パラメータstr文字列.flagオプション. 1を指定すると冗長モード.説明
(setおよび get関数
This function is used to get values from the graphics context on the
topic specified by the string str. When called with no
argument, a choice menu is created showing the current values and changes
can be performed through toggle buttons.
str = xget("auto clear")
Get the auto clear status ("on" or
color = xget("background")
Get the background color of the current
Axes object. The result is a colormap
index corresponding to the color.
rect = xget("clipping")
Get the clipping zone as a rectangle rect =
(Upper-Left point, Width, Height).
c = xget("color")
Get the default color for filling, line or text drawing
functions. c is an integer projected
in the interval [0,whiteid]. 0 stands
for black filling and whiteid for
white. The value of whiteid can be
obtained with xget("white").
cmap = xget("colormap")
Get the colormap used for the current graphics window as
a m x 3 RGB matrix.
dash = xget("dashes")
Get the dash style dash = [dash_number]
where dash_number is the id of the
This keyword is obsolete, please use
xget("color") or
xget("line style") instead.
font = xget("font")
Get font = [fontid, fontsize], the
default font and the default value of font size.
fontsize = xget("font size")Get the default value of font size.color = xget("foreground")
Get the foreground color of the current
Axes object. The result is a colormap index corresponding to the color.
str = xget("fpf")
Get the floating point format for number display in
contour functions. Note that str is "" when default format is used.
color = xget("hidden3d")
Get the color number for hidden faces in plot3d.
pat = xget("lastpattern")
Get the id of the last available pattern or color, with
the current colormap of the current window. In fact
pat+1 and pat+2
are also available and stand respectively for black and
white pattern.
type = xget("line mode")
Get the line drawing mode. type = 1
is absolute mode and type = 0 is
relative mode.
The mode type = 0 has bugs.
xget("line style")
Get the default line style (1 for solid line, >1 for
dashed lines).
mark = xget("mark")
Get the default mark id and the default mark size.
mark=[markid, marksize].
marksize = xget("mark size")Get the default mark size.pat = xget("pattern")
Get the current pattern or the current color.
pat is an integer in the range
[1, last]. When one uses black and
white, 0 is used for black filling and
last for white. The value of
last can be obtained with
value = xget("thickness")
Get the thickness of lines in pixel (0 and 1 have the same meaning: 1 pixel thick).
flag = xget("use color")
Get the flag 0 (use black and white) or 1 (use colors).
See xset.
[x, y] = xget("viewport")
Get the current position of the visible part of graphics
in the panner.
dim = xget("wdim")
Get the width and the height of the current graphics
window dim = [width, height].
win = xget("window")
Get the current window number win.
pos = xget("wpos")
Get the position of the upper left point of the graphics
window pos = [x, y].
"alufunction" プロパティはもはやサポートされておらず,
このプロパティは Scilab 5.0.1の描画では使用されいません.