// Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab // Copyright (C) INRIA - // // This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL. // This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which // you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms // are also available at // http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2.1-en.txt function F=stabil(A,B,alfa) // //returns F such that A+B*F is stable if (A,B) is stabilizable. //Assignable poles are set to alfa(1),alfa(2),... //If (A,B) is not stabilizable a warning is displayed //and assignable poles are set to alfa(1),alfa(2),... // Default value for alfa is -1. // //K=stabil(Sys,alfa,Beta) returns K, a compensentor for Sys //such that (A,B)-controllable eigenvalues are set to //alfa and (C,A)-observable eigenvalues are set to Beta. // All assignable closed loop poles (which are given by the //eigenvalues of Aclosed=h_cl(Sys,K) are set to alfa(i)'s //and Beta(j)'s. // //Example: // Sys=ssrand(2,2,5,list('st',2,3,3)); // A=Sys(2);B=Sys(3); F=stabil(A,B); // spec(A) //2 controllable modes 2 unstable uncontrollable modes // and one stable uncontrollable mode //spec(A+B*F) //the two controllable modes are set to -1. // [LHS,RHS]=argn(0) if typeof(A)~="state-space" then [ns,nc,U,sl]=st_ility(syslin("c",A,B,[])); [nx,nx]=size(A);[nn,nu]=size(B); if ns Stabilizing the stabilizable part.\n"),"stabil")); end if RHS==2 then alfa=-ones(1,nx); end if prod(size(alfa))==1 then alfa=alfa*ones(1,nx); end An=U'*A*U;Bn=U'*B; k=size(alfa,"*"); if k < nc then alfa=[alfa,-ones(1,nc-k)]; end F=-ppol(An(1:nc,1:nc),Bn(1:nc,:),alfa(1:nc)); F=[F,zeros(nu,nx-nc)]*U'; else //F=stabil(Sys,alfa,Beta); Sys=A;[A1,B1,C1,D1]=abcd(Sys); if RHS==1 then al=-1;be=-1;end if RHS==2 then al=B;be=-1;end if RHS==3 then al=B;be=alfa;end F=stabil(A1,B1,al); G=stabil(A1',C1',be);G=G'; F=obscont(Sys,F,G); end endfunction