// Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab // Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA - Pierre MARECHAL // Copyright (C) 2012 - DIGITEO - Allan CORNET // // This file is released under the 3-clause BSD license. See COPYING-BSD. function bike_demo1() thispath = get_absolute_file_path("bike1.dem.sce"); exec(thispath + "macros/bike_show.sci"); exec(thispath + "macros/velod.sci"); exec(thispath + "macros/velodp.sci"); exec(thispath + "macros/velo2.sci"); x = read(thispath + "data/x1.dat",46,368,"(e10.4)"); my_handle = scf(100001); clf(my_handle, "reset"); bike_show(x(:,300:368), 1, 1, velo4p); endfunction bike_demo1(); clear bike_demo1;