function [R,n,sval,rcnd]=findR(s,y,u,meth,alg,jobd,tol,printw)
    [nargout,nargin] = argn(0)
    //FINDR   Preprocesses the input-output data for estimating the matrices
    //of a linear time-invariant dynamical system, using Cholesky or
    //(fast) QR factorization and subspace identification techniques
    //(MOESP or N4SID), and estimates the system order.
    //[R,N] = FINDR(S,Y,U,METH,ALG,JOBD,TOL,PRINTW)  returns the processed
    //upper triangular factor  R  of the concatenated block-Hankel matrices
    //built from the input-output data, and the order  N  of a discrete-time
    //realization. The model structure is:
    //             x(k+1) = Ax(k) + Bu(k) + w(k),   k >= 1,
    //             y(k)   = Cx(k) + Du(k) + e(k).
    //The vectors y(k) and u(k) are transposes of the k-th rows of Y and U,
    //S is the number of block rows in the block-Hankel matrices.
    //METH is an option for the method to use:
    //METH = 1 :  MOESP method with past inputs and outputs;
    //     = 2 :  N4SID method.
    //Default:    METH = 1.
    //ALG is an option for the algorithm to compute the triangular factor of
    //the concatenated block-Hankel matrices built from the input-output data:
    //ALG = 1 :   Cholesky algorithm on the correlation matrix;
    //    = 2 :   fast QR algorithm;
    //    = 3 :   standard QR algorithm.
    //Default:    ALG = 1.
    //JOBD is an option to specify if the matrices B and D should later
    //be computed using the MOESP approach:
    //JOBD = 1 :  the matrices B and D should later be computed using
    //            the MOESP approach;
    //     = 2 :  the matrices B and D should not be computed using
    //            the MOESP approach.
    //Default:    JOBD = 2.
    //This parameter is not relevant for METH = 2.
    //TOL is a vector of length 2 containing tolerances:
    //TOL(1) is the tolerance for estimating the rank of matrices.
    //If  TOL(1) > 0,  the given value of  TOL(1)  is used as a
    //lower bound for the reciprocal condition number.
    //Default:    TOL(1) = prod(size(matrix))*epsilon_machine where
    //            epsilon_machine is the relative machine precision.
    //TOL(2) is the tolerance for estimating the system order.
    //If  TOL(2) >= 0,  the estimate is indicated by the index of
    //the last singular value greater than or equal to  TOL(2).
    //(Singular values less than  TOL(2) are considered as zero.)
    //When  TOL(2) = 0,  then  S*epsilon_machine*sval(1)  is used instead
    //TOL(2),  where  sval(1)  is the maximal singular value.
    //When  TOL(2) < 0,  the estimate is indicated by the index of the
    //singular value that has the largest logarithmic gap to its successor.
    //Default:    TOL(2) = -1.
    //PRINTW is a select for printing the warning messages.
    //PRINTW = 1: print warning messages;
    //       = 0: do not print warning messages.
    //Default:    PRINTW = 0.
    //the singular values SVAL, used for estimating the order, as well as,
    //if meth = 2, the vector RCND of length 2 containing the reciprocal
    //condition numbers of the matrices involved in rank decisions or least
    //squares solutions.
    //[R,N] = FINDR(S,Y)  assumes U = [] and default values for the
    //remaining input arguments.

    //        V. Sima 18-01-2000.
    //        Revisions:
    //        V. Sima, July 2000.

    nin = nargin;
    // Assumes one batch only.
    batch = 4;
    conct = 2;
    if nin<8 then
        printw = 0;
    if nin<7 then
        tol(1:2) = [0,-1]
    if nin<6 then jobd = 2; end
    if jobd==[] then jobd = 2,end

    if nin<5 then alg = 1;end
    if alg==[] then alg = 1;end

    if nin<4 then meth = 1;end
    if meth==[] then meth = 1;end
    if nin<3 then
        u = [];
    if meth==1 then
        [R,n,sval] = sorder(meth,alg,jobd,batch,conct,s,y,u,tol,printw);
        [R,n,sval,rcnd] = sorder(meth,alg,jobd,batch,conct,s,y,u,tol,printw);
    // end findR