/* Generated by GIWS (version 2.0.2) */ /* This is generated code. This software is a computer program whose purpose is to hide the complexity of accessing Java objects/methods from C++ code. This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL "http://www.cecill.info". As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited liability. In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions as regards security. The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. */ #include "GiwsException.hxx" namespace GiwsException { /** * Each subclass of JniExcpetion should call the super constructor * and the setErrorMessage function to set the message. * @param curEnv java envirnonment where the exception occurred. */ JniException::JniException(JNIEnv * curEnv) throw() : exception() { // retrieve information about the exception javaException = curEnv->ExceptionOccurred(); /* Clear the Java Exception to avoid calling it again & again */ curEnv->ExceptionClear(); m_oJavaMessage = this->retrieveExceptionMessage(curEnv); m_oJavaStackTrace = this->retrieveStackTrace(curEnv); m_oJavaExceptionName = this->retrieveExceptionName(curEnv); // by default JniExceptions display teh stack trace setErrorMessage(m_oJavaMessage + "\n" + m_oJavaStackTrace); curEnv->DeleteLocalRef(javaException); closeException(curEnv); } JniException::~JniException(void) throw() { m_oErrorMessage.clear(); } /** * @return a description of the exception * @deprecated This function could lead to side effect error. Please use whatStr */ const char * JniException::what(void) const throw() { return m_oErrorMessage.c_str(); } /** * @return a description of the exception */ std::string JniException::whatStr(void) const throw() { return m_oErrorMessage; } /** * @return Java description of the exception. */ std::string JniException::getJavaDescription(void) const throw() { return m_oJavaMessage; } /** * @return Java stack trace where the exception occurred. */ std::string JniException::getJavaStackTrace(void) const throw() { return m_oJavaStackTrace; } /** * Get the name of the exception (ie its class name). */ std::string JniException::getJavaExceptionName(void) const throw() { return m_oJavaExceptionName; } /** * Set the error message that the exception should print. */ void JniException::setErrorMessage(const std::string & errorMessage) { m_oErrorMessage = errorMessage; } /** * Get the message that the exception will print. */ std::string JniException::getErrorMessage(void) const { return m_oErrorMessage; } /** * @return error message of the exception. */ std::string JniException::retrieveExceptionMessage(JNIEnv * curEnv) { // return the result of the getLocalizedMessage method // retrieve information from the exception. // get method id jmethodID getLocalizedMessageId = curEnv->GetMethodID(curEnv->GetObjectClass(javaException), "getLocalizedMessage", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); // call getLocalizedMessage jstring description = (jstring) curEnv->CallObjectMethod(javaException, getLocalizedMessageId); if (description == NULL) { return ""; } std::string res = convertJavaString(curEnv, description); // release java resources curEnv->DeleteLocalRef(description); return res; } /** * @return full stack trace when the exception occurred. */ std::string JniException::retrieveStackTrace(JNIEnv * curEnv) { // return the result of the getStackTrace method // retrieve information from the exception. // get method id // getStackTrace returns an array of StackTraceElement jmethodID getStackTraceId = curEnv->GetMethodID(curEnv->GetObjectClass(javaException), "getStackTrace", "()[Ljava/lang/StackTraceElement;"); // call getStackTrace jobjectArray stackTrace = (jobjectArray) curEnv->CallObjectMethod(javaException, getStackTraceId); if (stackTrace == NULL) { return ""; } // get length of the array jsize stackTraceLength = curEnv->GetArrayLength(stackTrace); std::string res = ""; // get toString methodId of StackTraceElement class jclass stackTraceElementClass = curEnv->FindClass("java/lang/StackTraceElement"); jmethodID toStringId = curEnv->GetMethodID(stackTraceElementClass, "toString", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); for (jsize i = 0; i < stackTraceLength; i++) { // add the result of toString method of each element in the result jobject curStackTraceElement = curEnv->GetObjectArrayElement(stackTrace, i); // call to string on the object jstring stackElementString = (jstring) curEnv->CallObjectMethod(curStackTraceElement, toStringId); if (stackElementString == NULL) { curEnv->DeleteLocalRef(stackTraceElementClass); curEnv->DeleteLocalRef(stackTrace); curEnv->DeleteLocalRef(curStackTraceElement); return res; } // add a line to res res += " at " + convertJavaString(curEnv, stackElementString) + "\n"; curEnv->DeleteLocalRef(curStackTraceElement); curEnv->DeleteLocalRef(stackElementString); } // release java resources curEnv->DeleteLocalRef(stackTraceElementClass); curEnv->DeleteLocalRef(stackTrace); return res; } /** * @return string containing the name of the exception (ie its class name). */ std::string JniException::retrieveExceptionName(JNIEnv * curEnv) { // then get its class jclass exceptionClass = curEnv->GetObjectClass(javaException); // get the Class class // we could also use curEnv->FindClass("Class"); jclass classClass = curEnv->GetObjectClass(exceptionClass); // get the getName method jmethodID getNameId = curEnv->GetMethodID(classClass, "getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); // call the getName function jstring javaName = (jstring) curEnv->CallObjectMethod(exceptionClass, getNameId); if (javaName == NULL) { return ""; } std::string res = convertJavaString(curEnv, javaName); // release java resources curEnv->DeleteLocalRef(exceptionClass); curEnv->DeleteLocalRef(classClass); curEnv->DeleteLocalRef(javaName); return res; } /** * To be called when all the information about the exceptions have been * retrived. * Remove the exception from the environment. */ void JniException::closeException(JNIEnv * curEnv) { // remove the exception from the environment // Beware, the exception is no longer reachable curEnv->ExceptionClear(); } /** * Convert a Java string (jstring) into a C++ string */ std::string JniException::convertJavaString(JNIEnv * curEnv, jstring javaString) { // get a pointer on a C string const char * tempString = curEnv->GetStringUTFChars(javaString, 0); // convert the C string into a C++ string std::string res(tempString); // release pointer curEnv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(javaString, tempString); return res; } /** * Exception that should be thrown when allocation of Java resources from C++ * code fails (sur as NewDoubleArray or NewStringUTF). */ JniBadAllocException::JniBadAllocException(JNIEnv * curEnv) throw() : JniException() { std::string message = "Error no more memory."; setErrorMessage(message); } JniBadAllocException::~JniBadAllocException(void) throw() {} /** * Exception that should be thrown when a call to a Java method * using Jni throw an exception. * If possible, user should try to avoid this sitution because of the loss * of information. */ /** * @param curEnv java environment where the exception occurred. */ JniCallMethodException::JniCallMethodException(JNIEnv * curEnv) throw() : JniException(curEnv) { std::string errorMessage = "Exception when calling Java method : "; errorMessage += getJavaDescription() + "\n" + getJavaStackTrace(); errorMessage += what(); setErrorMessage(errorMessage); } JniCallMethodException::~JniCallMethodException(void) throw() {} /** * @param className name of the class which haven't been found */ JniClassNotFoundException::JniClassNotFoundException(JNIEnv * curEnv, const std::string & className) throw() : JniException(curEnv) { std::string errorMessage = "Could not get the Class " + className + "."; setErrorMessage(errorMessage); } JniClassNotFoundException::~JniClassNotFoundException(void) throw() {} /** * @param className name of the method which haven't been found */ JniMethodNotFoundException::JniMethodNotFoundException(JNIEnv * curEnv, const std::string & methodName) throw() : JniException(curEnv) { std::string errorMessage = "Could not access to the method " + methodName + "."; setErrorMessage(errorMessage); } JniMethodNotFoundException::~JniMethodNotFoundException(void) throw() {} /** * @param curEnv java envirnonment where the exception occurred. */ JniObjectCreationException::JniObjectCreationException(JNIEnv * curEnv, const std::string & className) throw() : JniException(curEnv) { std::string errorMessage = "Could not instantiate the object " + className + "."; setErrorMessage(errorMessage); } JniObjectCreationException::~JniObjectCreationException(void) throw() {} /** * @param curEnv java envirnonment where the exception occurred. */ JniMonitorException::JniMonitorException(JNIEnv * curEnv, const std::string & className) throw() : JniException(curEnv) { std::string errorMessage = "Error in the access (Enter or exit) or a Java env monitor of class " + className + "."; setErrorMessage(errorMessage); } JniMonitorException::~JniMonitorException(void) throw() {} }