@ECHO OFF SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS SET argC=0 SET bSimu=0 SET "argList=[" SET "cmd1=WScilex -e" FOR %%x IN (%*) DO Set /A argC+=1 IF %argC% EQU 0 ( START %cmd1% xcos EXIT /B ) FOR %%x IN (%*) DO ( IF %%x == -simulate ( SET bSimu=1 ) ELSE ( call :strcat %%x ) ) set "argList=%argList% ]" IF %argC% EQU 1 ( IF %bSimu% EQU 1 ( goto :Syntax ) ) IF %argC% GTR 2 ( IF %bSimu% == 1 ( echo Wrong Syntax: When -simulate is used, only one file must be provided EXIT /B 43 ) ) IF %bSimu% EQU 1 ( START %cmd1% "importXcosDiagram(%argList%);xcos_simulate(scs_m, 4);" ) ELSE ( START %cmd1% "xcos(%argList%)" ) EXIT /B :Syntax ECHO Start Xcos, the hybrid simulator ECHO Usage: ECHO xcos [ file1.xcos, [ file2.xcos ]] ECHO. ECHO Possible arguments are: ECHO -simulate : Start the simulation. Only one file will be accepted. EXIT /B :strcat set "argList=%argList% '%1', " goto :eof