// Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab // Copyright (C) 2013 - Pedro SOUZA // // This file is released under the 3-clause BSD license. See COPYING-BSD. function demo_rot_light() my_handle = scf(100001); clf(my_handle, "reset"); demo_viewCode("rot_plot3d.dem.sce"); // DEMO START my_plot_desc = "Rotating light"; my_handle.figure_name = my_plot_desc; plot3d; l=light(); s=gce(); a=gca(); for i=1:360 sleep(5); if (is_handle_valid(a)) then a.rotation_angles = [70 i]; else break end end // DEMO END endfunction demo_rot_light(); clear demo_rot_light;