In fact, I haven't written information about the command fec fec is used to plot contour level of a function defined on a mesh constituted of triangles and assuming that f is linear on triangles The best way to undersantd how it works is to look at the two demo files in demos/fec ( and source code for fec in routines/graphics/Fec ) =================================================================== fec.ex1 is a simple demo file in which a mesh and a function on that mesh is completely built in Scilab syntax Fec is used as folows : let no be the number of nodes and Ntr the number of traiangles fec(x,y,triangles,func,no,Ntr,strflag,legend,brect,aaint) x and y are two vectors of size no (x(i),y(i)) gives the coordinates of node i func is also a vector of size no : func(i) gives the value of the function for which we want the level curves. trianles : is a [Ntr,5] matrix each line of triangles specifies a triangle of the mesh triangle(j) = [number,node1,node2,node3,flag] node1,node2,node3 : are the number of the nodes which constitues triangle(j) number : is the number of the triangle flag is an integer not used in the fec function for the remaining arguments strflag,legend,brect,aint : see plot2d =================================================================== fec.ex2 is an example for which the mesh and the function value where computed by an external `mesh builder (amdba type mesh) and external program A set of macros ( provided in file fec_demos.sci) were used to read the to data files in Scilab and plot the results