xsegs draw unconnected segments Calling Sequence xsegs(xv, yv, [style]) xsegs(xv, yv, zv,[style]) Arguments xv, yv, zv matrices of the same size. If zv is not specified, a zero vector is used. style vector or scalar. If style is a positive scalar, it gives the color to use for all segments. If style is a negative scalar, then current color is used. If style is a vector, then style(i) gives the color to use for segment i. Description xsegs draws a set of unconnected segments given by xv, yv and zv. If xv, yv and zv are matrices they are considered as vectors by concatenating their columns. The coordinates of the two points defining a segment are given by two consecutive values of xv, yv and zv: (xv(i),yv(i),zv(i))-->(xv(i+1),yv(i+1),zv(i+1)). For instance, using matrices of size (2,n), the segments can be defined by: and the segments are (xi_k,yi_k,zi_k)-->(xf_k,yf_k,zf_k). Examples x=2*%pi*(0:9)/10; xv=[sin(x);9*sin(x)]; yv=[cos(x);9*cos(x)]; plot2d([-10,10],[-10,10],[-1,-1],"022") xsegs(xv,yv,1:10) plot2d([-10,10],[-10,10],[-1,-1],"022") xsegs([9, -9],[9 , -9]) // Draw the line from X(9,9) to Y(-9, -9) xsegs([5, -2],[4 , -1]) // Draw the line from X(5,4) to Y(-2, -1) a=gca(); a.view="3d"; f=gcf(); f.color_map=rainbowcolormap(120); alpha=2*%pi*(0:119)/40; xv=[sin(alpha)/2;sin(alpha)/3]; yv=[cos(alpha)/2;cos(alpha)/3]; zv=[alpha/8;alpha/8]; xsegs(xv,yv,zv,1:120); a.data_bounds = [min(xv) min(yv) min(zv); ... max(xv) max(yv) max(zv)]; e = gce(); e.arrow_size = 0.4;