// Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab // Copyright (C) INRIA - F. Delebecque // // This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL. // This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which // you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms // are also available at // http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2.1-en.txt function [Obs,U,m]=observer(Sys,flag,alfa) //Obs=observer for (observable part of) linear system Sys //Obs is a linear system with matrices [Ao,Bo,Identity]. //where Ao is no x no, Bo is no x (nu+ny) and Co is no x no //and no=nx-m; //input to Obs is [u,y] (assuming Sys: dotx=A x + Bu, y=Cx + Du) //output of Obs is: // xhat=estimate of x modulo unobservable subsp. (case 'pp') // or // xhat=estimate of x modulo unstable unobservable subsp. (case 'st') // //case flag='st': // z=H*x can be estimated with stable observer iff H*U(:,1:m) = 0 // assignable poles of the observer are set to alfa(1),alfa(2),... // //case flag='pp': // z=H*x can be estimated with given error spectrum iff H*U(:,1:m)=0 //all poles of the observer are assigned and set to alfa(1),alfa(2),... // //If H satifies the constraint: H*U(:,1:m)=0 (ker(H) contains unobs-subsp //of Sys) one has H*U=[0,H2] and the observer for // z=H*x is is H2*Obs with H2=H*U(:,m+1:nx) i.e. Co, the C-matrix of the // observer for H*x, is Co=H2. // //EXAMPLE: // nx=5;nu=1;ny=1;un=3;us=2;Sys=ssrand(ny,nu,nx,list('dt',us,us,un)); // nx=5 states, nu=1 input, ny=1 output, // un=3 unobservable states, us=2 of them unstable. // [Obs,U,m]=observer(Sys); Stable observer (default) // W=U';H=W(m+1:nx,:);[A,B,C,D]=abcd(Sys); //H*U=[0,eye(no,no)]; // Sys2=ss2tf(syslin('c',A,B,H)) //Transfer u-->z // Idu=eye(nu,nu);ss2tf(Obs*sysdiag(Idu,Sys)*[Idu;Idu]) // Transfer u-->[u;u]-->w=[u;y=Sys*u]-->Obs*w i.e. u-->output of Obs // this transfer must equal Sys2, the u-->z transfer (H2=eye). [LHS,RHS]=argn(0); if typeof(Sys)<>"state-space" then error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Linear state space expected.\n"),"observer",1)) end [nx,nx]=size(Sys.A); td=Sys.dt;x0=Sys.X0; if RHS<>2 then [m1,m2,U,sl2]=dt_ility(Sys);end if RHS==1 then flag="st";alfa=-ones(1,nx); end if RHS==2 then //poles are not given-->set to -ones alfa=-ones(1,nx); [A,B,C,D]=abcd(Sys); // J=flag; // F=A+J*C;G=[B+J*D,-J]; // Obs=syslin(td,A+J*C,[B+J*D,-J],eye(A));U=[];m=[];return; //Ao end if RHS==3 then if size(alfa,"*")==1 then alfa=alfa*ones(1,nx);end end select flag case "pp" m=m2; no=nx-m; alfa=alfa(1:no); [A,B,C,D]=abcd(sl2); Ao=A(m+1:nx,m+1:nx); Bo=B(m+1:nx,:); Co=C(:,m+1:nx); Do=D; J=-ppol(Ao',Co',alfa);J=J'; F=Ao+J*Co;G=[Bo+J*Do,-J]; Obs=syslin(td,F,G,eye(Ao)); return; case "st" m=m1; no=nx-m; alfa=alfa(1:no); [A,B,C,D]=abcd(sl2); Ao=A(m+1:nx,m+1:nx); Bo=B(m+1:nx,:); Co=C(:,m+1:nx); Do=D; J=stabil(Ao',Co',alfa);J=J'; F=Ao+J*Co;G=[Bo+J*Do,-J]; Obs=syslin(td,F,G,eye(Ao)); return; end endfunction