or a dynamically linked routine since // y=f(x,t) is evaluated as y=feval(x(:),t,f). See feval. // Here y should be a column vector. // vector of parameters theta=[theta(1), theta(2),... theta(M)] // Optional parameters //flag = 'yes' (screen is cleared between two consecutive plots). //flag = 'no' (screen is not cleared between two consecutive plots). // //rect = "rectangle" [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] (1 x 4 real vector), // containing a-priori lower and upper bounds for x and f(t,x). //function y=f(x,t),y=abs(cos(1.5*x+4*t)).*sin(x+10*t),endfunction //x=linspace(0,20*%pi,500);theta=0:0.05:5; [lhs,rhs]=argn(0) if ~rhs then deff("y=f(x,t)","y=t*sin(x)") x=linspace(0,2*%pi,50);theta=0:0.05:1; clf; paramfplot2d(f,x,theta); return; end if rhs<3 then error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): At least %d expected.\n"), "paramfplot2d", 3)); end x=x(:); theta=theta(:).'; // it should be a row-vector if rhs<5 then //compute the data bounds xmin=min(x);xmax=max(x); ymin=%inf;ymax=-%inf; for t=theta y=f(x,t); ymin=min(ymin,min(y)); ymax=max(ymax,max(y)); end rect=[xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]; end if rhs<4 then flag="no";end realtimeinit(0.1); clf(); fig=gcf(); a=gca(); a.data_bounds=matrix(rect,2,2); a.axes_visible="on"; y=feval(x,theta(1),f); xpoly(x,y(:));p=gce(); //the polyline handle realtime(0); if flag=="no" then drawlater(); for k=1:size(theta,"*") realtime(k); y=feval(x,theta(k),f); p.data(:,2)=y(:); drawnow(); end else drawlater(); for k=1:size(theta,"*") realtime(k); plot2d(x,feval(x,theta(k),f)) drawnow(); end end endfunction